There are some StarAtlases that even *I* don't have. Australia, way back, was the arse end of the Universe (Traveller AND Space Opera, bothand we didn't always get things in the (few) local game shops. Even though, theoretically, as co-author, I was supposed to get one of everything SO, the last few items I never did get.
As for Space Opera 2, the problem is that Scott Bizar owns (or thinks he does, I haven't got the money to test his theory in court ... especially as he may well be right!) the *name*. I believe, from conversations with Ed Simbalist not long before he died, that he wanted, back then a FIVE FIGURE sum just for the name, and that ALL the existing stock of all SO books be purchased on top of that. Didn't have a spare US$10,000+ then, and still don't ... and even if I did, it wouldn't make economic sense to pay that sort of money unless, maybe, you were a *really* big company who could market the game on a large scale. Me? I'm just a one man operation ... so it would be pointless.
Still, now that I'm more or less retired (2 JAN 14, but on sabbatical till then!), I may have the time to pitch something to Scott that he might agree to for not too outrageous a cut of the profits, if any. But he doesn't have any more money to market it than I do, as I understand it ... so it would be a PoD or PDF only product. Unless Kickstarter ever allows Aussies to run one without requiring us to jump through hoops to get a US IRS ITIN and to have a US bank account and, presumably, charge us US taxes for products of Australia
Don't hold your breath, in other words, unless you look good in blue and black ;-)
I would buy a POD Space Opera 2 any day. Please do try to make it happen!
I'm glad that White Wolf finally figured out that not everyone likes .pdfs, took them long enough!
I haven't been to eBay since I spent about 18 months there in the late 90s, buying up everything I could find to "complete" my Traveller wish-list. I have about 12 shelf-feet for just the one game another two inches for the Monolith, of course.
I also have exclusive shelving for all my Traveller Books. I have both the collected CT from FFE and most of the original CT books, my favorites are the Alien "dissection" images in the Alien books.