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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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SOC-14 5K
Re: Interactive Story got me to thinking

What would people of turning one of the threads on this portion into one massive MMORPG. One of us could volunteer to Referee. Naturally, the format would lend itself to LARP rather than any set ruleset and have a cast of 100s. I was thinking that we could have a Core party created and everyone else could sort of drop in and act as NPCs. The Ref. would provide the basic scene then it would be up to everyone to interact with each other? Is this too crazy for Traveller?
Ok here is how it going to work. Anyone (even only briefly to act as a NPC) can come in and participate in this thread. They will just have to assume a role and keep in character when responding to different situations that I will (as Ref.) will throw out to the entire Board.

I will endeavour to make a posting, at least once a day but really I want to leave the action up to everyone on the board.

Ref. interventions will be identified as Ref. says: embodied in quote.

If you want to play just as a NPC prefix your actions with NPC: This way you will not be drawn into the larger game if you cannot commit the time.

Silly or frivolous postings will not be tolerated.

The first action taken will be shunning by everyone participating. If that fails, we could ask for administrative revoking of the user name and/or post.

Remember all this like a LARP no rules, no dice (or more accurately limited dice rolls with players expected to role play the results) just strictly interpersonal relations. Be mature about it and we all can have a good time. Try to stay always in character. When you bump into another character. Be sure to identify yourself.

For technical details done in a narrative form, participants may use the Companion Thread entitled Technical Details...

The adventure also has a section for players to discuss strategy. This located on the thread named: COTI LARP OOC Thread (Players Only!)

Upon reasonably spaced out requests, I can also provide with an updated Executive Summary of the Adventure, thus far.


(Hopefully, this will create the longest thread, yet!)
Ref. says:

TAS newsbulletin: It is with great pleasure and pride that the shipyards here at Terra Prime have launched the Pride of Naasirka. A million ton of space liner that will transverse the entire subsector. Powerful mighty engines mean that it will be able transsect 6 parsecs in a single jump. Selected invited guests from the planet's nobility as well as the family of many of shipwrights have been invited on the maiden trip to Farpoint, a measely 3 parsecs away where they will encouraged to see the sights and interact with the local Zhodani trade delegation which have expressed great interest.

A Naasirka spokesperson stated that: "It was hoped that this ship could be seen as a beacon of peace as it picks up the ambassador for the first leg of his trip to Capital where he will present his credentials."

Factions of the Anti-Technological league have forecasted disaster for the ship stating: "Every device has its limitations, there was an ancient terran sea vessel called the Titanic that nobody believed would sink but as everyone knows what happened. Not saying that we are going to be the iceberg but Naasirka had better watch out! There were many unhappy workers here on Terra Prime when they decided to robotize some of the shifts given the situation of such unemployment."

The Pride of Naasirka has been launched without any problems and after a momentary dimming of the lights. The public service system announces that cocktails are aviable at any of the 12 lounges. And commencing shortly on the swimming pool level a series of aquatic acrobatic Dolphins will be preforming Swan Pond. All crew are asked to man their Jump stations and passengers may be free to roam the ship. Remember, your access cards allow to freely travel where ever you wish so long as you have the proper security clearance. Thank you and have a nice evening.
Baron W. heads to the nearest lounge.

(This should be interesting. I wonder who else will be along on this voyage?)

I believe a nice Cold Cola would hit the spot about now.
Honor Baron Jame Benson heads to the nearest lounge. Looks to be #5. He heads to the bar to wait for his two companions, Heredit'y Countess Dorotea Innes, ex-Marine Gunnery Sgt. and Honor Sir Harold Calis, MD.

They mustered out at about the same time as me, so we decided that we must travel together - as far as Farpoint, anyways. I must see if the liner will allow me to wear my sword in public?

Jame recieves his rum-in-cola, looks to see if his companions have arrived and sees Baron W.

"Well, hello there, Milord. I recall seeing you several times now. How are you?" Jame introduces himself.
Sitting in lounge #5, studying a data pad. Two days of stubble on my face since retiring. Left every razor blade back on the planet, don't plan on shaving again, ever. Wearing a black and tan leather jacket and shades linked to the data pad.
I have not yet been harrassed concerning my long sword slung at the waist.
I enjoy a bottle of the ships fine wine while studying the details of the Pride of Naasirka specs. It seemed a bit easy to down load the detail specifications from the ship computer.
"Your nuts?"

Usssep's large, unblinking Droyne eyes look into the somewhat surprised ones of the seated human male.

Cocking his head to the side, the Droyne Sport indicates the untouched bowl of nuts on the man's table: "If you are not using ... to not waste them, please."

Usssep is wearing a short, robe-like garment of wide, loose strips of irridescent cloth gathered at the waist by an intricately worked metal link belt. A small holo-recorder on one side balances his hand computer on the other.
Originally posted by Piper:
"Your nuts?"

Usssep's large, unblinking Droyne eyes look into the somewhat surprised ones of the seated human male.

Cocking his head to the side, the Droyne Sport indicates the untouched bowl of nuts on the man's table: "If you are not using ... to not waste them, please."

Usssep is wearing a short, robe-like garment of wide, loose strips of irridescent cloth gathered at the waist by an intricately worked metal link belt. A small holo-recorder on one side balances his hand computer on the other.
"Sure, take all that you want. Your species is capable of digesting them, right? I mean, you're the first Droyne I've ever met." said the chubby form of Matt Jeffers, only looking slightly uncomfortable in his tie, sweater, and slacks. A half-finished drink in his meaty hand.
The Droyne nods briskly: "Nut is good food. Many thanks are offered."

