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Power Projection Fleet is MINE!

I've updated Falkayn's T20 ship creation spreadsheet with a section that provides PP:F data. I have only made a few ships with it so it's not fully tested out. If anyone wants a copy let me know at bbisogni(at) mn.rr. com

Drop the spaces and the change the (at appropriately to get my address.

Falkayn is going to post it when he gets a chance, in the mean time he gave his OK for me to offer it.
Well, some more good news. The sales for Power Projection:Fleet have been good enough that instead of our usual print on demand (which is very time consuming) we are about to get our first properly printed run (that we don't assemble ourselves!) done. Only several hundred, but a significant move...
Well, some more good news. The sales for Power Projection:Fleet have been good enough that instead of our usual print on demand (which is very time consuming) we are about to get our first properly printed run (that we don't assemble ourselves!) done. Only several hundred, but a significant move...

That's because you've created a high-quality, well thought-out and tested product with high production values. It's a clean read which doesn't require endless paging back and forth for cross-references.

It also fills a big void in the Traveller universe: combat with the big ships in a manageable fashion that's not abstracted down to pure statistical crunching.

This week's JTAS features a very favorable review by Robert Prior, so expect still more sales!

Gotta start shopping for some minis...

Originally posted by jappel:
That's because you've created a high-quality, well thought-out and tested product with high production values. It's a clean read which doesn't require endless paging back and forth for cross-references.

It also fills a big void in the Traveller universe: combat with the big ships in a manageable fashion that's not abstracted down to pure statistical crunching.

This week's JTAS features a very favorable review by Robert Prior, so expect still more sales!
Thanks for your kind words. We've always tried to make products that we'd want to buy ourselves
I've got a scuffed copy and I love it.. I'm going to add escort to the collection.. and this summer I plan on adding all the BITS books to my libary.
Hi all,

Andy Lilly has emailed me to let me know that the new reprint of PP:F should be ready this week. New reprint you ask? I thought that BITS had only just released this?

Well, demand has been high enough for us to question(*) the Print-On-Demand/Self Assembly method we've used previously, so we've had a limited print run done a a real printers. No other changes from the previous printing, and I can't tell you if it feels
different (because I've not seen it yet). However, this is quite a big step for BITS as we've never done a run like this before...

(*) The question was from Andy, who was asking 'Why am I spending all weekend building these books by hand'?

Originally posted by Lord Darkness:
I've got a scuffed copy and I love it.. I'm going to add escort to the collection.. and this summer I plan on adding all the BITS books to my libary.
Glad you liked it.

My personal favourites (ie the ones I use for GMing - and bear in mind I'm a T4.x /CT/MT kind of Ref) are:

101 Patrons
101 Travellers
101 Rendezvous
101 Lifeforms
101 Cargos

These gave my last campaign (a free trader one) quite a lot of support. There again, I tend to have a bigger plot, a smaller plot and improvise the rest. Playing Twilight's Peak was interesting as the party really didn't move that far on the main plot line...
Just a quick update - BITS will be at TravellerCon this weekend in Hedben Bridge. I'll be running PP there.
Originally posted by Dom:
Just a quick update - BITS will be at TravellerCon this weekend in Hedben Bridge. I'll be running PP there.
Report coming soon of 80 ship battle...