SOC-14 5K
How many Imperium thirty eight year old plus veterans are drawing pensions?
Already accounted for in the 10% of original cost figure.We know that pensions and health care are a major factor in the U.S. military budget. Maybe a lot of that money goes to rather unglamorous but still useful service and post-service support. Travel costs for discharged veterans to return home could be quite pricey.
How much is 'quite a lot', though?Also, it's not unreasonable to suppose that the Imperial military spends quite a lot on R&D.
We know that pensions and health care are a major factor in the U.S. military budget. Maybe a lot of that money goes to rather unglamorous but still useful service and post-service support. Travel costs for discharged veterans to return home could be quite pricey.
Also, it's not unreasonable to suppose that the Imperial military spends quite a lot on R&D.
If we assume that the "escort" reference is a mistake
There is also the unknown Traveller assets (planetary navies and armies, non-mainworld, not really empty parsecs, etc.).
According to Striker, the Imperium gets 30% of a member world's military budget. Planetary military budgets run from 1% minimum to 10% in peacetime up to 15% in wartime for a limited (but .
The numbers I've come up with based on various (IMO) reasonable assumptions I've posted before. Hans
The Scouts I'm inclined to believe are funded out of some other budget, not the military one. (Pure guess).
We know that pensions and health care are a major factor in the U.S. military budget. Maybe a lot of that money goes to rather unglamorous but still useful service and post-service support. Travel costs for discharged veterans to return home could be quite pricey.
Also, it's not unreasonable to suppose that the Imperial military spends quite a lot on R&D.
The figures we have are for the Imperium's military budget. The Imperium has other sources of income (e.g. the Imperial family's holdings in interstellar companies), and I see no reason to believe that the Imperial bureaucracy (such as the MoJ) would be funded by the military budget. The ambiguity lies in us not knowing if the paramilitary Scouts are considered military or not. It's even conceivably that the Scouts are self-supporting (through X-mail revenue).I would have to disagree the Scouts (MoJ etc all have to be funded out of the Imperium's budget and the Imperiums' sole income source we know of is the percentage military spending the planets gives to the Imperium.
My own take is 60% Navy, 10% Army, 5% Scouts and 25 % everything else,
all that nobility has to be funded somehow, but that's MTU.
The figures we have are for the Imperium's military budget. The Imperium has other sources of income (e.g. the Imperial family's holdings in interstellar companies), and I see no reason to believe that the Imperial bureaucracy (such as the MoJ) would be funded by the military budget. The ambiguity lies in us not knowing if the paramilitary Scouts are considered military or not. It's even conceivably that the Scouts are self-supporting (through X-mail revenue). Hans
That would be dead against the Imperial List of Obligations.I suppose the MoJ could collect a lot of fines and be self funding, especially with all those prisoners put to work as well.
(Why single out MinCol from all the other Imperial ministries?)Agree Dividends could be a significant source of income, maybe fund the bureaucracy.
Still leaves scouts and M o Colonisation at least needing funds from somewhere.
Yes, maybe. We just don't know. However, compared to the IN, the Scout budget is likely to be very small, so until now I've simply ignored the question.Other Navies include their Scout function in their Navy, so maybe the Scout Budget is part of the Navy budget, a very small part as the Scouts seem to be underfunded.
I would think individual planets are responsible for their own military expenditure. the implication of Strike is that the Imperium only takes a fraction of 1% of the GWP and the average planet spends about 2.1% on it's own military.
(Why single out MinCol from all the other Imperial ministries?)