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[Rebirth: 1138] Background Concept

"Order" restored would be most likely local order, and while a Failing world could stabilize itself in some cases (usually after a significant population loss and with a huge economical cost), most Doomed worlds will die away within a few years (less than a decade in most cases IMHO) unless they recieve outside help. And "outside help" usually also means that the "savior" world gets a major say (to the very least) in local matters on the saved world. So, for example, a world retaining TL9+ and interstellar shipping capabilities with several Doomed or Failing neighbours would be quite likely to form a new pocket-empire, using its capability to save worlds from total death as a powerful mean of coercion against dying worlds.
"Order" restored would be most likely local order, and while a Failing world could stabilize itself in some cases (usually after a significant population loss and with a huge economical cost), most Doomed worlds will die away within a few years (less than a decade in most cases IMHO) unless they recieve outside help. And "outside help" usually also means that the "savior" world gets a major say (to the very least) in local matters on the saved world. So, for example, a world retaining TL9+ and interstellar shipping capabilities with several Doomed or Failing neighbours would be quite likely to form a new pocket-empire, using its capability to save worlds from total death as a powerful mean of coercion against dying worlds.
The feel I was trying to invoke isn't of of a total, all-destructive "wipe clean" of the OTU as given by TNE, but rather a short night followed by a very long and difficult struggle to rebuild. Not all hope is lost - there is much to achieve, much to correcrt, much to build, but the road ahead is long, dark and hard.

Recovery will start at different times in different places. The lucky few, mostly the "big" polities, as well as the better-off worlds on the former "Frontiers", will start rebuilding in the mid-1130's (once the threat of the Black War dies out in most cases); many others, especially deep in the "Wilds", will remain in a far longer twilight, until their absorption by the slowly growing new polities or until their recovery decades later. Ofcourse, by "recovery" I mean a stabilization of local economies and populations and the achievement of early interstellar (or, in rare cases, better) technology; polities will be small and many for quite a long time to come, and maybe centuries will pass before big, multi-sector polities will appear. 1138 would see alot of political and technological variety in the Solomani Rim (the default setting), not a uniform blanket of total destruction but a large number of pocket-empires and many more non-aligned worlds.
The feel I was trying to invoke isn't of of a total, all-destructive "wipe clean" of the OTU as given by TNE, but rather a short night followed by a very long and difficult struggle to rebuild. Not all hope is lost - there is much to achieve, much to correcrt, much to build, but the road ahead is long, dark and hard.

Recovery will start at different times in different places. The lucky few, mostly the "big" polities, as well as the better-off worlds on the former "Frontiers", will start rebuilding in the mid-1130's (once the threat of the Black War dies out in most cases); many others, especially deep in the "Wilds", will remain in a far longer twilight, until their absorption by the slowly growing new polities or until their recovery decades later. Ofcourse, by "recovery" I mean a stabilization of local economies and populations and the achievement of early interstellar (or, in rare cases, better) technology; polities will be small and many for quite a long time to come, and maybe centuries will pass before big, multi-sector polities will appear. 1138 would see alot of political and technological variety in the Solomani Rim (the default setting), not a uniform blanket of total destruction but a large number of pocket-empires and many more non-aligned worlds.
The feel I was trying to invoke isn't of of a total, all-destructive "wipe clean" of the OTU as given by TNE, but rather a short night followed by a very long and difficult struggle to rebuild. Not all hope is lost - there is much to achieve, much to correcrt, much to build, but the road ahead is long, dark and hard.

