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Races: Major & Minor

I've got a minor race I've shaped up for MTU. I can see no reason not to propose it for this.

I has a complete history, too, but since that places them in the Trojan Reaches, heh, I'll have to redo it for subsector H (when we get UWP stats).

Basically, I envision them as being contacted by the Hivers around -2000, and by the Solomani around -1800 (two years after contacting the Hivers).

No, I haven't got a race write-up for them. I'd probably wind up doing them in T20 stats.


The Pran are, basically, cylindrical. An adult is approximately 35-35 cm in diameter and 160 to 215 cm in length. At the end of each cylinder emerge three flat lengthened-trianglar "pre-appendages" encircling the edge of the cylinder (at total of six such pre-appendages, three at each end of the cylinder). At one end of the cylinder is a mouth (occupying most of that end of the cylinder) and three eyes (in sockets at the base of and between the pre-appendages), and the other end is the exit of the digestive track, and no eyes.
The main cylindrical body is highly flexible, and both ends of the cylinder can be bent back to touch.
The pre-appendages themselves end in a pair of articulated tentacles, eight to twelve inches long, and these form the primary manipulativ digits. They can hold and use complex tools by wrapping one with a single tentacle, and then using the other tentacle to steady it. In many cases, a Pran can hold and use six different tools simultaneously, although their "back-end" appendages are usually used to anchor themselves on something, or equally often, they will hang from something using one pre-appendage from each end of their cylindrical body to hold on, while using four appendages to manipulate objects. Pran buildings and starships all have bars built into the ceillings, as moving across the ceilings is a favorite. Additionally, starships have bars that can pop out of the walls and floors, so that in zero-g, Pran can brachiate along any surface.
Pran skin is ususally colored in various shades of green in rough leathery segments about 1cm across, with deep valleys of dark brown color between the segments. This rough leather is both quite tough and strong, and is a form of natural armor. Ordinary edged weapons have difficulty penetrating this armor.
Pran are omnivorous, but prefer fruits and vegetables first, nuts next, meats in limited quantities (no more than 20% of diet), and grains dead last. The can eat varying forms of non-poisonous fungi. They can eat honey and similar gelled or processed sugars, but the dense quantity of sugars give them digestive difficulties. The do not eat dairy products, of any kind produced by any animal (including cheese and other dairy-derivative foods).
Pran respirate through vestigal gill-openings, three of them (the openings no longer serve as gills, and they cannot breathe under water), or through the mouth (second choice). This clearly illustrates the Pran descent from fish-type creatures in ancients oceans, though they also seem to possess many reptilian characteristics.
The Pran race is divided into standard male and female halves for reproduction.
Pran social bonding is group driven. Family structures are along the lines of a group of adults taking care of the children produced by the group. Admittance and exclusion from the group (adult men and women) is based upon lines of personal likes and dislikes, loves and hatreds, and to a much greater degree than among humaniti, practicality.
Pran females become "pregnant" annually, and lay a clutch of between 3 and 10 eggs, which are in turn fertilized by the male of the species. There is nothing resembling human sexuality among them (although they do seem to enjoy having certain parts of their hide scratched or rubbed). Pran females experience almost no incapacity during the development of their eggs, and only mild incapacity during egg-laying, with aftereffects lasting only perhaps an hour or two. Complications with pregnancy or egg-laying are quite rare.
Pran control population growth by deliberately chosing how many eggs to fertilize.
Child rearing falls equally upon all adults included in the family-group.

Because these features of reproduction and sexual behavior, Pran males and females have equivalent roles in their society. There is no gender discrimination of any kind. Gender discrimination among the branches of humaniti is endlessly fascinating to them.

