Raven's Loyal Rifles (Infantry/Light Mechanization)
Leader: Major Denise "Raven" Velez; XO: 1Lt Lanni Dehugh
Size: 65 troopers organized into a five-trooper command section leading two platoons of thirty, in three 9-trooper squads with a three-trooper command section. Heavy weapons are one per squad and are generally LMGs or TL-11 VRFGGs.
Experience: Average (4+3 fame DM); typical skill level: 60% skill-1, 30% skill-2, 10% skill-3.
Fame: +3 DM to Soc among Mercs and military in sector; +1 to civilians in sector and Mercs and military outside of sector. No fame to civilians outside of sector (past bordering subsectors).
Unit traits: Loyal, aggressive. Secretly psion-friendly.
Rank type by percent: R0: 15% with 10 such, R1: 20% with 13 such, R2: 20% with 13 such; R3: 25% with 16 such, R4: 15% with 10 such, R5: 3% with 2 such and R6: 2% with 1 such.
Unit CPM: 95% troopers (62) with augments (generally biologically based, which are IMTU less maintenance-intensive). Size Large (+1), TL 11 (+0), Average Skill (+1), Multiple heavy weapons (+1), 2 Psions (+1), has own vehicles (+2), has seen combat in past month (+2), has medics on staff (-1). Total CPM: 7. Transport mod: 200*7=1400. Equipment 500 (TL 11) + 200 (vehicles) + 400 (host world is TL 11) = 1100*7=7700 Cr CPM. Medical care: 200 (notable action) + 50 (augments) = 250*7=1750*7=10500 Cr medical. Living expenses: 50 (1 HQ world) + 0 * 7 = 350. Total CPM: 350+1750+1400+10500=14000 per member.
(Note well: some equipment comes from my own personal equipment list which alters the TL at which certain items are available. MGT does do well to include it but ... some of it is of a higher TL and cost than I feel necessary. Anyone who wants to see the list, just ask.)
Typical kit and equipment: ACR (caseless), with underbarrel grenade launcher, laser sight, silencer and secure weapon. Cloth/10 with enclosed helmet incorporating rebreather, combo IR/LA goggles, eye protection, computer-weave/11, IR chameleon and mid range helmet HUD. One squad per platoon has vac-sealed TL 11 Poly Carapace which has incorporates same items as cloth; these are assault squads. 6 troopers replace the ACR with a laser carbine; 6 troopers including 2 sergeants and a lieutenant replace the ACR with an SMG. 1 sergeant utilises an automatic RAM-Grenade Launcher and two autopistols. Most troopers have privately-acquired autopistols and either a blade or a dagger.
Heavy weapons include 2 TL 11 VRFGGs and several remotely-operated MRL packs (these are, with the HUD/IFF system, tied into the TL 11 battle computer).
Augments are generally TL 11 cyber or bioeyes which allow IR vision, with subdermal armor and ballistic tracking lenses being common and either immune system boosters or initiative enhancers being available by user's finances.
Raven's Loyal Rifles has 6 grav trucks and a 5-ton combat speeder to get around. Two trucks and the speeder utilise dual lasers, while the remaining four trucks have an autocannon and a RAM Grenade Launcher.
Raven's Loyal Rifles was formed when their homeworld was conquered by a neighboring world. Raven had resisted the new government with what would eventually become the cadre for the unit for 8 months, until losses and pressure to capitulate became too strong. She organized what remained of her unit, minus those survivors who had decided to stop resisting the government (or who had been arrested), and quietly stole offworld aboard a long liner. Over time, the Loyal Rifles drifted to a nearby TL-11 world and began to recruit and reequip. They tend towards striker or security units, and have several times performed immigration and customs enforcement duties for non-dictatorial worlds.
The unit is slowly growing tired of not having its own interstellar transportation, and is considering the acquisition of a Broadsword-class mercenary cruiser.
Raven and Lanni are under arrest warrants issued by the planetary government, which accounts them to be rebels to be detained. The planetary government, which does not wish the Imperium to look to closely at the methods they used while taking over the planet, has not issued Imperial warrants for them - though this has not dissuaded some of the more naive or simply foolish bounty hunters from trying to capture them.
