SOC-14 1K
Let's see how this spreadsheet work:
I have taken some liberties with the system for simplicity, mainly allowing hulls of any volume (without any pods).
Optionally you can also use the drive formulas to make drives, instead of the drive tables. Cell A3: 0 = Drive Table, 1 = Drive formula.
Let's build a small patrol corvette, we start with a blank sheet:
We keep TL12 (Cell A1) and Drive Table (Cell A3), but set Cell A2 to 1 = Military (this affects default crew and Comfort).
We set size to 400 Dt (cell G4) and select configuration "Airframe" in the list in cell C3:
A reasonable, but not necessarily cheap, Structure is pre-selected in cell C4. It can be changed, all possible Structures for this Configuration are shown in the list in cell C4.
Any included Legs, Wings, and/or Fins are automatically selected, but can be changed in the lists in cells C13 to C15:
Armour layers can be added by specifying "1" in cells G9 to G12. Anti-layers are selected in the lists in cells D8 to D12. Coating is selected in cell D7.
The stage of all armour layers is selected in cell H8. A high number is preselected, giving us the best stage possible at this TL.
If more layers are needed copy an entire row and insert a new row (after the first and before the last armour row).
We select four layers with one each of the anti-layers, AV for each layer is shown in column L and total AV is shown in cell E6:
We select water capability in the list in cell C16, we select "Submersible" to be able to refuel and hide everywhere.
If we want the craft to be carried in grapples by a larger craft specify "1" in cell G18, but we leave that empty:
I have taken some liberties with the system for simplicity, mainly allowing hulls of any volume (without any pods).
Optionally you can also use the drive formulas to make drives, instead of the drive tables. Cell A3: 0 = Drive Table, 1 = Drive formula.
Let's build a small patrol corvette, we start with a blank sheet:

We keep TL12 (Cell A1) and Drive Table (Cell A3), but set Cell A2 to 1 = Military (this affects default crew and Comfort).
We set size to 400 Dt (cell G4) and select configuration "Airframe" in the list in cell C3:

A reasonable, but not necessarily cheap, Structure is pre-selected in cell C4. It can be changed, all possible Structures for this Configuration are shown in the list in cell C4.
Any included Legs, Wings, and/or Fins are automatically selected, but can be changed in the lists in cells C13 to C15:

Armour layers can be added by specifying "1" in cells G9 to G12. Anti-layers are selected in the lists in cells D8 to D12. Coating is selected in cell D7.
The stage of all armour layers is selected in cell H8. A high number is preselected, giving us the best stage possible at this TL.
If more layers are needed copy an entire row and insert a new row (after the first and before the last armour row).
We select four layers with one each of the anti-layers, AV for each layer is shown in column L and total AV is shown in cell E6:

We select water capability in the list in cell C16, we select "Submersible" to be able to refuel and hide everywhere.
If we want the craft to be carried in grapples by a larger craft specify "1" in cell G18, but we leave that empty: