Starting TL 10 means only J1 is allowed, and I don't expect it to raise in the scope of the game (unless you want to make it for long turns, as 5 years or so). maybe just raising to 11 (and so allowing for J2) could make it more interesting.
I was unclear. 10 is average for all four subsectors, not the maximum. In particular, one empire is TL 15, it's main rival 13, and two other major powers 12. Those four pocket empires will still only account for around 25% of the worlds.
Keeping all the player on the same race (let's say humans, to make it more traveller like) avoids races adevantages/disadvantages.
Vargr are probably best suited for use with a human party. Not sure about any of the other races mentioned so far.
The length of a turn (critical, as it decides what kind of game do you intend to play)
The campaign will be run face to face at a table or in an online chat. No play-by-post. Turns are normal length for MgT.
The level of detial of the systems: all systems are a single "zone" (as in FFW/TCS), several zones in a system (as in I:E), detailed systems and operational movement on it (good luck in this case).
Bare bones stats to start with. As a system is visited for the first time, I plan to ue the extended system generation rules from MG and possibly Grand Census and Grand Survey.
How to conduct ground combat, as AFAIK there's not a good one in traveller, for such a strategic game.
I'll use normal rules, although I'm not a miniatures guy.
Ship construction and repair capacity and times
Standard rules, although this is unlikely to affect the PCs.
And, BTW, I could be interested on playing it.
Send me a PM so I can remember