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Persoanl and Vehicle weapons

anyone recommend a good spreadsheet(s) for the creation of personal and vehicle weapons which produces stats close to the T20 stuff.

My players want to get into custom designing some weapons for their vehicles and I am looking for a shortcut

I know these rules existed in previous versions but, all my old traveller books got lost in my innumerable moves (probably the one where the movers stole half my gear :mad: ) and T20 is my return to traveller after a long break.

Thanks missed those and they will help a lot - but I was after something to build ther actual weapons themselves - I recall seeing rules to build personal and vehicle wepons from scratch.
Not knowing your personal knowledge of Traveller products . . . I expound . . .

Remember, TNE is a very different systems from T20. Very different. I have no idea what T4 mechanics are, but I get the impression from critical reviews that it was, interesting (though FFS2 seems to get high marks for mechanics, but low marks for presentation). Note: These T4 remarks of mine are third-hand reporting of other people's opinions I've read.
I was wondering if there was something being used that I had missed seeing - looking at the list of new weapons in Against Gravity it would suggest so.
There is no T20 weapon design system. When I first started to write TA6, I asked Hunter what was used to create the weapons in the T20 book and the vague answer I got I interpreted as "Make up numbers that look about right". So I used the Striker weapon design sequence, then applied an inconsistent set of conversion formula to get the final numbers in TA6.

I suspect there never will be one either. There are enough books of D20 personal weapons that any system will fall short. If you want suggestions, ask and I can give you some.

The Starship design system is not really amendable to having a broad range of weapons available. And Traveller doesn't have a broad range of weapon types.

If your players are really sceaming about wanting a new toy, post me a message and I'll see what I can come up with.
Thanks - I was mucking around earlier and came up with a design system based around Range and USP that gave me close to the figures in the T20 book for ship weapons and allowed for some consistency - even created a battery USP calculator.

Unfortunately I don't have time right now to do the maths for vehicles :( and it sounds as if there may not be a consistant answer anyway
As far as personal weapon design goes I quote the following from the TML:

This was in response to me posting "Lifeblood is the great equalizer in T20. There's not a lot of difference between a IMPMAR and a thin acrobat once the bullets start flying."

eclipse - "As I explained how lifeblood worked to someone, your lifeblood score is based on 3d6. A shotgun does 3d6 worth of damage. There is a beautiful symmetry there. :)"

MJD's response was "Oh yes. That was one of the ballpark concepts - on average, a shotgun hit at point blank range will kill you outright."

Everything else follows from this simple but deadly concept. ^_^ :eek:

As always YMMV & HTH.
Originally posted by tjoneslo:
There is no T20 weapon design system. When I first started to write TA6, I asked Hunter what was used to create the weapons in the T20 book and the vague answer I got I interpreted as "Make up numbers that look about right". So I used the Striker weapon design sequence, then applied an inconsistent set of conversion formula to get the final numbers in TA6.
Pretty much sums it up ;)

I looked at what (few) d20 products were available that had modern and future weapons, and cribbed extensively from various CT resources that seemed to work about right. Mostly the damages and ranges are derived from CT sources and coverted into values applicable to a d20 based system rather than 2d6 based.

If someone can come up with a reasonable (ie: in NO WAY resembles FF&S and doesn't require anything more than a BASIC calculator at most...) weapon design system that comes close to designing weapons compatible with T20 I would consider 'canonizing' it for T20, and use it for future product development.

I suspect there never will be one either. There are enough books of D20 personal weapons that any system will fall short. If you want suggestions, ask and I can give you some.
See my note above, but yes what you mention here was part of the problem. I also really didn't have time to design a weapon design system on top of the starships, vehicles, computers, worlds, etc...

Isn't there a system already in place?

If you look at the reference in vehicle design: appendages there is a statement about making multiple weapons fit in the same mount and how that interacts. It is what I have been using for my players.

In simple terms double the weight and cost of both weapon and ammo and you get an extra dice of damage. Have a weapon 6 times the size, weight and cost and you can have 5 extra dice of damage.

Suddenly every weapon on page 200 has multiple variants.

