SOC-14 10K
How about this scenario:
Is that still piracy?
As good a name as any for it. And quite workable except for a few things...
The initial "hot on the tail" coming out of jump is all but impossible. Canonically at least. Jump is too random to allow anything but "within hours" coming out of jump iirc. And there is no guarantee which ship will be the first to arrive. So your "pirate" arrives first say, and sit's there twiddling their thumbs waiting for the "victim". What do they say to the port while they're doing this? And then when the "victim" shows up? Unlikely the scenario will play out as cleanly as hoped. Same thing the other way around. But it might work.
One system that has only a single SDB for defense, I can buy into that. Ten systems all within a jump one of the other and each with only a single SDB for defense? That breaks all kinds of belief suspension.
And I can't quite believe either that with only a single SDB for space patrol there would be no planetary defenses. Or if there were no planetary defenses then I wouldn't expect much if anything of value on the world. That'd probably be a Class E starport on a low pop low TL world.
I'm guessing the 20 week timetable comes from waiting a week at each port for the next merchant. That's kinda hard to buy into as well. That all these ports are only visited once a week by a single merchant. Never a patrol cruiser, or a mercenary cruiser, or maybe even something bigger?
So, an interesting scenario, maybe even worth taking as the germ for a plan, but not (as presented) plausible.
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