A divisional transport. It is backed up by the Uhlan class Marine Regimental carrier:
Ship: Star Lord
Class: Star Lord
Type: Troop Carrier
Architect: Murph
Tech Level: 15
LF-T4448J5-099910-96999-0 MCr 207,130.960 350 KTons
Bat Bear 3 64225 Crew: 27418
Bat 5 A6448 TL: 15
Cargo: 11,638.000 Passengers: 120 Emergency Low: 500 Fuel: 170,000.000 EP: 28,000.000 Agility: 4 Shipboard Security Detail: 350 Marines: 25000 Drop Capsules: 4 (plus 800 Ready 2000 Stored)
Craft: 40 x 60T Cutter, 40 x 95T Shuttle
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Backups: 1 x Model/8fib Computer 1 x Bridge
Architects Fee: MCr 2,071.310 Cost in Quantity: MCr 165,704.768
Ship: Star Lord
Class: Star Lord
Type: Troop Carrier
Architect: Murph
Tech Level: 15
LF-T4448J5-099910-96999-0 MCr 207,130.960 350 KTons
Bat Bear 3 64225 Crew: 27418
Bat 5 A6448 TL: 15
Cargo: 11,638.000 Passengers: 120 Emergency Low: 500 Fuel: 170,000.000 EP: 28,000.000 Agility: 4 Shipboard Security Detail: 350 Marines: 25000 Drop Capsules: 4 (plus 800 Ready 2000 Stored)
Craft: 40 x 60T Cutter, 40 x 95T Shuttle
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Backups: 1 x Model/8fib Computer 1 x Bridge
Architects Fee: MCr 2,071.310 Cost in Quantity: MCr 165,704.768