The Pran have an active society, where individuals have great mobility, in rank, profession, and geographic location. No one is locked into anything per force, and an indvidual's own opinion is the primary force that sets them on any course.
Pran experience most emotions, including love and hate. They love their families, and hate those who would threaten them. Their love towards others is tempered, though, by their individualism. Using Vilani and Solomani as examples, the Pran lean toward the Solomani end of the scale of individualism vs. consensus, but only a little bit.
This is VERY rough... I see these guys as neutral Traders of a kind, with the larger subspecies being like "untamable Ithlkur"

The Naganith

The Naganith are a major species of reptilians from <INSERT APPROPRIATE SECTOR> The Naganith home planet, Nagana has a hot, lush jungle environment with a gravity that is half standard. The Naganith species is split into two distinct subspecies: The large, semi-aquatic Jhavrid, and the smaller, flight capable Ptiron.
Physically the Jhavrid are roughly 3 meters tall and mass about 300kg. They are powerfully built, symmetrically structured in body with two large arms terminating in powerful claws. The two legs have exceptionally strong femoral muscles which aid in swimming and even leaping a considerable distance in the right gravity. The claws on hands and feet have three main gripping digits and an opposable thumb. At the base of the spine grows a large tail equal to the Jhavrid’s overall body length. This tail appendage serves as a steering /locomotory aid when in water, as a balance equalizer on land, and as a fearsome weapon in combat.
The senses of the Jhavrid extend into the infrared band visually and have keen visible spectrum as well. Hearing is adequate and suited for above and below water. The sense of smell is likewise very sensitive, as most Jhavrid track and kill live prey as a matter of preference. The Eyes, hearing sphericals, nostrils, and IR pits are located in a straight line along the top of the head, to facilitate its amphibious existence.
The mouth of the Jhavrid is very large, over two thirds the length of the head, filled with slashing fangs for eating flesh. The jaws have tremendous crushing power and the teeth are arranged, pointing toward the back of the mouth. So one a prey animal is bitten by the jaws, it cannot escape easily without damaging itself further. The front of the jaws terminate in a beak like arrangement with three biting surfaces, two on the bottom jaws, and one larger on the top.
The diet of the Jhavrid consists of raw meat acquired from freshwater fish, crustaceans, or bank dwelling animals of all sorts. The standout favorite is the Shisthar, a quadruped mammal that lives and forages along the waterways of their homes. They prey on these creatures by stealth form under the water.
Jhavrid grow quite large from their aquatic environment and low gravity, and are able to tolerate a gravity range of .5 to 3 easily They are able to tolerate a temperature range of ???, and are fully endothermic, regulating their body temperatures with special node scales on their skin. The respiration cycle is an oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange. They cannot breathe underwater, but are able to hold their respiration for up to 30 minutes easily. They are also able to tolerated salinated water for extended periods, with only their mucus membranes suffering after 20 hours of exposure to that type of environment.
Jhavrid have a sexually dimorphic reporduction system with a male and a female of the subspecies. They mate monogamously every two years by intercourse, with the female gestating a clutch of 6 to 12 eggs internally for 90 days, and then laying the eggs in a secure warm environment, which the male guards fanatically until they hatch in another 30 days. It is normal for up to three eggs to not hatch as the process generates inerent defects in embryonic formation. The female at this time usually builds up her lost body weight, while also providing food for the male who does not leave the nest site at all for the incubation period. Jhavrid Naganith reach sexual maturity and full body size after 10 revs of growth, and live on average for 150 revs. Jhavrid mate for life.
The skin of the Jhavrid is thick and covered with small dome-shaped scaling, except for the underside, which is covered in long lateral ventral scales that run the length of the body and tail. The skin ranges in color from green to an almost iridescent blue of varying intensity. The Ventral Scales are range from bright yellow to a bleached white. The top of the head has a pattern of darker scales brown to almost black in color, arranged in a pattern distinct to every Jhavrid. This pattern is used to identify individuals in social circumstances. A Jhavrid molts its skin every two revs.
Jhavrid are socially isolated creatures and instinctively are prone to staking out whatever territorial area they can control. They routinely engage in territory battles for social dominance in their immediate area of residence. These conflicts, while often bloody, are almost never fatal, as the inferior Jhavrid will attain a submissive social stance. The only exceptions to these social behaviors are mating and the necessities brought about by living in advanced communities. Jahvrid will tolerate each other for extended periods if they must, but there is always the territory-based tension.
Jhavrid domiciles and communities are almost always found partially submerged in fresh water. They live in constructed domed “lodges” that have two entry points, one above and one below the waterline. Upon settling a new planet, the naganith will make every effort to alter their living environment to this state. They will go to great lengths to import artificial water systems, climate and atmosphereic controls anything to make the area more serviceable to them.

