• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


I know that. What else have you got?
Willow Wooly Worms. These worms are cover in a fine coat of white fur. Int 3
While inactive half their life in ice plains of willow when brought to above 0C temps they grow more active. They eat small amounts of refuse 3 grams daily. They can be taught a few tricks. size is similar to earth garden green snake. However they start losing their fur and dying at normal human room temp
Bloodvarks are useful working animals that are fun to have around, and they are ever so much help with shipboard security. Tree rats come in handy for the mischievious GM to let loose as an NPC's pet that gets free.
Generally, the Crested Jabberwok, although a magnificent animal, does NOT make a good pet (could someone please hand me my prosthetic arm, I can't find it without my glass eye).
not sure if its been mentioned as i don't think/know if its got a name or not, but the T20 book has a picture of a little four(or six) legged herbivore that looks like a squat and wooly version of a giraffe..miniaturised. its munching on some leaves.. i think that would be a pretty cute pet..


p.s. Kudzu Vines..interesting..and cool
Ed.1 Pg.213 if anyone is wondering...

Originally posted by equilibrium:
not sure if its been mentioned as i don't think/know if its got a name or not, but the T20 book has a picture of a little four(or six) legged herbivore that looks like a squat and wooly version of a giraffe..miniaturised. its munching on some leaves.. i think that would be a pretty cute pet..
Ah, but that's an early first contact picture, what happened next is detailed in a still classified SolEx (early Terran version of the Imperium's IISS) file. The creature's scientific name is Jabberwockiscristatus Saevitia.

(that's just one possibility, so when little Enerii begs you to keep some cute critter because "it followed me home" just remember it might keep growing, and not be so cute once full grown ;) )
OK, that covers jabberwoki. What about bloodvarks and tree rats? Some people call various earth animals "tree rats" (opossum, raccoon, squirrels).