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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref says:
"The acidity in the lake would have weakened his armour extensively. I am afraid we have to conclude that Zeke is no longer with us. What we have to figure out is a way to disable this creature or creatures" Owen says with a shutter.

"...can't go over it, can't through it...I'm not scared..." Felix murmurs.

In brisk military like manner Owen barks, "Ok, we need OPTIONS, people. Panthera, you have been remarkably quiet for some time. Is something wrong? The Intel that Ben is quite impressive but it is still partial."
Ref says:
The pool has once again returned to its eerie calm. Ben's replay of his biomni culture reading still read nil as they did before. Either something in the pool obscured or the device was rendered defective by the acidity, as well.

Owen opts, "Do you think that the creature and the object we entered earlier might be connected somehow? As it kinda looks similar to when we first encountered on the base, and didn't you say it was some sort of cyborg, Felix?"

Felix's teeth continue to chatter, "I'm not scared...Going...on..."

Ref says: Suddenly, the serenity of the pool is broken as a large dorsal fin appears from out of the water and making its way to the shoreline.

Owen pales, "Uhm, guys, I just had a rather frightening thought, you know how we encountered one of these at the Research Station, what if these things are amphibious and psionic..."

"Going on a bear hunt...I am sure scared." chatters Felix.
OOC: See you all in a couple of weeks...we will resume then.
Panthera has been dazed and confused for days; where is she, who is she, why are her dreams so different, so wrong?

"IAKEPHTHNEIPR KAHLST!" she cries over the com, and fires her grapnel launcher at a ledge high up along the wall to the left.

OOC: soz, RL has been way, way hectic.
Decided to start one day earlier because my computer is deep storage and I will not be able to access the CofI until Monday.

Ref says:
The fin continues to its way rapidly toward shore. With a mighty and apparently sense act, it turns causing its fluke to create a massive cascade of “water” causing Owen’s suit to fry, as he screams as the acid eats away at his exposed flesh.{9 pts dmg}

Panthera’s grapple lodges firmly against the wall and she pulls herself onto a ledge safely avoiding much of the splash’s effect. {1pt dmg}. She peers into the blue-black gloom of the pool and the creature for now seems to have dived deeper where the light from her suit cannot penetrate. The ledge is very narrow and is not going to provide a safe haven, should indeed the creature be capable of existing out of the water. Furthermore, the splash did weaken some of the integrity of the supporting rock. There are other ledges that ring the pool but they vary substantially in height ranging from just above the waterline to the height of the cavern (5m). Transversing each step would be DIFFICULT becoming IMPOSSIBLE during the rounds the creature is attacking.

Ben’s grav pod did reach the cavern’s natural height of 5m, only 3.1m taller than tallest human in the party but safe enough not to be effected by the splash effect. Looking down, however, there is some sparking from the grav pod’s modules as the acid water effects of the circuitry. Ben’s infrared is blinded by the overall heat plumes that continue move through the corridor. He does seem to detect that there is a large coldish object circling beneath the apparent calm of the water. He concludes that the creature is cold blooded but because of the refraction index of water, he cannot be sure that it is the creature. Save that it is rapidly approaching the surface.

The fin breaks the water again; Owen scrambles to the back of the grotto desperately taking parts of shredding suit and applying them as bandages to his wounds. This time, the creature moving with greater intent and moving rapidly to the shoreline in the direction of the party. It is indeed an amphibian and the sheer horror the creature presents itself. Failing tentacles lunge toward the party dripping with some sort of mucus and acid.

Panthera clutches her head and falls to her knees, causing her to barely hold her footing on the ledge. “The pain make it stop, I cannot break out.”

The two tentacles stretch one toward Owen and the other toward Ben.

(if you have difficulties viewing this image, as I have here is another link )

Grafted instincts take over, struggling to make a singularity of a babelous morass. Her left fist thrusts into a crack and tenses, her left wrist taking all her weight, despite the livid burn blistering her left forearm. Her right hand reaches for a beltpouch, cracking out a stick of stims given to her by the Count. One, two, three she stabs them into her neck, the pop of the synthi-glass as she squeezes the contents into her body loud in her ears despite the yells of Owen and the protestations of Benny.

As the rapid pulse of her heartbeat rises to fill her hearing and the irises of her eyes recede to nothingness, a clarity returns to Panthera's mind. The pain receds; something is walled off.
"If only I had a Kriegzmetal TCK-440 Plasma Pulse Generator with the extenders", she mutters wistfully.

Thinking back to the Boojum hunt on Talias IV with Lord Fornt Alroy she calls out: "Has anyone got any grenades? Liquids are uncompressable. Ever been fishing with explosives?"

She pulls out the flare gun, and takes careful aim at the dorsal fin cruising through the murk...
Day 4

Ref says:
The creature’s tentacle wrap around, Ben’s Grav pod causing to sputter and spark, it quickly retreats from the electrical discharge. However, the pod has been damaged irrevocably that it is now operating at 75% capacity and only barely supporting Ben’s mass. Ben compensates by holding on dearly the sharp stalactites that are throughout the ceiling.

