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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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The door of the express shuttle opens and Sawter steps out, nearly walking right into the wall when the door to the Comms Center fails to open. Jeff does a double take and realizes the reason the door didn't open is because it's not there. Instead of a door directly opposite the shuttle there is just a blank wall. Confused he turns around as the shuttle closes and whisks off. The deck number on the wall beside the door reads 119-01 which would be... the forward obersavtion lounge?! About as far from the lower comms center as possible. So when the shuttle slowed, it must have been redirected and the displays fed false data. Curious, and disturbing. Almost as disturbing as that not too distant droning that has been in the background and he's just noticing consciously, coming from the lounge around the other side of the access core apparently.

Cautiously Jeff makes his way around and is confronted by a shocking scene of some strange ritual and what he hopes desperately is only a holo projection on the lounge viewports, because if that's what it looks like outside the ship in the midst of this jump we are screwed!

He can now hear voices and snippets of conversation from around the corner by the interdeck lifts as one of the lifts closes and departs. A conversation that seems to be leading to a rather one sided and messy confrontation. Cursing his apparent lack of sensibility for self preservation he begins quietly humming and walks around the corner with his hand comp held up at chest height and his eyes and fingers on it...

"Ah, there you are!" Looking at the group of passengers and glancing at his hand comp screen still held over his chest. Two males a few steps from the interdeck lifts who seem to be doing the talking and one female hanging back by the lift keeping the door open. Addressing the guards Jeff continues, "Sorry about that, part of my tour group went wandering, I'll take them now. A stewards work is never done right". He smiles and winks. Turning his back to the guards to usher the men towards the lift, herding them onward with his hand and the hand comp his face turns decidedly serious as he continues "Come along now, you're going to miss the opening of the dolphin show if we don't hurry, your friend will just have to catch the next show. Into the lift now." In big bold letters on the screen of the hand comp are two words and a single puctuation mark <DO IT!>
Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref says:
"Your companion is sleeping. Now, back!" the players hear the safeties being uncocked. </font>[/QUOTE]"Fine. Tell him to get back to his cabin when he wakes up - and wake him up if you have to, 'cause he doesn't have a Gold thingy."
Originally posted by Jame:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref says:
"Your companion is sleeping. Now, back!" the players hear the safeties being uncocked. </font>[/QUOTE]"Fine. Tell him to get back to his cabin when he wakes up - and wake him up if you have to, 'cause he doesn't have a Gold thingy." </font>[/QUOTE]Jeff shoots an icy stare at the passenger for continuing to argue in the face of lethal force and continues in a barely controlled light tone while still moving to the lift, physically pushing the passengers if needed, "Of course sir, I'll arrange for someone to check into that for you as soon as we get to the aquatic deck."
"Um, Lord Jame? There is a saying about descretion being the better part of something...I mean, those guns make Big Holes"

"Lets just follow this gentleman for awhile...OK?"
Once on the lift Sawter breaths out to release his tension and the thought crosses his mind to release a little more tension physically but that'd be a bad move.

Instead he punches the lift for the aquatic deck several levels below and turns to the passengers. Pulling a short rod like device from a pocket he removes a panel on the lift wall. "Excuse me, I need to make a small repair to this lift while we are in motion. We've had some trouble with reports of bad routing in this area." <sparkz> "Oops I seem to have shorted out the security camera <sparkz>, dang there goes audio too." He grins and puts away the tool after closing the panel.

"Now we can talk, I'm not really a steward but it seemed the easiest way to get us out of there without any extra holes, names Sawter." As can be attested to by the uniform name tag which includes his last name and crew division, showing Engineering.

"I don't know what is going on but if your friend is there, getting shot full of needles is not going to help him. Could you tell if he was still alive? Never mind, my advice is hope he finds his own way out or come up with some kind of a plan before you go argue with armed guards again. I can't help you, I've got my own troubles, but one of you might be able to help me and that might help your friend too." Sawter pulls a few interface cards from a pocket. "I need to get these to the Chief Engineer in main engineering but I also need to get to central comms and that is proving difficult. If one of you could take these and a message to the Chief for me you can have my ID card. It might prove useful in getting access to areas for the other two to try to help your friend up there. What do you say?"
Jame, the argumentative one - who obviously got so frustrated that he lost his cool - says, "Sorry 'bout that. Dorotea and I will take it for you provided the two of us can use it together - and the Baron here's welcome too."

Dorotea looks at Jame and says, "If only one of us can go, I should - ex-Marine Gunnery Sergeants have a knack for this stuff."
"Apology accepted, stressful situation fer sure. It should get you all through under the clearance as long as you stay together but it's important that the one carrying the interface cards and message get to main engineering as quickly as possible and they'll need the ID for that."
Ref says:
A rather skinny Vegan approaches the players. "Greetings from my tribe to your tribe. I find these aquatic sports terribly tedious. The Steward over there suggested that you might be able to give a tour of Engineering."

Once they round the corner, the Vegan slips something into one of the player's pocket. "Oh, I am sorry this does not appear to be they way to the Restaurant...I wonder if they have vegetarian..." with that Vegan disappears into a stateroom.