Leader: Major Denise "Raven" Velez; XO: 1Lt Lanni Dehugh
Size: 65 troopers organized into a five-trooper command section leading two platoons of thirty, in three 9-trooper squads with a three-trooper command section. Heavy weapons are one per squad and are generally LMGs or TL-11 VRFGGs.
Experience: Average (4+3 fame DM); typical skill level: 60% skill-1, 30% skill-2, 10% skill-3.
Fame: +3 DM to Soc among Mercs and military in sector; +1 to civilians in sector and Mercs and military outside of sector. No fame to civilians outside of sector (past bordering subsectors).
Unit traits: Loyal, aggressive. Secretly psion-friendly.
Rank type by percent: R0: 15% with 10 such, R1: 20% with 13 such, R2: 20% with 13 such; R3: 25% with 16 such, R4: 15% with 10 such, R5: 3% with 2 such and R6: 2% with 1 such.
Unit CPM: 95% troopers (62) with augments (generally biologically based, which are IMTU less maintenance-intensive). Size Large (+1), TL 11 (+0), Average Skill (+1), Multiple heavy weapons (+1), 2 Psions (+1), has own vehicles (+2), has seen combat in past month (+2), has medics on staff (-1). Total CPM: 7. Transport mod: 200*7=1400. Equipment 500 (TL 11) + 200 (vehicles) + 400 (host world is TL 11) = 1100*7=7700 Cr CPM. Medical care: 200 (notable action) + 50 (augments) = 250*7=1750*7=10500 Cr medical. Living expenses: 50 (1 HQ world) + 0 * 7 = 350. Total CPM: 350+1750+1400+10500=14000 per member.
(Note well: some equipment comes from my own personal equipment list which alters the TL at which certain items are available. MGT does do well to include it but ... some of it is of a higher TL and cost than I feel necessary. Anyone who wants to see the list, just ask.)
Typical kit and equipment: ACR (caseless), with underbarrel grenade launcher, laser sight, silencer and secure weapon. Cloth/10 with enclosed helmet incorporating rebreather, combo IR/LA goggles, eye protection, computer-weave/11, IR chameleon and mid range helmet HUD. One squad per platoon has vac-sealed TL 11 Poly Carapace which has incorporates same items as cloth; these are assault squads. 6 troopers replace the ACR with a laser carbine; 6 troopers including 2 sergeants and a lieutenant replace the ACR with an SMG. 1 sergeant utilises an automatic RAM-Grenade Launcher and two autopistols. Most troopers have privately-acquired autopistols and either a blade or a dagger.
Heavy weapons include 2 TL 11 VRFGGs and several remotely-operated MRL packs (these are, with the HUD/IFF system, tied into the TL 11 battle computer).
Augments are generally TL 11 cyber or bioeyes which allow IR vision, with subdermal armor and ballistic tracking lenses being common and either immune system boosters or initiative enhancers being available by user's finances.
Raven's Loyal Rifles has 6 grav trucks and a 5-ton combat speeder to get around. Two trucks and the speeder utilise dual lasers, while the remaining four trucks have an autocannon and a RAM Grenade Launcher.
Raven's Loyal Rifles was formed when their homeworld was conquered by a neighboring world. Raven had resisted the new government with what would eventually become the cadre for the unit for 8 months, until losses and pressure to capitulate became too strong. She organized what remained of her unit, minus those survivors who had decided to stop resisting the government (or who had been arrested), and quietly stole offworld aboard a long liner. Over time, the Loyal Rifles drifted to a nearby TL-11 world and began to recruit and reequip. They tend towards striker or security units, and have several times performed immigration and customs enforcement duties for non-dictatorial worlds.
The unit is slowly growing tired of not having its own interstellar transportation, and is considering the acquisition of a Broadsword-class mercenary cruiser.
Raven and Lanni are under arrest warrants issued by the planetary government, which accounts them to be rebels to be detained. The planetary government, which does not wish the Imperium to look to closely at the methods they used while taking over the planet, has not issued Imperial warrants for them - though this has not dissuaded some of the more naive or simply foolish bounty hunters from trying to capture them.