SOC-14 10K
Cool tool Genjuro, thank you very much
Now how can we turn this creative boredom state to our own evil needs

Now how can we turn this creative boredom state to our own evil needs

Yes, it's the upper limit (under Book 2), and yes, you end up wasting space of you don't fill it.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Is the engineering section a _limit_ on how big my jump, plant, and maneuver drives can be?
Or does it only serve to force me to make wasted space if my drives are less than that amount?
Yes, it's the upper limit (under Book 2), and yes, you end up wasting space of you don't fill it.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Is the engineering section a _limit_ on how big my jump, plant, and maneuver drives can be?
Or does it only serve to force me to make wasted space if my drives are less than that amount?
No worries; you just read it wrong.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Then a J2 200-ton ship is impossible under Book 2???
Or did I read that wrong last night?
No worries; you just read it wrong.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Then a J2 200-ton ship is impossible under Book 2???
Or did I read that wrong last night?
As boomslang noted it is the maximum amount of drives total allowed in a hull, a standard hull that is. The standard hulls listed in the table (Book 2 pg. 22) come at a discount in both the cost and the time to build. A custom hull on the other hand costs MCr0.1 per ton as per Book 2 pg.13...Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Is the engineering section a _limit_ on how big my jump, plant, and maneuver drives can be?
Or does it only serve to force me to make wasted space if my drives are less than that amount?
Close. A standard hull J2 200ton ship can't be done. You'd have to use a custom hull.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Then a J2 200-ton ship is impossible under Book 2???
Or did I read that wrong last night?
As boomslang noted it is the maximum amount of drives total allowed in a hull, a standard hull that is. The standard hulls listed in the table (Book 2 pg. 22) come at a discount in both the cost and the time to build. A custom hull on the other hand costs MCr0.1 per ton as per Book 2 pg.13...Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Is the engineering section a _limit_ on how big my jump, plant, and maneuver drives can be?
Or does it only serve to force me to make wasted space if my drives are less than that amount?
Close. A standard hull J2 200ton ship can't be done. You'd have to use a custom hull.Originally posted by Jeffr0:
Then a J2 200-ton ship is impossible under Book 2???
Or did I read that wrong last night?
Most Consistently-Overlooked Cash Cow Skill in CT: Naval Architect.Originally posted by far-trader:
WOW, how did I forget or not see that before![]()
There is an interesting caveat to the price of a custom hull: "minimum price MCr20"
Most Consistently-Overlooked Cash Cow Skill in CT: Naval Architect.Originally posted by far-trader:
WOW, how did I forget or not see that before![]()
There is an interesting caveat to the price of a custom hull: "minimum price MCr20"
Very soon, you will have the tables memorized (one hint: j-drives start at 10 and add 5 per, m-drives start at 1 and add 2 per, p-plants start at 4 and add 3 per; don't forget to skip "I" and "O"), and you can do the whole thing in your head...Originally posted by Jeffr0:
These rules are evil! OTOH, I'm having more fun with ship designs that I have with any other version I've tried. I love how I don't need a calculator to do all the math. It's a beautiful system, even with its quirks.
Very soon, you will have the tables memorized (one hint: j-drives start at 10 and add 5 per, m-drives start at 1 and add 2 per, p-plants start at 4 and add 3 per; don't forget to skip "I" and "O"), and you can do the whole thing in your head...Originally posted by Jeffr0:
These rules are evil! OTOH, I'm having more fun with ship designs that I have with any other version I've tried. I love how I don't need a calculator to do all the math. It's a beautiful system, even with its quirks.