Naganith Species Name

Family Organization
Both genotypes of naganith are organized into strong family bonds known as clans. Clans vary in size from six individuals to several hundred thousands of naganith. All clans have some absolute patriarch or matriarch to lead them in there many endeavors and enterprises. Hierarchy among the clans was in ancient times based on the leaders personal power and prowess, but this soon gave way to a system based on chronological age. MORE

The smaller Ptiron Naganith are very graceful in body structure, as they are suited to gliding through Nagana’s light gravity and thin atmosphere. The Ptiron’s body is very slender and serpentine in structure, with the head and neck making up one third of overall length, the body and trunk comprising the second third, and the tail making up the final third. Ptirons are biologically symmetrical with two short legs and two long arms radiating from the torso. The arms support the glider membranes, which are tough, leathery, and translucent structures that enable the ptiron to glide through the air easily. The legs are not well suited for ground travel and are positioned in such a way as to give the Ptiron an awkward addling gait when on the ground. The strong feet, hands, and claws of the Ptiron enable it to climb with great speed up trees and other craggy surfaces. Ptiron mass 55kg. on average when fully grown, and Are about 3m long from nose to tail. When standing on hind Legs, the are around 1.5 to 2m tall. The wingspan is around 4m in full flight. The Ptiron’s skeletal structure is hollow in nature to reduce weight for effective flight. They are most at home in high altitudes and often build kilometers high arcologies for large communities.

Ptiron live naturally at high altitudes, and are most comfortable in tropical jungle climates. They spend up to 60% of their lives in the air.
Jhavrid are amphibious, spending 50% or more of their life span in a water environment

Both types of Naganith can tolerate a temperature range of 90 to 20 degrees C unaided.

The atmospheric composition natural to a nagantih is 15% oxygen, 15% helium, 20% carbon dioxide, 45% nitrogen, and 5% inerts. Jhavrid are capable of extracting oxygen from water by pushing it through special membranes located on the lower part of their gums. Ptrion can Alter their lung capacity to accommodate high altitude flight.

Mating Cycle

Physical Size
Sensory Ranges
Political Role
Home Planet
I got an idea for a human minor race.

No name as yet, but they're smaller and more childlike than regular humans, and have blue skin and no hair. They live in a very close, touchy feely society, and cannot abide being sperated from one another. They have an awful lot of empathy. They are timid and usually non-violent, but love laughter and jokes. They are quite innocent and playful, and very sexual. My inspriation for these was watching a wildlife program about Bonobo chimps; quite an eye opener ;)

Normal humans find them very attractive, and they make popular slaves; captivity makes them sicken, and die if they are alone.

I'd originally come up with this for a benign Hiver trader, who rescues them where it can and employs them on its ship (a la chimp rescue centre).

I could see their homeworld somewhere in Hiver space and under Hiver protection, but human slavers might plan raids on this world as these 'neo-humans' fetch too high a price.