Masterwork (Double cost, +1 to hit)
Heavy (Double weight size and cost, extra dice of damage)
Very heavy (triple weight size and cost, extra two dice of damage)
Gatling (X barrels, adds X-1 dice of damage, weight size and cost are X times base)

As an example a modern hunting rifle
A .22 is what is listed.
A 30-06 is a "heavy" variant
A Barret is a very heavy (or more) variant
It is the same weapon, just scaled to different sizes.

While this system is unrealistic to some extent, and requires some GM moderation (Gatling body pistols make very little sense for example) it has the advantage of speed and simplicity, two of my favorite traits when gaming.
Yep, that's what I been playing with too, simple and functional. I'm also trying to work backwards the other way. Light duty/loads, cheap manufacture, and such. Same principles.
Originally posted by hunter:
If someone can come up with a reasonable (ie: in NO WAY resembles FF&S and doesn't require anything more than a BASIC calculator at most...) weapon design system that comes close to designing weapons compatible with T20 I would consider 'canonizing' it for T20, and use it for future product development.
If you are serious about this, I could whip something up. I'd probably start with the D20 Mecha SRD with a few extra steps to get the hardware number bits.

The problem I encounted was any new weapon system would produce numbers (size, cost, energy requirements, etc) which were different from the weapons given in the book. This was one of my more frustrating limitations on the TA6 weapons.
How about this ?

CPR Design System

Basically, using the tables below you :

Select a bore (mm) and barrel type and then calculate the following :

Vol = Base V x ((Bore - 40)xBore Vol Mod ) x Bore Threshold Vol Mod

Cost = Base Cost x Type Cost Mod x ((Bore - 40)xBore Cost Mod ) x Bore Threshold Cost Mod

Range = Base Range x Type Range Mod x ((Bore - 40)xBore Range Mod ) x TL Range Mod

Ammo Vol = Base Ammo Vol x ((Bore - 40)xBore Ammo Vol Mod )

ROF = Bore ROF

Damage = Bore # Damage Die @ Warhead damage die

Area of Efect = from Warhead

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Min Vol 40 Max Vol ???

Type Range Mod Cost Mod
Smooth 0.6 0.8
Rifled 1 1
Mortar 0.25 0.4

Base Bore Mod
Cost 12 Cost .8
Vol 160 Vol 13
Range 400 Range 10
Ammo V 3.3 Ammo V .3

Bore ROF Bore Thresholds
40 1 Bore Cost Vol
60 1:2 40 1 1
90 1:3 65 1 1
120 1:5 90 1.25 1.25
150 1:10 150 1.8 2
200 2.6 4

TL Range Mod
5 1
7 1.2
9 1.4
11 1.75
15 2
17 2.4

Bore Damage Die Warhead Die Type
40 1 HE D12
50 2 Nuc D20
60 3
70 4
80 5
90 6
100 7
150 10
200 15 </pre>[/QUOTE]Using this you get soemthing like this :

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
TL 5
Bore Cost Vol Range Ammo Vol
40 12 160 400 3.3
50 20 290 500 6.3
60 28 420 600 9.3
65 32 485 650 10.8
75 40 615 750 13.8
90 65 1012.5 900 18.3
120 95 1500 1200 27.3
150 180 3180 1500 36.3
180 223.2 3960 1800 45.3
210 384.8 9480 2100 54.3

Heres some rules I whiped up for lasers and high energy weapons, the results of which can be found on both my website and from Lord Rhys' most excellent Traveller Weapon PDFs. I was going to send them in for suggestions for the millitary weapons TA, but that has fallen on the back burner for now.

I present to you, the Commander's mini Traveller Technical Architecture for T20. Chapter "X" , energy weapons.

This is a work in progress, so if you end up with strangeness or wierdness or WoMD that would make Ditzie giggle with demented glee, remeber you have been warned...

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Energy Weapon Enhancements for T20

Laser Modifications.

To create a new weapon with these modifications,
take one of the weapons from the core T20 book
(Pistol, Carbine or Rifle) and multiply mass and
cost by the factors indicated. All of these
modifyers do stack, so if you wanted a
Hyper-Pulse-Advanced-Gamma-Ray-Laser-Rifle you can
do it, just be aware how big and expensive such a
WoMD would be!

