One thing I never understood in MT is how are supposed disintegrators to work (in game terms). As they are stated, I cannot see any advantage over meson guns.
In this sense the adventure presented on the Rebelion Sourcebook has no sense. Let me analize it in game terms:
Voroshilev ships are upgraded by changing their computers from assumed 7 (they were TL 13 and 7 is the best possible) to 9 (the book says 9, but I'd better use 9(fib) to avoid radiation damage), upgrading the powerplant to TL15 and by changing their R PA spinals to A disitegrator (if you look at the weapons tables, an experimental A disintegrator takes 60000 kl instead of the 55000 of the R PA, so I'd assume for that post that it's an experimental B rated disitegrator, that needs only 55000 kl, and so fits in). For the sake of comparison we will see that it could also be changed by an M meson gun.
Now let's see the combat effects of this upgradings:
Change of computer: a must if you want to upgrade
Change of PP: ditto
Change of weaponry:
- R rated PA: 250000 Mw used. If hit makes 16 rolls on surface explosion table and 16 on radiation. Criticals on ships rated 100000 dton or less (all this modified/reduced by armor)
- B rated disintegrator: 550000 Mw used. If hit (and penetrates dampers) 2 rolls on radiation table and 2 on interior explosion. Criticals on ships rated 2000 dton or less (modified/reduced by armor).
- M rated meson: 250000 Mw used. If hit (and penetates screens/config) 12 rolls on radiation table and 12 on interior explosion. Criticals on ships rated 30000 ton or less (unaffected by armor).
Now let's recreate the final battle (assuming it is against Aek Naz-class battle cruisers, also shown in the book):
- R rated PA: TH: +15 (+11 from table, +4 relative computer size):misses on a 2 (automatic miss). 16 rolls (+3 for armor/A+) in each table (surface explosion&radiation damage). 3 criticals.
- B rated disitegrator: TH +10 (+6 from table, +4 Relative computer size): misses on eyes. 2 rolls (+3 for armor/A+) on each table (radiation damage & internal explosion). No criticals.
- M rated meson: TH +13 (+9 from table, +4 relative computer size): misses on eyes. +10 to penetrate (+6 from table, +4 relative computer size):fails on eyes too. 12 rolls (unmodified) on each table (radiation damage&internal explosion). 1 critical.
That gives (at grosso modo) two kills in three shoots for the PA, one in 18 with disintegrator and 34 on 36 shoots for the meson (assuming the main killer is fuel tanks shattered and PP/MD/ship vaporized criticals).
Now tell me what sense it has to send a team across several sectors to recover the pieces for that disintegrator (aside from giving a good adventure for the players)...