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RAFM Miniatures

Does anyone know a good source for obtaining the RAFM miniatures range that came out for Traveller The New Era (TNE)?

You can still get the Citadel copy 15mm miniatures from them but alas they no longer produce the TNE range(license expired). So I've been wondering if fellow Travellers know of a cache in a game shop somewhere in the states. Sometimes there's stores out there that keep stock of older lines forever just for the sake of keeping a long line. Who knows maybe there's a gamers collector store?

Sometimes they appear on ebay, but very rarely.

Please don't hold back if you have any information on this rather terrific miniatures set.
Some of the silent death minis are still done by RAFM and they are exactly the same as some of the regency vessels. I will dig out the email with relevant model numbers.

Apart from that, its just constantly checking on ebay for RAFM ships.

Adastra do a free trader, scout ship and pinnace (but at different scales (about 2-3 time size of RAFM models). They also do imperial and zho fleet packs - very nice but a different scale again as they are capital ships
Ask RAFM for these silent death ships

Found them on RAFM they are still available - each pack is $8-95. Codes below
> Barekdoldin -> Javelin Code 650 2 models per pack
> Trekhyair -> Hornet Code 649 2 models per pack
> Cuspid -> Firebat Code 654 2 models per pack
> Fang -> Rattler Code 651 3 models per pack
> RQS Modular Inspection Launch -> Praying Mantis Code 653 2 models per pack
They look exactly like TNE era Regency vessels (see Regency guide for pics of the ships)

Some of the silent death minis are still done by RAFM and they are exactly the same as some of the regency vessels. I will dig out the email with relevant model numbers.

Apart from that, its just constantly checking on ebay for RAFM ships.

Adastra do a free trader, scout ship and pinnace (but at different scales (about 2-3 time size of RAFM models). They also do imperial and zho fleet packs - very nice but a different scale again as they are capital ships

Thanks shield. I'll certainly look into those.

Oh I do check ebay, frequently in what seems to be the never ending quest for Deck Plans and traveller miniatures.

Absolutely. Ad Astra have a nice range. I have the entire set of what they produce with the decals. An excellent product for Traveller players and Power Projection is a great game too. A word of note: The stands they come with are crap. What I found helped was actually super gluing the sprigs into the base. Then lightly file some of the rod ends to fit the miniatures correctly. I'll have to put up a few photos of the fleets at some stage.
Contact the Sentry Box.
Last I checked they had some ships.

Thanks, it's always great to find out about these companies. I really enjoy the Ground Zero Games Full Thrust miniatures for example and then there's those terrific Firestorm Armada miniatures coming out. I'm sticking to Traveller though as there's about 10 rather large collections of starship miniatures out there(and probably another 20 I don't even know about).
Ask RAFM for these silent death ships

Found them on RAFM they are still available - each pack is $8-95. Codes below
> Barekdoldin -> Javelin Code 650 2 models per pack
> Trekhyair -> Hornet Code 649 2 models per pack
> Cuspid -> Firebat Code 654 2 models per pack
> Fang -> Rattler Code 651 3 models per pack
> RQS Modular Inspection Launch -> Praying Mantis Code 653 2 models per pack
They look exactly like TNE era Regency vessels (see Regency guide for pics of the ships)


Terrific shield, I'll chase those up. Thanks.
RAFM Kickstarter

I notice that RAFM recently undertook an Indiegogo campaign to aid in bringing back all there classic Call Of Cthulhu miniatures.

Do you think a remake of the TNE range could work via Kickstarter or Indiegogo?
I emailed them a year or so ago about the traveller TNE minis. They still have the molds, just the new traveller licences stop them selling them. So until Mongoose issues a sub-licence to someone to make minis, then we are stuck.
There are several saucer shapped ships (Bab 5 minis or the Starfleet battles minis) that could be used as k'Kree ships as every kK'ree ship is a saucer and we have very few K'Kree designs to compare against
I emailed them a year or so ago about the traveller TNE minis. They still have the molds, just the new traveller licences stop them selling them. So until Mongoose issues a sub-licence to someone to make minis, then we are stuck.

You know, perhaps we should get a movement happening to get Mongoose or FFE to work with RAFM to issue the license. It would be great to see those starships back again. After all, with Power Projection they would be extremely useful.

For reference in case fellow Travellers were not aware, here are the links to the store that sells Power Projection(Traveller starship combat based on Full Thrust):
and here's the link to the miniatures currently available for use with the game.

All the miniatures are now available seperately as well if you don't wish to purchase an entire fleet box set. Even more importantly are what I believe to be the first ever Traveller decal sets, featuring logos of the Imperial and Zhodani empire starship livery. These would be handy for Fellow Travellers even if there not interested in the miniatures for other Traveller purposes as they come in a variety of sizes with each sheet.
RAFM Miniatures on ebay

Hello all,
If anyone is interested in buying these, I'd be interested in purchasing the launch from you if you don't need that particular miniature. I already have the grav bike(titled Grave Bike on the packet by mistake of RAFM) and Technos pack(which includes a technologist and a hiver miniature).


Please let me know if that's the case, other wise enjoy your new collection.