Rapid Pulse Lasers (Increased RoF)

RoF Mass Cost
1/3 x1.25 x2
1/4 x1.5 x3
1/4/10 x2 x5
1/4/10/20 x5 x10

A laser SMG, capable of shooting a 4 round burst.
Take the stats for a Laser Pistol and multiply
mass by 1.5 and cost by 3.

Laser Pistol-12 : 1200g 1000cr
Mods: x1.5 x3
Laser SMG-12: 1800g 3000cr
The new weapon has all the same stats of the
Pistol with regards to range, damage, etc... but
now has a new RoF of 1/4.

With increasing technology laser weapons can get
smaller, eventualy eliminating the bulky
backpacks and cumbersome power cords of lower
tech lasers. At TL13 the "Improved" laser
becomes available, using internal power clips.
At TL15 the power systems and optics get even
smaler producing the "Advanced" laser.
(Stats for Advanced lasers can be found from
Lord Rhys' excellent Traveller Weapon PDFs.)

TL13 Improved Lasers
Mass x0.9, Cost x1.5 Ammo Mass x0.5, Ammo Cost x1.5

TL15 Advanced Lasers
Mass x0.75, Cost x2 Ammo Mass x0.333, Ammo Cost x2

We want to make the Laser SMG an Advanced laser,
removing the bulky power pack and cord. We take
the Laser SMG made above and modify it further:

Laser SMG-12: 1800g 3000cr
TL15 Advanced: x0.75 x2
Laser SMG-15: 1350g 6000cr

Ammo Pack-12, 25 shots: 500g 100cr
TL15 Advanced: x0.333 x2
Ammo Pack-15, 25 shots: 166.5g 200cr

High Energy Lasers (Armour Penetrating)
At TL13 X-Ray lasers are developed. These weapons
treat armour as being only 1/2 the AR for the
purposes of penetration. (AC is not affected).
At tL16 Gamma-Ray lasers are introduced.
AR is quartered against these weapons.
Mass, cost and ammo are all multiplied by the
factor given per TL.

X-Ray Laser (1/2AR)
TL Mod
13 x2
14 x1.75
15 x1.5
16 x1.25
17+ x1.0 (assume all TL17 Lasers are X-Ray types)

Gamma-Ray Laser (1/4AR)
TL Mod
16 x2.5
17 x2.0
18 x1.5
19+ x1.0 (assume all TL19 Lasers are Gamma-Ray types)

Lets say we want to give more punch to our Laser
SMG and give it X-Ray optics, which we can do at TL15.

Laser SMG-15: 1350g 6000cr
X-Ray TL15: x1.5 x1.5
X-Ray Laser SMG-15: 2kg 9000cr

Ammo Pack-15: 166.5g 200cr
X-Ray TL15: x1.5 x1.5
X-Ray Ammo Pack-15: 250g 300cr

So our new toy, the X-Ray Laser SMG-15 has a mass
of 2kg, and costs 9000cr. An ammo clip for the
weapon is 250g and costs 300cr and provides 25
shots. The weapon has a RoF of 1/4, a range of
36m, and does 2d10(x2) damage.
Armour AR is only half as effective vs. this type of laser.

High Energy Weapon Modifications

Pulse Plasma/Fusion weapons.
You can increase the RoF of these already
devistating weapons by increasing the TL of the
original model by 1 and using the multiplyers to
mass and cost in the table below.

RoF Mass Cost Term
1/3 x2 x1.5 Pulse Weapon
1/4 x4 x2 Rapid Pulse Weapon
1/4/10 x8 x5 Very Rapid Pulse Weapon

Example: To create the PPGMP-15 (Pulse Plasma Gun,
Man Portible), Take the stats from the PGMP-14
and multiply the mass by 2 and cost by 1.5

PGMP-14 has a mass of 9kg/50g, x2 is 18kg or 100g with the grav comps active
The cost would go up from 300,000cr to 450,000cr

The new toy would have all the other stats of a
PGMP-14 with regards to damage and range, but it
will also have an improved rate of fire (RoF 1/3). </pre>[/QUOTE]