He pops one into his mouth as he observes his host: "My name is called Usssep. I am sent as a trade new-seeker. In your language a 'damned salesman', yes?"

Soft, hissing laughter follows.

"My clan makes small electronics, computers. I go to make trade with Zhodani. A great honor to be sent on such a fine ship."
Jame is having his drink and holding his small table when Dorotea walks in, wearing her cutlass and carrying his. She walks over and hands him his sword, then sits and orders a drink.

Jame asks, "Where's Harry?"

"The good doctor won't be joining us until he's satisfied we're near some escape pods. After all that travelling one would think he'd be used to spacecraft."

(Sigh.) "It's amazing he got into the Navy - but I suppose they needed doctors, especially of his skill. There's a bearded swordsman over near the bar; maybe we should see if he'd be interested in some fencing?"
Ref. says: The following public service announcements are heard over the ship's com Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that you enjoying your flight. Our estimated breakout time has been revised to 6 days 20 hours. We will keep you updated, as the computer calculates further viables.

"Would the Chief Engineer kindly report to the Captain's readyroom, as soon as possible. Thank you."

A passenger who was passing by stateroom 808 in the First Class section happened to notice strange multicoloured light flashing and crackling
like a persistant electrical discharge from under the door. She reported the phenomena to the Steward on Deck, who reassured her that the crew will investigate.
After exchanging pleasant greetings with Baron Jame and Dorotea, Baron W. asks if they would like to join him in some form of card game entertainment?

"My skills are slight and I find myself often loosing but, I just love to play. I mean, I can't loose every game can I? And it does help greatly in passing the time."
Dorotea says, "I'll gladly play, though I'm not much of a gambler either." When they sit down to play, she asks, "What brings you aboard the ship?"
"Ah, well, actually my wife, the Lady Elaine wanted to visit Far Point. She heard there is a wonderful retreat and spa there she simply had to visit. I heard there was a Pod Race track and an up and comming pilot. I thought I could win some wagers by betting on him. What game would you like to play?"
Originally posted by Piper:
The Droyne nods briskly: "Nut is good food. Many thanks are offered."

He pops one into his mouth as he observes his host: "My name is called Usssep. I am sent as a trade new-seeker. In your language a 'damned salesman', yes?"

Soft, hissing laughter follows.

"My clan makes small electronics, computers. I go to make trade with Zhodani. A great honor to be sent on such a fine ship."
"Pleased to meetcha'. I'm Matt Jeffers, no clan, unless you want to call my tech college a clan. They had a scholarship open to travel abroad on the Pride of Naasirka, I was the only one who applied for it and now I'm here seeing what there is to see." He took a gulp of his drink.

"I guess that makes me a bit like you, at least from what I've read. We're both out here being new-seekers", he finished with a rueful smile.
"A spa? I'll have to talk the guys into trying it - I don't plan on going myself. The third member of my party may be interested in that pod racing track - though I'm sure you should tell him. He won't be along until supper, though."

Dorotea looks up at Jame. "You don't mind watching a game of poorly-played Tonk, now do you?"

"Not at all, not at all."
Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
"Pleased to meetcha'. I'm Matt Jeffers, no clan, unless you want to call my tech college a clan. They had a scholarship open to travel abroad on the Pride of Naasirka, I was the only one who applied for it and now I'm here seeing what there is to see." He took a gulp of his drink.

"I guess that makes me a bit like you, at least from what I've read. We're both out here being new-seekers", he finished with a rueful smile.
"I too have pleasure in meeting you, Matt Jeffers. May I return your courtesy by purchasing you another beverage?"

Usssep cocks his head again, listening to the announcement over the PA: "I have little knowledge of ship operations. Is a summons for the chief engineer a normal thing at this time? Perhaps we should question a steward ..."
Originally posted by Piper:
"I too have pleasure in meeting you, Matt Jeffers. May I return your courtesy by purchasing you another beverage?"

Usssep cocks his head again, listening to the announcement over the PA: "I have little knowledge of ship operations. Is a summons for the chief engineer a normal thing at this time? Perhaps we should question a steward ..."


"That announcement doesn't sound right. Usually maintenance is done on the maneuver drive while in jump, overseen by the Chief Engineer. At least that's what my instructors tell me," pausing for a moment.

"Yes, lets ask a steward and see what they say."
Ref says: The steward seems a little uneasy and after a long pause says:
"It's nothing to be alarmed with. Just routine maintenance. The Captain is concerned that the Jump Engines are only operating at 97.8% efficiency. And now if I can offer you free holofilm passes, tonight's feature will be a new release direct from the Baronski films on Upper Taragon."

The PA announcement calls out again for the Chief Engineer to report to the Captain's Ready Room.

In the meantime, a clearly drunken courtesan bumps into the group. "Some party, on the First Class Observation Deck, eh? Wild times like that haven't been seen since old Rome itself." Soon after bumping into a few walls a few marines in full battle dress escort the courtesan back to the elevators.
The door chime of the Captain's ready room pongs melodiously, naturally that is working fine notes the Chief Petty Engineer. The door opens and Jeffery walks in sparing a quick glance at the room, with the eye of an engineer rather than a decorator, and is not as impressed as the decor intends...

Standing respectfully easy in a clear voice Jeff speaks "CPO Sawter reporting sir, the Master Chief sends her regrets, she is sitting on a situation in main engineering at the moment. I have the details here." He hands over a data-pad and continues, "We should have crew comms patched up shortly so you won't have to use runners and the public address for much longer, sir." With that Jeff waits for the Captain to read the report and give his orders.
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