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Proto-Traveller: Races, Major and Minor (?)


Absent Friend

The Proto-Traveller discusion has had some discusion about which Races should be involved in a Proto-Traveller envirnment. This is a starting point for discustion. Who's in, Who's out?

The Major 6 Races

Minor Humans
"Sword Worlds"

Minor Aliens
Bwaps (Newts)

"The Barbarans" which may or may not be the Zhodani. From Adv 1.
The Vegans. Also from Adv 1.

The Proto-Traveller discusion has had some discusion about which Races should be involved in a Proto-Traveller envirnment. This is a starting point for discustion. Who's in, Who's out?

The Major 6 Races

Minor Humans
"Sword Worlds"

Minor Aliens
Bwaps (Newts)

"The Barbarans" which may or may not be the Zhodani. From Adv 1.
The Vegans. Also from Adv 1.
Obviously, you have to have Vilani, Solomani, and Droyne.

If you have an unmodified (or mostly so) Solomani Rim, you need to have the Vegans. They are a very key part of the sector.

The Spinward Marches require the Zhodani, Vargr, and Sword Worlders. Minor races that are well established in the Spinward Marches are the Dandies, Shriekers, and Ebokin. The Darrians are required if no changes are to be made.

After that, you can do whatever you want. Since you are throwing out the big map, you don't really have to include the Aslan, Hivers, or K'kree. While it is nice and all, it isn't required.

It is all a question of how minimalistic you want to get. Personally, I would tend to try and make room for just about all of them.

I would definitely include the above big three, plus the Ithklur (you gotta have the Ithklur!), Dynchia, Floriani, Geonee, Iltharans, Luriani, Ael Yael, Bwaps, Githiaskio, J'aadje, Jgd-ll-Jagd, and Virushi.
Obviously, you have to have Vilani, Solomani, and Droyne.

If you have an unmodified (or mostly so) Solomani Rim, you need to have the Vegans. They are a very key part of the sector.

The Spinward Marches require the Zhodani, Vargr, and Sword Worlders. Minor races that are well established in the Spinward Marches are the Dandies, Shriekers, and Ebokin. The Darrians are required if no changes are to be made.

After that, you can do whatever you want. Since you are throwing out the big map, you don't really have to include the Aslan, Hivers, or K'kree. While it is nice and all, it isn't required.

It is all a question of how minimalistic you want to get. Personally, I would tend to try and make room for just about all of them.

I would definitely include the above big three, plus the Ithklur (you gotta have the Ithklur!), Dynchia, Floriani, Geonee, Iltharans, Luriani, Ael Yael, Bwaps, Githiaskio, J'aadje, Jgd-ll-Jagd, and Virushi.
Great thread!

One note: If you're going to bring in all the classic Majors, you're going to have to whittle down the size of their empires too.

I'd rather handle the other Majors with Here Be Dragons arrows in suitable places on the map.

As for the Minors, limit them to smaller regions too. The nearly two-subsector sized Vegan AR is tiny compared to the many sectored 3I. A two subsector Vegan AR becomes a major player in a 4-5 sector 3i however. Ditto Darrians, ditto Swordies, ditto etc.

Have fun,
Great thread!

One note: If you're going to bring in all the classic Majors, you're going to have to whittle down the size of their empires too.

I'd rather handle the other Majors with Here Be Dragons arrows in suitable places on the map.

As for the Minors, limit them to smaller regions too. The nearly two-subsector sized Vegan AR is tiny compared to the many sectored 3I. A two subsector Vegan AR becomes a major player in a 4-5 sector 3i however. Ditto Darrians, ditto Swordies, ditto etc.

Have fun,
Even in the original OTU.... the 2-subsector Vegan Autonomy was already a regional SUPERPOWER in the Solomani Rim sector. They were the third largest interstellar polity (after the 3I and the SolConfed), and according to GURPS Traveller's spin... ummm... the Vegans more or less were the #1 Economic Powerhouse of the sector. According to this same GURPS Traveller spin, Vega was the true commerical and political heart of the Solomai Rim, not Terra or Dingir. ArchDuke Adair even moved his Domain Capital to Vega.