Seems I've come up with another underdog race! You can't beat having innocents to rescue from evil pervert slavers!!!
Labos-gok : (lay-bose-gok) The Labos-gok are a species of large, heavily armored crustacean arthropods. their mysterious, undersea society is subdivided into 4 distinct genotypes, based mostly on climate and domestic habits.
Physically the Labos-gok are crustacean arthropods with an average length of 3 meters, a height of 1.5 meters, and mass of 5000kg. The stocky, chitinous body is segmented to allow a great range of complicated movements as well as providing execellent protection from physical harm. The head is covered by three closeable chitin plates called the craninals. The cranials open like a flower to reveal the Labos-gok's "face" which is actually only the mandibles. They have a total of twelve segmented appendages radiating symmetric ally from the head/thorax region of the body. Six of these armatures are positioned downward for locomtion. The other six are located frontally for manipulation or attack. Two of the frontal limbs terminate in specialized claw weapons.
The left claw or, pugilastic claw is a large, powerful, and double-jawed. It is used mostly for grabbing and crushing prey with its white bony projections, called strikers. It can also be employed as an effective bludgeoning weapon.
The right claw, or inscisive claw, is a long, pointed, and also double-jawed. This claw is covered with many thorny projections, called dentauls. This claw is mostly used for scissoring prey in two, as well as serving in a auxilliary cleaning and grooming role. Females lack the pugalistic claw, and instead have another inscisive claw in its place.
Polar Labos-gok do not have either type of claw. Instead, they have two, 3 meter long prehensile tentacles that they use to sense and migrate in thier dark domain.
The other ten limbs terminate in three pairs of small pincers and a seventh opposable "pusher". The head/thorax region ends in a large fan-like tail appendage comprised of inter locking bands of chitin.
The underside of this tail is covered with 4 groups of 6 swimmerettes, small paddle flippers that provide directional control underwater. the Labos-gok swims by undulating the plates that fringe the tail. bouancy is provided by a swim bladder in the upper region of the body.
The thick exoskeleton varies in color depending upon what type of Labos-gok.
Shallow type armor is reddish-orange in color with brown patches and black mottling. Pelagic types are predominately dark blue with lighter-blue highlights. Polar types are mostly white with brown and black striping, often quite striking in appearance. Benthic types are entirely white and almost translucent.
The environment natural to the labos -gok is a liquid one, which the beings breathe through gill membranes. The natural gravity of the Labos-gok is .25 standard. This includes for the bouyancy factor as well. Labos-gok are used to a high pressure environment . The temperature tolerances differ genus to genus, and all are listed on the major species overview tables. they are exothermic.
The Labos-gok are carnivores whose staple is all types of ocean fish. The average being needs a daily requirement of 6-8kg. of fish per day to remain healthy.
Labos-gok require 5 hours of sleep per day.
The senses of the Labos-gok are highly advanced. Their eyes are white globes on .25 meter long retractable stalks. They can percieve the visible light portion of the spectrum as well as giving the being a 360 degree field of vision, as the eyes move independantly of each other. The eyes extend from the top cranial plate through two small apetures.

The species also has two, 2 meter long antennae which serve as vibrational detection organs as well as the being's hearing organs. The Labos-gok also has the ability to use soundwaves as form of echo location and range finding. This ability stems from the use of an internal emitter drum right between the two lower cranial plates. this organ generates high frequency sound by several vibrating diaphragms. This ability also is part of the Labos-gok language. the Labos-gok have no sense of smell.

Labos-gok mate by external fertilization. the female deposits her clutch of 15 or so eggs in a small, enclosed space, usually a hollow in a reef or sand pit. the male then fertilizes the eggs by secreting a thick, gelatious spoor on them, which also marks them chemically preventing re-fertilization by another male. the Labos-gok have no societal form of partnership or courtship. the female produces a clutch of eggs every two cycles and is fertile for 24 cycles on average. the eggs take 125 days on average to hatch. the parents traditionally do not tend or care for the offspring in any way but most modern communities use a "farm" system, in which a meshed in area is used to contain the hatchlings in a controlled feeding environment, insuring that a better part of them survive to adulthood. these hatchlings are then released into the open ocean to feed and molt until fully grown. a Labos-gok molts its armor every 2 cycles. this painful process leaves the being weak and extremely vulnerable, as the armor is soft and rubbery for around 16 days after shed ding the old. they reach a sexually mature age after 2 cycles,and usually live to be 60 or more.

shallow: the most common variety of Labos-gok, the shallow, or coastal Labos-gok is one of the main inhabiitants of the great reef cities. they exhibit highly structured social and domestic rituals, rarely deviating from an established routine of work and liesure time. exoskeletal coloration is a range of bright reds to orange mottled with dark brown striping and black spots.

the pelagic, or free-swimming, Labos-gok are individuals raised in an open an variable environment. they inhabit the great floating convection cities below the surface of their oceanic homeworld. they are more gregarious and unstructured than their shallow relatives. exoskeleton coloration is a range of deep blue with lighter blue highlights, mottled with black or brown spots.

