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Picture of the Day


Grey out your backdrop by about twice that ammount. Try and find some aerial shots of coastline from that altitude. You'll see it's all very blue-grey and misty. Virtually no colour.

Next desaturate the colour in your textures on the craft by about 50-60 percent. At the moment they're waaay too rich and cartoony. They'll look almost grey in photoshop (or whatever you use) but they'll look much more realistic in the render.


I just knocked this up in Photoshop so it's rough round the edges (literally) but it gives you the idea of what I'm talking about though.


I like what you did but I think it is a bit of a style thing too. Fading the backgroudn more woudl be good. (I did nto fade or desaturate the space to mud fighters at all) I tend to like saturated colors especially red to yellow tones.
Part of my thinking too comes from the WW1 German aircraft. Bright colors and customised by the pilot. I think I should do another paint scheme for it too. (as a side note I have never made a WW2 German aircraft but have made 4 WW1 if I make WW2 it is either Japan or USA)
Very sweet work Daniel, if only I shared the talent as well as the name

I like the look you threw on it too Crow.

And I see no problem with bolder colors either.

Have you done the specs for this craft in any system yet? Or used an already designed craft? Or did I miss it somewhere?
Well a lot of it is being comfortable with your package. (oops software package ooops) It took some time and a lof of crappy stuff before I got some models I liked but I stuck with it.
The difference between my render and Scarcrows is that I coudl not do his because I spent 4 hours doing the side art and I'll be dammed if I obscure that in any way:^) That is one of the problems with doing all the work you get to the point where you don't want to obscure any of it.
Thanks a lot Scarecrow. What have you been up to? I have been spending the past week and a half on this one. Meant to be a big player character type of render. The ship is loosly based on the 400 ton fat trader we had on ewhen we were adventuring we had a numbber of legal and more nefaious things in our cargo hold nto to mention a brothel in the staterooms. Anyways this is a tribute to the players. http://www.renderosity.com/viewed.ez?galleryid=1218352