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Picture of the Day

Did a search on Google Videos and found Doctor Who versus Furby...is there an evil (un)Intelligence working in the UK trying to undermine world civilization, as we don't know it call it. Time to call in UNIT-. The Uninformed National Inchworm Tape in Hibernation Queenbees.
Blender has the most features it is not the best. Blender is poorly implemented and just a maze of menus. Wings is quick to the point modeler. There are a number guys on CG talk who have maya max and C4D all often use wings to do their modeling.
Bryce has soem power under the hood but lacks soem things really needed to make it better. No GI lighting and no radiosity rendering soft shadows are so slow hta tthey get passed by glaciers. The shader language is compleatly cryptic. So Bryce renders often have one of the presets shaders in it. I avoid them because I can recite the number of the shader when I see it. To use that program effectivly you really have to break into the shader language and use it and you have to find creative ways to light things. But I agree it was 100$ I spent back in 01. Here is an off topic pic but I use a light system I use to simulate sunlight it has 29 lights. http://www.renderosity.com/viewed.ez?galleryid=1193047

For a hiver if I have a good top and side view I think I can do one. I don't have anything good enough as a referance I would not want to make it with too few eyes etc.
Alien Module 7 is all about Hivers, and has several pictures. If you haven't seen pictures, the easiest way to imagine them is like a starfish that has six limbs instead of five, with each limb having six fingers at the end (as it's hands), and one of the limbs having six eyes (on short stalks) in between and just outside of the fingers. It breathes through a hole in the top of it's body, and eats through a hole in the bottom. It's brain is in a skull-like feature deep in the middle of the body.

My wife says they look somewhat like (dog) puppies.
Depth of Field is an excellent addition to any render but it must be used very very subtley or the subject will look about 6 inches tall.

I tend to only blur out background, leaving fore and mid ground in focus. This can be done in Photoshop as easily and with more control than it can by using DOF at render time.

Good luck with the Hiver. I look forward to seeing that one.

I have a vague idea but I will need mroe to go on than a description. A decent drawing does nto have to be really detailed but I woudl rather get it right.
One last pic before I go...


I think it needs a little more work, something doesn't quite feel right.
Here I am the art critic.

The only problem I can see it the station is a bit clean for being in the middle of the ocean in all that (presumably) salt water and oxygen atmosphere.

Perhaps a few more greebles and antennas?
A few people on the rails?

But then again I don’t have to do it so suggestions come easy. :D
Nice. I like the shape and bulkiness to it. Especially love that loop over the tail.

It's a bit difficult to read against the dark, saturated backdrop, though. You could try lightening and greying out the scenery so that the fighters stand out more against it.

Arrgghhh! it reminds me of being stuck in a lift with security bots homing in from both sides.


Lovely work andrew. I assume it is research station gamma?
Contrails. If the scout is going fast enough to produce motion blur then there will be some (very light) water vapor trails forming along the leading edges of the shape.

Also the water looks, bland. All the ocean I remember sailing on had subtle different shades beneath the surface from schools of fish and clots of algae, especially when viewed from an angle. (Although I wonder if you would want to do that as it may distract from the structure.)
Thanks for all the critiques guys. (it is Daniel not Andrew) Scarecrow your suggestion would be easy enough to do. I wanted a down and dirty air to mud look so bulky is good.
Jeff well your suggestions while good are not so easy to accomplish with my current setup. Contrails could be done theoretically with a long series of spheres and volume materials the render times would be so long it would be not worth it. The clouds sent the render time to almost 3 hours adding an additional 20 or so spheres would, well you get the point. If I had soemthing with a decent particle system might work fine or I could add it in post which is a thought. The water is there because otherwise there would be too much green there and it breaks it up a bit. Since it is not the main focus of the pic I can live with it.
The Idea for this came after I did a frogfoot. (SU-25 very cool plane) I thought well what about traveller air to mud. So an appropriate name. Toad since unglamourus names are the rule it works for me.
This is going to sound stupid, but on Microsoft Paint there is a control for applying color like spraypaint (I use it on maps for foliage). It creates more of a flat mist then tiny spheres. That might work for contrails.

If its stupid, just ignore it.
Thanks for the comments guys. I am workign on gettign soem contrails and fadign the bacgroudn a bit. I am doing a 1/4 scale test render to see how it looks right now. I went with volume shaders and applied them to a cylinder. SO I will see in about an hour or so how it comes out then maybe go on if not I have some nice brushes in Painter that might do the trick.I wanted a more down and dirty look. and worked aircraft in the past(airforce and Boeing) and made a number of real world planes in my programs. (Bryce and Wings 3D)
mandarin dude wrote-

(it is Daniel not Andrew)

sorry daniel, i was looking at andrew's last pic he posted, hadn't even seen this page yet.

i'll have a look at yours too.