Percept The ability to perceive factors in one's environment, whether it is a physical sense, emotional sense, or psionic sense.
1-2: Disability 3-6: Physical 7-10: Empathic 11-12: Psionic Potential
Percept:1 Severe Disability - loss of two or more Physical senses
Percept:2 Disability -loss of one physical sense
Percept:3 Physical sense interfered with - colorblind, tonedeaf
Percept:4 Some reduced sensitivity of one or more physical senses - tinitus
Percept:5 Physical senses intact but input not fully processed
Percept:6 Generally aware of the environment, but insensitive to others
Percept:7 Aware of environment and generally aware of emotional tension
Percept:8 Heightened awareness of environment, able anticipate physical and emotional factors
Percept:9 Great situational awareness, Able to connect with others outside his language and culture
Percept:10 Able to connect with creatues outside of his species. (This goes beyond pet-owner association.
Bonding that allows them to function as a team in life and death situations)
Percept:11 Preternatural awareness, keen senses and strong neural connections enable one to be aware of what others are thinking and feeling. (Not quite mindreading)
Percept:12 Psionic candidate
Assumption that psionic abilities are able to perceive and interpret the small electromagnetic fields generated by the human body and other sources.
Also that certain individual may be able to amplify certain wavelengths neurally at the quantum level to influence the physical environment.
Potential energy is contained at a quantum level that PSI sensitives are able to detect and, with training, manipulate or trigger.
"Through the work of Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie, Arthur Compton, Niels Bohr and many others, current scientific
theory holds that all particles also have a wave nature (and vice versa).[2] This phenomenon has been verified not only for elementary
particles, but also for compound particles like atoms and even molecules. For macroscopic particles, because of their extremely short
wavelengths, wave properties usually cannot be detected."
Except by a Psi sensitive
The basis for Percept is both the level of sensitivity of the sensory nerves and organs, and the neural connections in the spinal cord
and brain which carry and process the analog information they detect.