• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Player looking for game to join. (T20/CT)


I am hoping to join a typical free trader campaign, or anything similiar, in the confines of always looking for cash sort of thing. Nothing to combat heavy but combat from time to time I'd be happy with.

Character wise, I'd most likely be looking to play a character from a low tech world/background thrust in to higher technologies. However I can suit to whats needed, but do not want to play ex-service class characters unless its the merchants service class's.

I have the older T20 rulebook and most of all the CT rulesets.

Edit: Over the night I remembered I have the Mongoose rulebook too
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Not heard of that up untill now. had a little looky so far. Not promising, but looks like a couple looking for players.

Taking note of that, am I right that you are a GM there and are looking for players as "Andrewv" there?
Not heard of that up untill now. had a little looky so far. Not promising, but looks like a couple looking for players.

Taking note of that, am I right that you are a GM there and are looking for players as "Andrewv" there?

'tis I yes. Though introducing new players at the moment is tricky (a little time consuming, but far from impossible).