The creature lugs itself closer to the shoreline blue, black grey slime oozes out of multiple pores. The creature’s sharp teeth grind up the rock as a way of gaining greater leverage. Whilst, it can support itself on land, it clearly prefers the water. Its pink underbelly seems to ejecting some fluids to keep it hydrated concurrent with the slime. It tough leathery skin seems relatively unaffected by the acid in the water. There are countless little bite marks on the fins. Its tentacles creep along toward Owen who suddenly looks nonplussed.

“Look, guys, a puppy,” as Owen with a silly smile on his face, stands up and makes his way toward the fold of the tentacle.
OOC: Waiting to find out the outcome of the roll for the flare gun Klaus. And, will the good Baron be joining us. And, if sinistral is out there pls. PM me, ASAP.
"We must get off this rotten planet to a prettier one, friends..."

...is the last thing Ben says before he focuses two views on making it back to the "shore" and the third view focuses on maintaining the grav pack until he can do so.one limb makes repairs as the other five resolutely grip the stalagtites to climb over on. He wiggles each before gripping it, to make sure that it doesnt come loose. Three limbs are in contact with the cieling "handholds" at all times...
Ref says:
Owen continues to move toward the tentacle with the silly smile. The creature has it completely unfurled awaiting Owen to come closer, gently blocking any exits; it seems to emitting a low purring sound. It the meantime, production of the slime seems to be going overtime and the tentacle is saturated with it, forming pool in the middle of shore. With the other tentacle, it is burrowing a pit in the soft rock in directly within the walking of Owen. It seems to secreting the putrid goo into this cavity. The strength of the creature is quite remarkable as between its teeth and tentacle it is paring away at the rock with remarkable ease. As Owen, moves ever forward, the tentacle suddenly grasps quite violently, Owen screams as the illusion is shattered. He is viciously immersed into the pool and rolled around in the substance. His screams although muffled by the substance echo throughout the cavern.

Ben’s can see that his grav belt is beyond repair under these conditions. All it can do is offer partial support to his other appendages that are clinging on to the Stalactites. It resembles a situation of a partially full bottle bobbing in a turbulent sea, bobbing up and down. As some of the Stalactites cannot hold his weight and harmlessly break off and fall into the pool. The splashes and waves do not seem to affect the creature; after all the pool is its natural habitat. The creature seems to obsessed with consuming Owen for the moment.

The flare from Panthera’s gun illuminates the cavern briefly. The red light illuminates shows that there is another shoreline about 500m distant. Small outcroppings of rocks exist between here and there. They vary in distance between two and five meters apart, and considerably in size some are large enough to accommodate two good sized human beings whilst others would maybe be large enough for a single foot. Furthermore, their stability remains unknown. Some are potted with small holes providing a proper foothold; others are smooth as glass (and perhaps, as fragile). The flare speedily moves toward the dorsal fin and… (OOC: waiting for you…)

Iaia’s mind is being devastated; it can only escape into the deeper recesses but everywhere the creature pursues with sadistic intent. Even amongst the psionic games in the black quarters that she witnessed as a teen, never was such cruelty. This creature is determined to snuff out her existence. Somehow, her body is reacting differently. It must be the training but no. There is another presence. He reaches toward it. The creature is laughing callously beating her back. She can feel the tethers of her mind unravelling; this creature seems to be dominate her with ease. It begins to unravel all her defences with the ease of child plucking a daisy.

“She dies now, she dies later, she dies now, she dies later, she dies now, she dies later, she dies now, she dies later, she dies now, she dies later, she dies now, she dies later, etc., etc.” the creature seems to be taunting her.
Ben jettisons his grav pack and breaks out his Mechanical Toolkit's Torch, holding his position.

Seeing the monster advance on his other targets, he ignites the torch and tries to drop it or throw it onto the creature's back to distract it.
Ref says:
The torch sears the creature's back. Its eyes arch upward distracted for a moment by the pain stops rolling Owen and lets out a screech and splashes the water with its massive fluke. The splash effect causes acid damage. {Panthera 2pts, Owen 8pts (rendering him unconscious), Ben 0 pts} Then begins its efforts redoubled.
OOC: If you drop you back it will become DIFFICULT to maintain your hold on the ceiling as opposed to the EASY task that is now. To be rolled every round.
Ref says:
The creature's vile bile now completely surrounds Owen. A last desperate plea reaches Iaia, "Help me, please... " then the voice is suddenly halted, a single silent scream reverberates across the chamber.

Suddenly, from the other side of the embankment, some sharpened iron poles cascade across the water and embed themselves into the creature. The creature is startled by its tentacles whirl around abandoning Owen for the moment as it dives back into the inky pool. Blood from the creature can be seen by Ben's infrared vision for about 100m before the thermals make it indecipherable. It seems to be speedily heading toward the opposite shore.
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