polar: the polar Labos-gok are a somewhat rare offshoot of the main poulace, they spend most of their lives wandering the polar regions of labos-gok settled worlds. These deep sea nomads are used to temperatures normally uncomfortable to their non polar kin. They seem to exhibit a sensitivity to magnetic fields and otfen uses this to navigate in the dark depths. They physically resemble other labos-gok, but have two large opposable tentacles in place of the pugilistic and incisive claws

benthic : the ruling caste of the Labos-goks.
benthic Labos-goks live deep in the planet wide oceans of Labos-gok planets and settle ments most often on the sea floor itself. benthics are physically similar to most Labos-goks, save the fact that they are totally blind and highly psionic. they rule loabosian intrests through subltle and overt mental manipulation of the governmental body of the Labos-gok republic. the non benthics in this government have control over minor activities of those under them in the power structure, while the benthics control the more far reaching activities of the species.
the benthics derive thier psionic power form a symbiotic relationship with a type of bacteria that stimulates the psionic poten tial of the benthic's brain. these bacteria
function only for the benthics, as they util ize the defunct sight centers of the brain as
a type of colony. the primary type of psionic
ability is a psycometry type power, that the benthics use to "scan" the goings on in the
above areas of society by reading the flotsam
that drifts down from the upper levels.

Labos-gok religion

Labos-gok religion personifies the sea as mother of all things,they refer
to this ad hoc deity as tlatich,a hermaphroditic entity who controls the
destiny of all Labos-goks.the basis for this religion is quite solid
as the Labos-gok homeworld is almost totaly covered with water(97%).
the religious practices of Labos-goks are very mysterious and have
been rarely shown to outsiders and aliens. it should also be mentioned
that Labos-goks do not practice their religion off of their homeworld,
as they view the endless sea of labosia as tlatich and no other will
suffice for them.millions of Labos-goks make pilgramages to labosia
every cycle in order to pay homage to the great parent sea with their
enigmatic rites.

Originally posted by Flynn:
So far, we have the following Races in Spica:

1) Solomani/Human
2) Hiver
3) Prt'

I'd suggest that we look at possibly three to four more, tops. That would mean we'd have either six or seven total races to choose from that are local to the area.

I like the general concept of the Pak'ma'ra, I mean Nosferu (though the name is too close to a Vampire Clan name to be acceptable for me without some change), and would like to suggest that they become the next on the list. Besides, I like a race that looks like Mind Flayers and eats brains... ;)

4) Squid-heads

I'm sure someone has an idea for a human minor race they'd like to see explored in this sector. Sigg's chomping at the bit for some Rimward version of the technological advancements of the Darrians, so perhaps we could include the near-obligatory human minor race.

5) Obligatory human minor race (OHMR).

That leaves us with either one or two more minor races. I will post some suggestions shortly on one or two more races for consideration.

add to this:

Sigg's controversial viral collective parasite

Rain's Pran

Tony's Naganith and Labos-Gok

Grufty's S'Rax

and my minor human 'Blue Bonobo Babies'

The consensus was about 5 minor races native to a subsector I think. We have 9 there including the viral/fungal one. They don't all have to come from Spica tho. My carrion eaters could come from any adjoining sector, and others could be traders or mercs or some such. Also, the Hivers have loads of different races doing different specialised jobs - there's be lots of them around too. I remember seeing about 4-5 mentioned on the thread about Hiver canon.
I gotta admit my least favourite out of those are Sigg's parasite race and your mildly creepy "Bonobo Babies"...
But the rest look good to me, at least.

We're going to have to pick and choose probably though, it's a bit crowded for one sector! (I thought it was 5 minor races per sector wasn't it??)
sorry its the sixth finger on my left hand doing some surreptitious typing

you are correct, 5 races per sector it is!

Not that fussed over my Bonobo babies; I'm just a fan of dark underbellies

Since we're on a frontier, and the Sol Party must be attempting to kick out aliens, won't there be quite a few alien 'asylum seekers'?
Of course we shouldn't have to stick to statistical distribution all the time. Some sectors will have more than others. Would, for instance, the Hiver Federation have a higher than average incidence, considering they are a polity of various races. And what of races whose homeworld is in another sector but have colonies in Spica.

Not suggesting we should have dozens of aliens, just think those points are worth thinking about.
Hehehee.... "all the time", Klaus? How many of these projects are you in? ;)

Seriously, none of the other sector projects/sourcebooks have really stuck to this statistic, all by going over. We could go under to balance the issue, and only have two or three minor race homeworlds, if you'd like.

It's a worthy point. We should consider the possibility of having a lower number of native races. Thanks, Klaus!