At which point, the players pull out a small package with a note attached: "To only be played at Far Point Starport, Wa-Ki-Ki Lounge 3rd Floor Holosuite. Otherwise, disk will self-destruct."

The players blink twice, as the letters seem to fade immediately after being read. Openning up the package reveals a standard Imperial holocrystal (TL-F)

As the group moves toward Engineering they note a noticable thinning of passengers and crew.

The overhead ship's PA system says in a hushed tone:
"The ship is now entering the Night cycle. Would crew kindly assist passengers to their staterooms. For those latenight owls, a special 12 hour run of Emperors of Third Imperium' will be shown in Holocinemas on each of major decks. Thank you. Passenger are requested to stay in their staterooms or holocinemas to allow janitorbots to clean up. Thank you."

Small mouse holes open and janitorbots are being released.
Jeff begins to answer even as the Vegan strolls around the corner, the group following, "I'm afraid any tour of engineering at the moment is out of the question and would require approval of a deck officer."

Once they round the corner, the Vegan slips something into one of the player's pocket. "Oh, I am sorry this does not appear to be they way to the Restaurant...I wonder if they have vegetarian..." with that Vegan disappears into a stateroom.

Sawter stares at the closed door, "OOO Kayy." :confused: "In a day of weirdness that seems about par for the course. What did the Vegan slip you?"

The passenger pulls out a small package with a note attached: "To only be played at Far Point Starport, Wa-Ki-Ki Lounge 3rd Floor Holosuite. Otherwise, disk will self-destruct."

The letters seem to fade immediately after being read. Opening up the package reveals a standard Imperial holocrystal (TL-F)

Jeff mumbles something no one can make out, then "Right Plan B then. Anyone got a Plan B?"

As the group continues toward Engineering they note a noticable thinning of passengers and crew.

The overhead ship's PA system says in a hushed tone:
"The ship is now entering the Night cycle. Would crew kindly assist passengers to their staterooms. For those latenight owls, a special 12 hour run of Emperors of Third Imperium' will be shown in Holocinemas on each of major decks. Thank you. Passenger are requested to stay in their staterooms or holocinemas to allow janitorbots to clean up. Thank you."

Small mouse holes open and janitorbots are being released.

Jeff thinks a moment before speaking, "Sounds like a Plan B to me. Guess I'll keep the cards and ID for now. Do you need any assistance finding your staterooms or are you heading for a Holocinema?"
"I believe I would like to check my room for useful posession and provisions. There seems to be much going on that we will need to be as prepared as possible for. Let's meet in the main dinning area at first bell in the morning?"

"Um...how close is my stateroom to an emergency escape pod?"
"We'll be checking our mutual stateroom - a shared High Passage - as well. Would it be a problem if we went and got some equipment, since all we brought were our clothes and swords?"

OOC: What I'd like to know is if there are any shops I can outfit my characters with.
Usssep (lower lounge)

Usssep saves the data and collapses the control interface. Removing the porta-comp from his belt, he walks up to the nearest crewman and offers it to him: "You give this to purser or engineer officer, yes? Ship have bigger problem than nosey Droyne."

He looks toward the disturbance: "Looks like big Aslan trying to tear head off steward to maybe make flowerpot. No place for frail and fragile Droyne. I go with you now, yes?"
Ref. says: The crewmember looks quite puzzled, "Sir, I am not sure if this some sort of bribe. I assure you my salary is quite adequate to meet the needs of my family."

As to the Aslan, he is a 2.5 meter Male Aslan towering over a much shorter bookish looking Vargr (imagine a Whippet with Coke bottle glasses). "I assure you, sir, I meant no disrepect my Trokh is not very good. I merely wanted to find out if my translation of 5th century Desai Love Poetry was correct. Please, don't hurt me."

The Aslan makes a hearty laugh, and turns to the crowd, "Is there anyone who will take up the honor of this pathetic creature?"

A voice from the crowd, calls out, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" A girl, really of quite diminutative stature aged no more 23 looking more like 17 pushes her way through.

Emerging out, out of the crowd is the legendary Merc/Adventurer/Traveller, Ditzie.
OCC: if anyone on the Board wants to play Ditzie just jump right on in.
Usssep (lower lounge)
Originally posted by kafka47:
Ref. says: The crewmember looks quite puzzled, "Sir, I am not sure if this some sort of bribe. I assure you my salary is quite adequate to meet the needs of my family."
Ussseps cocks his head to one side and says: "My apologies. Mistaken identity, yes? You go join big fight brewing; maybe human girl want flowerpot, too."

He slips out of the lounge and into the corridor: "I need to find an engineer. Much analysis needs to be done on this data."

Spying a cleaner bot, he looks around, and seeing the corridor empty, picks it up, looks at it, and removes the power cell. He slips the bot into a belt pouch and moves on.

