Heres some rules I whiped up for lasers and high energy weapons, the results of which can be found on both my website and from Lord Rhys' most excellent Traveller Weapon PDFs. I was going to send them in for suggestions for the millitary weapons TA, but that has fallen on the back burner for now.
I present to you, the Commander's mini Traveller Technical Architecture for T20. Chapter "X" , energy weapons.
This is a work in progress, so if you end up with strangeness or wierdness or WoMD that would make Ditzie giggle with demented glee, remeber you have been warned...
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Energy Weapon Enhancements for T20
Laser Modifications.
To create a new weapon with these modifications,
take one of the weapons from the core T20 book
(Pistol, Carbine or Rifle) and multiply mass and
cost by the factors indicated. All of these
modifyers do stack, so if you wanted a
Hyper-Pulse-Advanced-Gamma-Ray-Laser-Rifle you can
do it, just be aware how big and expensive such a
WoMD would be!
Rapid Pulse Lasers (Increased RoF)
RoF Mass Cost
1/3 x1.25 x2
1/4 x1.5 x3
1/4/10 x2 x5
1/4/10/20 x5 x10
A laser SMG, capable of shooting a 4 round burst.
Take the stats for a Laser Pistol and multiply
mass by 1.5 and cost by 3.
Laser Pistol-12 : 1200g 1000cr
Mods: x1.5 x3
Laser SMG-12: 1800g 3000cr
The new weapon has all the same stats of the
Pistol with regards to range, damage, etc... but
now has a new RoF of 1/4.
With increasing technology laser weapons can get
smaller, eventualy eliminating the bulky
backpacks and cumbersome power cords of lower
tech lasers. At TL13 the "Improved" laser
becomes available, using internal power clips.
At TL15 the power systems and optics get even
smaler producing the "Advanced" laser.
(Stats for Advanced lasers can be found from
Lord Rhys' excellent Traveller Weapon PDFs.)
TL13 Improved Lasers
Mass x0.9, Cost x1.5 Ammo Mass x0.5, Ammo Cost x1.5
TL15 Advanced Lasers
Mass x0.75, Cost x2 Ammo Mass x0.333, Ammo Cost x2
We want to make the Laser SMG an Advanced laser,
removing the bulky power pack and cord. We take
the Laser SMG made above and modify it further:
Laser SMG-12: 1800g 3000cr
TL15 Advanced: x0.75 x2
Laser SMG-15: 1350g 6000cr
Ammo Pack-12, 25 shots: 500g 100cr
TL15 Advanced: x0.333 x2
Ammo Pack-15, 25 shots: 166.5g 200cr
High Energy Lasers (Armour Penetrating)
At TL13 X-Ray lasers are developed. These weapons
treat armour as being only 1/2 the AR for the
purposes of penetration. (AC is not affected).
At tL16 Gamma-Ray lasers are introduced.
AR is quartered against these weapons.
Mass, cost and ammo are all multiplied by the
factor given per TL.
X-Ray Laser (1/2AR)
TL Mod
13 x2
14 x1.75
15 x1.5
16 x1.25
17+ x1.0 (assume all TL17 Lasers are X-Ray types)
Gamma-Ray Laser (1/4AR)
TL Mod
16 x2.5
17 x2.0
18 x1.5
19+ x1.0 (assume all TL19 Lasers are Gamma-Ray types)
Lets say we want to give more punch to our Laser
SMG and give it X-Ray optics, which we can do at TL15.
Laser SMG-15: 1350g 6000cr
X-Ray TL15: x1.5 x1.5
X-Ray Laser SMG-15: 2kg 9000cr
Ammo Pack-15: 166.5g 200cr
X-Ray TL15: x1.5 x1.5
X-Ray Ammo Pack-15: 250g 300cr
So our new toy, the X-Ray Laser SMG-15 has a mass
of 2kg, and costs 9000cr. An ammo clip for the
weapon is 250g and costs 300cr and provides 25
shots. The weapon has a RoF of 1/4, a range of
36m, and does 2d10(x2) damage.
Armour AR is only half as effective vs. this type of laser.
High Energy Weapon Modifications
Pulse Plasma/Fusion weapons.
You can increase the RoF of these already
devistating weapons by increasing the TL of the
original model by 1 and using the multiplyers to
mass and cost in the table below.
RoF Mass Cost Term
1/3 x2 x1.5 Pulse Weapon
1/4 x4 x2 Rapid Pulse Weapon
1/4/10 x8 x5 Very Rapid Pulse Weapon
Example: To create the PPGMP-15 (Pulse Plasma Gun,
Man Portible), Take the stats from the PGMP-14
and multiply the mass by 2 and cost by 1.5
PGMP-14 has a mass of 9kg/50g, x2 is 18kg or 100g with the grav comps active
The cost would go up from 300,000cr to 450,000cr
The new toy would have all the other stats of a
PGMP-14 with regards to damage and range, but it
will also have an improved rate of fire (RoF 1/3). </pre>[/QUOTE]