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Price-Fixed Travel

Good point, and probably how it should be. But TL should still play a role, if in no other respect, perhaps in how severe a mishap is, though I suspect also in how likely one is.

After all, at high TL, you really ought to be able to let the booth revive you itself and feel fairly safe.
Originally posted by kaladorn:
Good point, and probably how it should be. But TL should still play a role, if in no other respect, perhaps in how severe a mishap is, though I suspect also in how likely one is.

After all, at high TL, you really ought to be able to let the booth revive you itself and feel fairly safe.
That's why you purchase a Bk 8 designed medical 4 robot; preferably a fairly small one. THen the booth TL matters little.

Seriously, though, IMTU, would say that below TL 12, it's hazardous. Below TL 10, it's "No Retry" and hazardous.

Below TL 8, it's futile anyway... the dif goes up a level per TL below 9....

Good replies guys, and all very interesting stuff, perhaps we should get it all together and make up a traveller's aide, because that the one thing missing from the T20 rulebook is a good technological walk through of a typical mercant/scout ship, explaining how key systems work. I.e. Starship operators manual. Clearly the reason behind this is space and relevance, though I do feel sorry for people new to traveller who havent worked their way through successive versions of travller during which they learned all about the tech... For these people a technological walkthrough would be informative and useful.

As for life support costs I am happy to go with the explanation given about Imperial Tax revenues... Many Thanks.
Or perhaps all higher tech booths come with a Med-4 bot built in?

Well, part of the problem is a discussion that just is going on on the TML - You'd have to do it being very careful of official canon (use it all) and to avoid unofficial (forbidden) canon (don't you dare touch it!). So it would have to paper-over much of what DGP did. And that might be a hard sell.

As to LS, I do think a flat rate a bit silly, but it is an *easy* calculation.... <shrug>
Originally posted by Aramis:
In MT, if the doc fails the revival roll, it is NOT a "Corpsicle" situation... it is a mishap, and only about 20-30% of revival mishaps will be kills... the rest will be serious to minor injuries. So, arguable, it it probably one of the most survivable. Especially since in CT or T4, if the roll fails, you die. Don't remember for TNE.
On a catastrophic failure you die. Unless you've Con2- that can only happen if the reviving medic has an asset of 10-. IOW if they have any clue you're safe from dying unless you're avery frail.
Actually, on any failure, you'll be taking damage...

so a medic is usefull. a 2d hit has a good chance to KO someone. A 4d has a good chance of Serious wound, andwill usuall require a hospital stay. 8d usually kills. 16D is rarely survived... but I've seen it happen!

1 point, 1d, 2d, 4d or 8d... by roll on mishap.

depending upon how you read the rules, that could be enough to put a Vriushi under! (I always read mishap damage as damage to atts, not DP...)
Really? :eek: Rolling 32 or under on 16d6 is about 1 in 43M… I guess a real munchkin might get to 40 total S+D+E, but statistically on 16d it won't be significant. You need to tell that story in Coolest RPG Scene.

:paragraph: One factor is damage actually taken in suspension rather than on thaw-out. Frostbite is a beach. The lousy medic may correctly interpret the problem but isn't able to minimize the effects during thaw as the skilled medic could.
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"Bob, we woke you up. Well, most of you. Your toes... they won't be making an appearance, if you take my meaning. Sorry about that."

And what were the survival numbers in the Marine Corps again? ("You plan to freeze me about 2 or 3 times a year? Are you NUTS!")
Originally posted by Straybow:
Really? :eek: Rolling 32 or under on 16d6 is about 1 in 43M&#133 I guess a real munchkin might get to 40 total S+D+E, but statistically on 16d it won't be significant. You need to tell that story in Coolest RPG Scene.

One factor is damage actually taken in suspension rather than on thaw-out. Frostbite is a beach. The lousy medic may correctly interpret the problem but isn't able to minimize the effects during thaw as the skilled medic could.
Having had quite a few MT characters with SD&E in the 35+ range...

I've had players playing virushi in CT with stats oalling 40+...

as for the character surviving the FGMP-15... well I've had one player have a character survive such a hit, and I've had a character which survived such a hit. In both cases, they were captured.

And, under STRICT CT, taken to the AR-Rules-Lawyer-Extreme, since the first hit is applied solely to one stat, in its entire glorious pain, unless you've been hit first for some other damage, you'll only lose all that stat....

But niether I nor any of MY players have gotten away with being THAT AR.

Seriously, tho, I see Low Berths as being a fridge into which you place a person on a mixture of tetrodotoxins, oxygen-bearing haemoglobin analogues, and glugose, reducing them to a catatonic, 35 degree, comatose status. Much like those in Aliens.

THe average LB is of that type IMTU.

Actual Cryogenci berths are reserved for long term, and I make the rolls for the medic putting you in and thawing you out...