"May find use for this in near future."
Ref says: There is bleep at the baron's door the very next morning. Upon answering there is a small courierbot hovering outside. After a quick eyescan to confirm the identity of the Baron. A small blue tube pops up with a note attached with some sort of dust inside. The bot beeps and a stern looking Vilani martron appears in holographic message and states:

"Contained within are the final remains of: Honor Sir Harold Calis, M.D. The Pride of Naasirka deeply regrets your loss. It would appear that Honor Sir Harold Calis, M.D. wandered too close to an open power Conduite and was badly electrocuted. Our medical staff tried best to save him (for futher details see Chief Medical Officer's Log#87966+AE). Cost of the cremation has absorbed by the company, as an act of total customer service care. However, liability does fall to your party should you wish to make claim, kindly consult your ticket (Ref ICC#4542343 subsection 4) to find that Naasirka does not accept any responsibility for passenger negligence as warning signs clearly prohibit passengers in crew designated areas. Thank you and hope you have fantastic day.

With that the courierbot bleeps and goes to deliver other messages.
OCC: Anyone wishes to go back to the Dritze action may do so and will catch up after resolution with encounter with the Aslan.
Baron W. knocks on Honor Baron Jame's door in the morning. The sounds of clinking metal parts eminates from the back pack he is carrying.
Originally posted by Piper:
Usssep (lower lounge)

Usssep saves the data and collapses the control interface. Removing the porta-comp from his belt, he walks up to the nearest crewman and offers it to him: "You give this to purser or engineer officer, yes? Ship have bigger problem than nosey Droyne."

He looks toward the disturbance: "Looks like big Aslan trying to tear head off steward to maybe make flowerpot. No place for frail and fragile Droyne. I go with you now, yes?"
As he watches the crewmember walk away with the portacomp Matt turns to Usssup, "Please tell me that you made a backup of the data you just hacked and saved it on memory somewhere for us to look at later? What do you mean, 'A long time ago you had sophonts serve machines and it was bad'? What were those robed guys doing?"
Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
... Matt turns to Usssup, "Please tell me that you made a backup of the data you just hacked and saved it on memory somewhere for us to look at later? What do you mean, 'A long time ago you had sophonts serve machines and it was bad'? What were those robed guys doing?"
"The steward did not take it ... very strange."
He turns to Matt: "Yes, a backup is good idea. You want a copy? We need to get this to an officer."

As Usssep configures his unit to make the copy and transfer he says: "The datanet on this ship has at least three active trojans; the one hiding the power diversion, mine, and the one that tripped the security alarms. At first I thought that was mine, but when I realized that steward wasn't looking for me, I knew another program was working."

The computer gives a satisfied chirp indicating the transfer is complete. While downloading to Matt's unit, he also creates a copy on a memory microdot and places this in the battery compartment of the cleaner bot. Recording the unit's ID code, he returns it to service. While he works, he explains: "You saw the cables wired into heads on observatory, yes? Not sure, but looks like direct mind/machine interface. Droyne try this long ago. Problem is biological mind chaotic, random. Normal computer can't process, crashes. Then tried synaptic matrix; computer can learn to deal with chaos, see?"

"Bad mistake."

"Synaptic computer learn too much. Learn the dark spaces in all sophont minds. Learns fear, learns to hide, to protect itself. Can become enemy of biological life. Can spread to other systems."

He looks straight into the human's eyes.

"I am not sure what we saw, new-seeker Matt Jeffers; but it makes me afraid. Very afraid."
Originally posted by Piper:
"The steward did not take it ... very strange."
He turns to Matt: "Yes, a backup is good idea. You want a copy? We need to get this to an officer."

As Usssep configures his unit to make the copy and transfer he says: "The datanet on this ship has at least three active trojans; the one hiding the power diversion, mine, and the one that tripped the security alarms. At first I thought that was mine, but when I realized that steward wasn't looking for me, I knew another program was working."

The computer gives a satisfied chirp indicating the transfer is complete. While downloading to Matt's unit, he also creates a copy on a memory microdot and places this in the battery compartment of the cleaner bot. Recording the unit's ID code, he returns it to service. While he works, he explains: "You saw the cables wired into heads on observatory, yes? Not sure, but looks like direct mind/machine interface. Droyne try this long ago. Problem is biological mind chaotic, random. Normal computer can't process, crashes. Then tried synaptic matrix; computer can learn to deal with chaos, see?"

"Bad mistake."

"Synaptic computer learn too much. Learn the dark spaces in all sophont minds. Learns fear, learns to hide, to protect itself. Can become enemy of biological life. Can spread to other systems."

He looks straight into the human's eyes.

"I am not sure what we saw, new-seeker Matt Jeffers; but it makes me afraid. Very afraid."
"A computer learning to hate sophonts? Have emotions like fear? Next you'll be suggesting that it should be considered to be alive once it achieves this."

"I'm betting it was something else. I heard of a rumor about a cult that believes that God lives in Jumpspace. I wonder if we didn't interrupt one of their worship gatherings."

"Think we should get rid of the trojan hiding the power diversion on the ship's datanet? That way we could just let the crew handle this weirdness."
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