Recovery will start at different times in different places. The lucky few, mostly the "big" polities, as well as the better-off worlds on the former "Frontiers", will start rebuilding in the mid-1130's (once the threat of the Black War dies out in most cases); many others, especially deep in the "Wilds", will remain in a far longer twilight, until their absorption by the slowly growing new polities or until their recovery decades later. Ofcourse, by "recovery" I mean a stabilization of local economies and populations and the achievement of early interstellar (or, in rare cases, better) technology; polities will be small and many for quite a long time to come, and maybe centuries will pass before big, multi-sector polities will appear. 1138 would see alot of political and technological variety in the Solomani Rim (the default setting), not a uniform blanket of total destruction but a large number of pocket-empires and many more non-aligned worlds.
Duchess Margaret Tukera still rules a part of her own former empire in 1138; the crash did not bring her to outright bankrupcy, but only inches away from it. It has forced her to write off many Tukera facilities in the periphery of her polity and concentrate her fleets and fleet efforts in the central regions; she also had to concentrate her limited military and naval forces in the centeral regions in order to crush the near-insurrection of the rank-and-file workers and lower-middle-class investers who've been driven pennyless by the crash and were demanding bread, jobs and justice. While she was able to eventually crush the revolt and regain some semblance of stability, it came at the price of a large part of her former territory. She rules a few subsectors in Delphi and a much smaller, "streamlined" Tukera. Ironically, however, Tukera has also earned much from the crash, as while it has managed to survive, many smaller companies didn't, and their greatly devaluated stocks were bought en-masse by Tukera once the first stages of economic recovery began. So how does Margaret's domain look in 1138? Small (in 1120 terms; it is still quite large in 1138 terms, encompassing around 3 subsectors), monopolist, quite opressive, and now, with its economical recovery going quite well, hungry for raw materials and for profits. A cutthroat and heavy-handed player in the economy of the surrounding Wilds, strongly resisted by the various pocket-empires formed when it was forced to "consolidate" its assets.

The Federation of Daibei, while smaller than its 1125 borders, is in quite a good state in 1138, having retained a small "Safe" even through the worst parts of the Hard Times. While it is nominally a "federation", it is actually a centralized constitutional monarchy (lighter on the "constitutional", heavier on the "monarchy"). In terms of interstellar relations, it is more concerned with consolidating its economy and its power-base; it controls several subsectors in Daibei, but most of them are still in "Frontier" or "Outland" status. Its interests lie more in getting rid of raiders and other threats and less in exapnsion (for the time being). [OOC: I'll have to reread the part about Daibei in the Hard Times and Survival Margin sourcebooks; I do not remember much, but I recall something about a re-legalization of psionics, which could have very interesting consequences).

About the Marches, Regency and Norris I am not very sure; I have several ideas in mind, ranging from a semi-cannonical Regency (a constitutional monarchy with "Regent" Norris on top, but with a Parliament or Council having some authority alongside him), through having his reforms invoking the more conservative parts of nobility to mount a coup (and then the masses revolting against the usurper, for a Domain-wide civil war with all non-Imperial polities in the vicinity getting entangeled hand, foot and psi-mind in the messy conflict) to the Zhodani and Swordworlders attempting to "re-adjust their borders" with what was once the Imperium, now that they know that the Regency is far weaker than the old Imperium or even the old Imperial Domain of Deneb were.
Duchess Margaret Tukera still rules a part of her own former empire in 1138; the crash did not bring her to outright bankrupcy, but only inches away from it. It has forced her to write off many Tukera facilities in the periphery of her polity and concentrate her fleets and fleet efforts in the central regions; she also had to concentrate her limited military and naval forces in the centeral regions in order to crush the near-insurrection of the rank-and-file workers and lower-middle-class investers who've been driven pennyless by the crash and were demanding bread, jobs and justice. While she was able to eventually crush the revolt and regain some semblance of stability, it came at the price of a large part of her former territory. She rules a few subsectors in Delphi and a much smaller, "streamlined" Tukera. Ironically, however, Tukera has also earned much from the crash, as while it has managed to survive, many smaller companies didn't, and their greatly devaluated stocks were bought en-masse by Tukera once the first stages of economic recovery began. So how does Margaret's domain look in 1138? Small (in 1120 terms; it is still quite large in 1138 terms, encompassing around 3 subsectors), monopolist, quite opressive, and now, with its economical recovery going quite well, hungry for raw materials and for profits. A cutthroat and heavy-handed player in the economy of the surrounding Wilds, strongly resisted by the various pocket-empires formed when it was forced to "consolidate" its assets.