In Proto-Traveller.... it would be wise to significantly down-size this oversized alien minor state. Otherwise, the sector might as well be renamed as The Vegan Rim sector. This is all just my opinion, of course.
Even in the original OTU.... the 2-subsector Vegan Autonomy was already a regional SUPERPOWER in the Solomani Rim sector. They were the third largest interstellar polity (after the 3I and the SolConfed), and according to GURPS Traveller's spin... ummm... the Vegans more or less were the #1 Economic Powerhouse of the sector. According to this same GURPS Traveller spin, Vega was the true commerical and political heart of the Solomai Rim, not Terra or Dingir. ArchDuke Adair even moved his Domain Capital to Vega.

In Proto-Traveller.... it would be wise to significantly down-size this oversized alien minor state. Otherwise, the sector might as well be renamed as The Vegan Rim sector. This is all just my opinion, of course.
Originally posted by Jame:
The aliens in Shadows. Also Ael Yael, Ithklur and Gurvin.

By the way, where is Jaelyia (sp?), the Ael Yael world, located? IIRC JTAS gave a UWP but not a subsector/sector location.
Originally posted by Jame:
The aliens in Shadows. Also Ael Yael, Ithklur and Gurvin.

By the way, where is Jaelyia (sp?), the Ael Yael world, located? IIRC JTAS gave a UWP but not a subsector/sector location.
From Grand Master Bill Cameron

Great thread!

One note: If you're going to bring in all the classic Majors, you're going to have to whittle down the size of their empires too.

I'd rather handle the other Majors with Here Be Dragons arrows in suitable places on the map.

As for the Minors, limit them to smaller regions too. The nearly two-subsector sized Vegan AR is tiny compared to the many sectored 3I. A two subsector Vegan AR becomes a major player in a 4-5 sector 3i however. Ditto Darrians, ditto Swordies, ditto etc.
Greetings Bill!

My take on the whole proto thing is downsising it for more fun. The notion of the Vegans looks just like the Aslan from the Dark Nebula game. Instead of having several sectors, the Aslan would be parked in one or two SUBSECTORS. The Zhodani get one Sector, with some island system outside of the central section. The Solomani/Terran would be a little less than 1 sector, and a 1 subsector "Solomani Quadrant" from the "Dark Nebula" game.

The Imperuim would have Spinward Marches as is, Core(with the rift), the Solomani Rim, and about 3/4 of other sector.

2K worlds gets one sector, the Hive get a sector and a half.

Plop's IMTU Map:
Zhodane @ GVU @ Lair/Imper @ Pt-Imp @??? @???

Foreven/ @ Spmarch @ Core @Pt-Imp @ gatw @2kwm
Far Frnt

Final @ OutRV @ Solrim @ Pt-Imp @???@ Hive

Final @ Dk Neb @ Alderan@ ??? @ ??? @???

1. Foreven would change to ad the Far Frontiers stuff from FASA.

2. Dark Nebula would be from the old game. In addition, the Epsilon Cetus system from the game Double Star would be in this sector.

Now, back to the Races.
I figured the major 6 races get in, but how many minor races, human and alien, should we have out there.

For my own minor alien, I'd bring in the Saurens, with a difference; not the GT race, but more like the "GORN" of "Star Trek".

Smaller sectors for Smaller major races. This also means smaller subsectors or even 2-3 systems for the minor humans/aliens.

I'm running out of time, but the Imperium game and
some of the JTAS article on that game could, I think, lead to more minor human-aliens.

Got to go run to the Doc now. Take it easy all!
From Grand Master Bill Cameron

Great thread!

One note: If you're going to bring in all the classic Majors, you're going to have to whittle down the size of their empires too.

I'd rather handle the other Majors with Here Be Dragons arrows in suitable places on the map.

As for the Minors, limit them to smaller regions too. The nearly two-subsector sized Vegan AR is tiny compared to the many sectored 3I. A two subsector Vegan AR becomes a major player in a 4-5 sector 3i however. Ditto Darrians, ditto Swordies, ditto etc.
Greetings Bill!

My take on the whole proto thing is downsising it for more fun. The notion of the Vegans looks just like the Aslan from the Dark Nebula game. Instead of having several sectors, the Aslan would be parked in one or two SUBSECTORS. The Zhodani get one Sector, with some island system outside of the central section. The Solomani/Terran would be a little less than 1 sector, and a 1 subsector "Solomani Quadrant" from the "Dark Nebula" game.

The Imperuim would have Spinward Marches as is, Core(with the rift), the Solomani Rim, and about 3/4 of other sector.

