Is it intended as a group discussion of psionicology, or is it a discussion of simulating disabilities through game mechanics?
Neither sadly. After posting a Wiki quote about EM fields and proposing that psionics is an ability to manipulate EM fields mentally, Bjjones posted a list of 1D12 results for a new stat he called "Perception". He then tied that stat to both disabilities and psionic ability. The problem was that the 1D12 results produced too many disabilities and too little psionics.
A 1D12 roll of one, for example, meant the character was missing 2 senses; hearing, sight, taste, smell, or touch. A roll of two meant they were "only" missing 1 sense. A roll of three meant they had significant deficits to 2 senses and a roll of four meant "only" 1 sense had deficits.
A roll of five meant the character was ""not fully aware of surroundings", that is retarded in some manner, and a roll of six meant they were "insensitive to others", that is autistic in some manner.
Characters only became normal - not average, mind you, but normal - when a 7 or more was rolled. Above seven, a character became more and more empathetic until at 12 they had psionic potential.
This was on a 1D12, not the 2D6 I had first assumed, so Bjjones' chart had
half of a given population crippled, retarded, or autistic in some manner while only
~8% had any psionic potential. Bjjones himself is autistic which may be why he perceives the world that way. When all you know is hammers, everything looks like a nail.
After crippling half the population and tossing out possible deficits like anosmia, ageusia, and hypoesthesia, Bjjones then didn't suggest any play mechanics to model any of the handicaps or deficits he was imposing. You rolled on the table, maybe lost one or two of your senses, maybe received a mental deficiency, and then didn't receive any advice or mechanics on how to play that deaf, dumb, blind, or retarded character.