The Federation of Daibei, while smaller than its 1125 borders, is in quite a good state in 1138, having retained a small "Safe" even through the worst parts of the Hard Times. While it is nominally a "federation", it is actually a centralized constitutional monarchy (lighter on the "constitutional", heavier on the "monarchy"). In terms of interstellar relations, it is more concerned with consolidating its economy and its power-base; it controls several subsectors in Daibei, but most of them are still in "Frontier" or "Outland" status. Its interests lie more in getting rid of raiders and other threats and less in exapnsion (for the time being). [OOC: I'll have to reread the part about Daibei in the Hard Times and Survival Margin sourcebooks; I do not remember much, but I recall something about a re-legalization of psionics, which could have very interesting consequences).

About the Marches, Regency and Norris I am not very sure; I have several ideas in mind, ranging from a semi-cannonical Regency (a constitutional monarchy with "Regent" Norris on top, but with a Parliament or Council having some authority alongside him), through having his reforms invoking the more conservative parts of nobility to mount a coup (and then the masses revolting against the usurper, for a Domain-wide civil war with all non-Imperial polities in the vicinity getting entangeled hand, foot and psi-mind in the messy conflict) to the Zhodani and Swordworlders attempting to "re-adjust their borders" with what was once the Imperium, now that they know that the Regency is far weaker than the old Imperium or even the old Imperial Domain of Deneb were.
Duchess Margaret Tukera still rules a part of her own former empire in 1138; the crash did not bring her to outright bankrupcy, but only inches away from it. It has forced her to write off many Tukera facilities in the periphery of her polity and concentrate her fleets and fleet efforts in the central regions; she also had to concentrate her limited military and naval forces in the centeral regions in order to crush the near-insurrection of the rank-and-file workers and lower-middle-class investers who've been driven pennyless by the crash and were demanding bread, jobs and justice. While she was able to eventually crush the revolt and regain some semblance of stability, it came at the price of a large part of her former territory. She rules a few subsectors in Delphi and a much smaller, "streamlined" Tukera. Ironically, however, Tukera has also earned much from the crash, as while it has managed to survive, many smaller companies didn't, and their greatly devaluated stocks were bought en-masse by Tukera once the first stages of economic recovery began. So how does Margaret's domain look in 1138? Small (in 1120 terms; it is still quite large in 1138 terms, encompassing around 3 subsectors), monopolist, quite opressive, and now, with its economical recovery going quite well, hungry for raw materials and for profits. A cutthroat and heavy-handed player in the economy of the surrounding Wilds, strongly resisted by the various pocket-empires formed when it was forced to "consolidate" its assets.

The Federation of Daibei, while smaller than its 1125 borders, is in quite a good state in 1138, having retained a small "Safe" even through the worst parts of the Hard Times. While it is nominally a "federation", it is actually a centralized constitutional monarchy (lighter on the "constitutional", heavier on the "monarchy"). In terms of interstellar relations, it is more concerned with consolidating its economy and its power-base; it controls several subsectors in Daibei, but most of them are still in "Frontier" or "Outland" status. Its interests lie more in getting rid of raiders and other threats and less in exapnsion (for the time being). [OOC: I'll have to reread the part about Daibei in the Hard Times and Survival Margin sourcebooks; I do not remember much, but I recall something about a re-legalization of psionics, which could have very interesting consequences).

About the Marches, Regency and Norris I am not very sure; I have several ideas in mind, ranging from a semi-cannonical Regency (a constitutional monarchy with "Regent" Norris on top, but with a Parliament or Council having some authority alongside him), through having his reforms invoking the more conservative parts of nobility to mount a coup (and then the masses revolting against the usurper, for a Domain-wide civil war with all non-Imperial polities in the vicinity getting entangeled hand, foot and psi-mind in the messy conflict) to the Zhodani and Swordworlders attempting to "re-adjust their borders" with what was once the Imperium, now that they know that the Regency is far weaker than the old Imperium or even the old Imperial Domain of Deneb were.