Back to percept, the one thing that is lacking is the chance of someone using the percept scale.
Characteristics like these should follow a normal distribution, with the bulk of the population being considered 'normal' and it is only when you get to the extremes of the distribution that these conditions begin to manifest.
This is how I would do it, which rolls a couple of your into one rating and allows for characteristic reduction or augmentation during generation:
Percept:0 Severe Disability - complete loss of two senses
Percept:1 Disability - partial loss of two or more senses or total loss of one
Percept:2 Disability - partial loss of one physical sense
Percept:3 Physical sense interfered with - colorblind, tonedeaf
Percept:4 Some reduced sensitivity of one or more physical senses - tinitus
Percept:10 Heightened awareness of environment, able anticipate physical and emotional. Great situational awareness, Able to connect with others outside his language and culture
Percept:11 Able to connect with creatures outside of his species. (This goes beyond pet owner association. Bonding that allows them to function as a team in life and death situations)
Percept:12 Preternatural awareness, keen senses and strong neural connections enable one to be aware of what others are thinking and feeling. (Not quite mindreading)
Percept:13 Psionic candidate
Looks great to me. I always thought that certain skills, like tracking, animal handling, diplomat, liaison, flyer (fighter), and recon would be great with a Percept DM.