2K worlds gets one sector, the Hive get a sector and a half.

Plop's IMTU Map:
Zhodane @ GVU @ Lair/Imper @ Pt-Imp @??? @???

Foreven/ @ Spmarch @ Core @Pt-Imp @ gatw @2kwm
Far Frnt

Final @ OutRV @ Solrim @ Pt-Imp @???@ Hive

Final @ Dk Neb @ Alderan@ ??? @ ??? @???

1. Foreven would change to ad the Far Frontiers stuff from FASA.

2. Dark Nebula would be from the old game. In addition, the Epsilon Cetus system from the game Double Star would be in this sector.

Now, back to the Races.
I figured the major 6 races get in, but how many minor races, human and alien, should we have out there.

For my own minor alien, I'd bring in the Saurens, with a difference; not the GT race, but more like the "GORN" of "Star Trek".

Smaller sectors for Smaller major races. This also means smaller subsectors or even 2-3 systems for the minor humans/aliens.

I'm running out of time, but the Imperium game and
some of the JTAS article on that game could, I think, lead to more minor human-aliens.

Got to go run to the Doc now. Take it easy all!
Drakarans, from GT:AR1. They'd have about 15-20 systems, and if the higher number then a few are conquered Vargr worlds.
Drakarans, from GT:AR1. They'd have about 15-20 systems, and if the higher number then a few are conquered Vargr worlds.
Don't use the Saurans. I hate stupid lizard men. I like smart lizard men. Besides, I'd like them to have more than one piddly low-tech world. (That they don't even own! The major players on Saurus are human.) The Drakarans would be cool, though.

Actually, I'd want to keep the Darrians, Sword Worlds, and Vegans their current sizes. There are two reasons for this: maintaining the maps and making them relevant.

I think that proto-Traveller needs to keep the Spinward Marches and Solomani Rims pretty much as is. These help bridge from the OTU to the PTU. Granted this makes those three minor states more influential, but so be it.

Plus, making them more influential is a good thing. One of the big problem all three states have in the OTU is why they even exist in the first place. All three (especially the hostile Sword Worlds) should have been conquered/annexed and assimilated a long, long time ago. Really, their independence makes no sense. With the dramatically reduced major powers, these three minor powers suddenly start to make more sense. They now become regional powers, and are much more relevant to the major powers around them.

So I advocate NOT reducing the minor powers, particularly the "big three" of the Darrians, Sword Worlds, and Vegans.
Don't use the Saurans. I hate stupid lizard men. I like smart lizard men. Besides, I'd like them to have more than one piddly low-tech world. (That they don't even own! The major players on Saurus are human.) The Drakarans would be cool, though.

Actually, I'd want to keep the Darrians, Sword Worlds, and Vegans their current sizes. There are two reasons for this: maintaining the maps and making them relevant.

I think that proto-Traveller needs to keep the Spinward Marches and Solomani Rims pretty much as is. These help bridge from the OTU to the PTU. Granted this makes those three minor states more influential, but so be it.

Plus, making them more influential is a good thing. One of the big problem all three states have in the OTU is why they even exist in the first place. All three (especially the hostile Sword Worlds) should have been conquered/annexed and assimilated a long, long time ago. Really, their independence makes no sense. With the dramatically reduced major powers, these three minor powers suddenly start to make more sense. They now become regional powers, and are much more relevant to the major powers around them.

So I advocate NOT reducing the minor powers, particularly the "big three" of the Darrians, Sword Worlds, and Vegans.
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
The aliens in Shadows. Also Ael Yael, Ithklur and Gurvin.

By the way, where is Jaelyia (sp?), the Ael Yael world, located? IIRC JTAS gave a UWP but not a subsector/sector location.
</font>[/QUOTE]Nevermind, found it; Vipach Subsector, Gushemege Sector.

By the way, how are the JTAS (or other PT) minor races spread around the map? Where are their homeworlds?
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
The aliens in Shadows. Also Ael Yael, Ithklur and Gurvin.

By the way, where is Jaelyia (sp?), the Ael Yael world, located? IIRC JTAS gave a UWP but not a subsector/sector location.
</font>[/QUOTE]Nevermind, found it; Vipach Subsector, Gushemege Sector.

By the way, how are the JTAS (or other PT) minor races spread around the map? Where are their homeworlds?