Just kidding,
Well, Flynn, if its crazy collaborative projects you mean, I've got 3 others on the go in RL ;)

Indeed we could have less than 5, no reason why not. But that's just aliens originating locally, with evolution and history to worry about. What about alien traders, explorers, adventurers, and Hiver 'servant' races. They won't need as much detailing, could even just be bare bones guidelines, like UWP's are for planets. But I'd expect to see quite a few different aliens at the busy starports.

Out of interest, how often do you expect Vargr and Aslan to be seen in this end of space?
I have several such races (Around 20 or so, stats and all) that I have developed for T20 for my Corsairs Game going on in 1100 in the Hinterworlds... including a version of Klaus Bonobos (possibly a more disgusting primate than man, what?). They are called "Turlaks" and they are half-sized humans. Not halflings, but a proportionate Human at 50% reduction in size. They were bred/made by the Hivers and the Jenda for menial humanoid labor, They are that size to fit twice as many in a standard Cabin/Hab Module... They are all Male, Sterile, and Identical. I have it that they are no longer used/or are a failed project.. and all work to save up money to pay for reproduction, as they can only be cloned, in batches... the imposed Hiver parenting ideology makes them desire this.
And furthermore, There would indeed be dozens of Minor Races in the Employ of the Hive Federation, if one goes by representation of them in the various books, and why not? Spica doesn't have to be the cradle of these races, but they should be a factor in its shaping, historically and politically.

I realize that it is difficult to depart from the Humanocentric nature of most of Known Space, but this is a sector where the difference can be shown. There needs to be a better way to deterimine native minor races besides just saying "let's make 5 of them" it seems a touch too arbitrary.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
And furthermore, There would indeed be dozens of Minor Races in the Employ of the Hive Federation, if one goes by representation of them in the various books, and why not? Spica doesn't have to be the cradle of these races, but they should be a factor in its shaping, historically and politically.

I realize that it is difficult to depart from the Humanocentric nature of most of Known Space, but this is a sector where the difference can be shown. There needs to be a better way to deterimine native minor races besides just saying "let's make 5 of them" it seems a touch too arbitrary.
Well having too many "homeworlds" could be excessive, while I agree there would be other races in the sector I don't think we should go too overboard with homeworlds, however, that said I'm not sure what number I would find ideal

In the CT The Traveller Adventure there are two "alien" homeworlds in one subsector alone.

How many "alien" homeworlds are there in the Spinward Marches - not counting the minor human races' homeworlds?
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
In the CT The Traveller Adventure there are two "alien" homeworlds in one subsector alone.

How many "alien" homeworlds are there in the Spinward Marches - not counting the minor human races' homeworlds?
Another thing to remember is that in the Hive federation there are over 170 member races.

Also according to the CT reprints, contrary to what was posted elsewhere, the Humanatii to Spinward in the Hiver federation (Which we can assume with some confidence includes Spica) are very like other Humans, just not socially, if we take the sentance before the previous posted we actually get; "Differences between these races and any of the human races of the Imperium are minor, and can be accounted for by genetic drift. These human races have adopted Hiver customs and ways of thought (in so much as any human can do so), and are thouroughly unlike humans from outside the federation in outlook."

Well how about 3 races native to Spica, another 7-8 species in Hiver space who have established their own colonies, and 5-6 other races, either 'passing thru' or Hiver cadres from other parts of their space that haven't seetled in the area.

That gives us 15 or so races to detail (not that daunting if we all do a couple!), tho there'll be a few parameters.

1. Only the native races with local homeworlds can be primitive, as the others are either spacefarers themselves or nurtured by the Hivers.

2. Races from coreward would have more info on them, whereas ones from Rimward could be just physical descriptions and the barest detail on character, and no history, allowing refs to develop them as they see fit.

3. Some would be refugee races from other parts of Sol space. Wouldn't persecuted aliens head straight for the place where 170 alien races live and work with each other?

Has anyone got any artwork, btw?
Giving my own 10 cents to this debate, I like Gruffty's S'Raxians, they would make a cool Red Zone world in the middle of the map, someplace that onece the quantity of the Lanthanum deposits became general knowlege, everyone would want to go to, but nobody could really exploit. I like the other races mentioned as well, and personally think that you can never have enough aliens. But that is just me...;)