Ordeal By Eshaar
It had seemed like a good idea at the time . . . the rising specter of war in the
Spinward Marches threatened military service and - worse yet - slack business
as the fear of raiders and Zhodani fleets grounded merchant starships. The adventurers
had been debating where to go next, with the general consensus being
"anywhere but the Spinward Marches!" So, when Dwil hault-Everuis of the Imperial
Diplomatic Corps offered the group a job with an embassy somewhere outside
the Imperium, it hadn't taken much to convince them. After all , 300 credits
per week plus travel , subsistence, and lodging . . . a draw on government equipment
. . . and a hefty bonus after a successful tour of duty . . . these were
pretty good inducements to get away from a region that suddenly looked unhealthy.
Seventy-seven individuals currently make up the staff assigned to the Imperial
mission on Eshaar. Of these, only a handful are of major importance. The rest include
minor diplomats, clerical and administrative personnel, scientific staff, and
security people .
1. Ambassador and Chief of Mission - Temis Vayne hault-Atterlin
Ambassador 69569C Age 38 5 terms Cr 5,000
2. Chief of Intelligence - Wessen Kalleroy
Navy Commander 7A9A89 Age 34 4 terms Cr' 0,000
3. Military Attache - Colonel Robar Sullivan
Army Colonel 7B6775 Age 42 6 terms Cr '5,000
4. Chief of Security - Jael Pendergist
Marine Captain 99A788 Age 30 3 terms Cr 5,000
5. Senior Geologist - Bassem Havesendin
Scientist 786AA7 Age 42 6 terms Cr' 0,000
6. Junior Geologist - Kello Myest
Scientist 9979B6 Age 30 3 terms Cr 5,000
The Zhodani embassy staff is divided between the nobles (leaders), the
intendants (staff administrators, military officers, supervisors), and the various
proles (staff workers, soldiers, and menial laborers). Zhodani society is founded
on the absolute rule of the nobility over the psionically blind proles.
1. Ambassador - Vlidentzinstebr
Ambassador 68489C Age 4 6 7 terms
Psionic strength rating : 6 Talents: Telepathy, Clairvoyance.
2 . Chief of Intelligence - Shivianzhdistebr
Captain, Zhodani Navy 8B6BBC Age 38 5 terms
Psionic strength rating : 10 Talents: Telepathy, Telekinesis
3. Military Commanding Officer - Bredzhitshatl
General , Zhodani Army 697AB8 Age 42 6 terms
Some Notes on Zhodani Characters: The above nobles are the individuals who
direct and lead the Embassy . Note that the Ambassador is the technical and
titular head of the Embassy ; the Chief of Intelligence, however, may, or may not
be answerable to him in matters of policy and intelligence. The actual activity of
the embassy (important activity) will be undertaken by Intendants (social class A
The third dome of the Enclave living modules has been set aside to hold dignitaries
from other off-world communities; at this time, it houses a Vargr mission
of approximately 30 individuals . This mission is from the Dominion of Stars, a
small Vargr state allied with the Zhodani .
1. Ambassador - Suzroeks
Ambassador 895A6B Age 46 7 terms Cr 20,000
2. First Secretary - Thanaezgung
First Secretary 6A89B9 Age 38 5 terms Cr , 0,000
3 . Chief of Security - Kfikaedh
Army Captain 9B7786 Age 38 5 terms Cr 5,000
4. Third Secretary - Aegzirr
Third Secretary 7A8899 Age 26 2 terms Cr 5,000
The Vargr in the Enclave do not participate in Survey activity; they are present
as observers and supporters of their Zhodani allies. They have a limited amount of
sharproofed equipment for those occasions when they do venture outside the
Enclave. Within the domes, they have the use of the same general range of eq,uipment
as is available to the Imperial and Zhodani groups.
Though they are allied with the Zhodani, the Vargr in the Enclave do use
psionic shielding equipment, both large screens to protect their living area and individual
helmets for use in the common area . Even allies are not fond of having
their minds open to outside inspection.
All references in book to Diplo's, chain of leadership, important vs. non-important as well as free agents (PC's) being hire by a haut.
It had seemed like a good idea at the time . . . the rising specter of war in the
Spinward Marches threatened military service and - worse yet - slack business
as the fear of raiders and Zhodani fleets grounded merchant starships. The adventurers
had been debating where to go next, with the general consensus being
"anywhere but the Spinward Marches!" So, when Dwil hault-Everuis of the Imperial
Diplomatic Corps offered the group a job with an embassy somewhere outside
the Imperium, it hadn't taken much to convince them. After all , 300 credits
per week plus travel , subsistence, and lodging . . . a draw on government equipment
. . . and a hefty bonus after a successful tour of duty . . . these were
pretty good inducements to get away from a region that suddenly looked unhealthy.
Seventy-seven individuals currently make up the staff assigned to the Imperial
mission on Eshaar. Of these, only a handful are of major importance. The rest include
minor diplomats, clerical and administrative personnel, scientific staff, and
security people .
1. Ambassador and Chief of Mission - Temis Vayne hault-Atterlin
Ambassador 69569C Age 38 5 terms Cr 5,000
2. Chief of Intelligence - Wessen Kalleroy
Navy Commander 7A9A89 Age 34 4 terms Cr' 0,000
3. Military Attache - Colonel Robar Sullivan
Army Colonel 7B6775 Age 42 6 terms Cr '5,000
4. Chief of Security - Jael Pendergist
Marine Captain 99A788 Age 30 3 terms Cr 5,000
5. Senior Geologist - Bassem Havesendin
Scientist 786AA7 Age 42 6 terms Cr' 0,000
6. Junior Geologist - Kello Myest
Scientist 9979B6 Age 30 3 terms Cr 5,000
The Zhodani embassy staff is divided between the nobles (leaders), the
intendants (staff administrators, military officers, supervisors), and the various
proles (staff workers, soldiers, and menial laborers). Zhodani society is founded
on the absolute rule of the nobility over the psionically blind proles.
1. Ambassador - Vlidentzinstebr
Ambassador 68489C Age 4 6 7 terms
Psionic strength rating : 6 Talents: Telepathy, Clairvoyance.
2 . Chief of Intelligence - Shivianzhdistebr
Captain, Zhodani Navy 8B6BBC Age 38 5 terms
Psionic strength rating : 10 Talents: Telepathy, Telekinesis
3. Military Commanding Officer - Bredzhitshatl
General , Zhodani Army 697AB8 Age 42 6 terms
Some Notes on Zhodani Characters: The above nobles are the individuals who
direct and lead the Embassy . Note that the Ambassador is the technical and
titular head of the Embassy ; the Chief of Intelligence, however, may, or may not
be answerable to him in matters of policy and intelligence. The actual activity of
the embassy (important activity) will be undertaken by Intendants (social class A
The third dome of the Enclave living modules has been set aside to hold dignitaries
from other off-world communities; at this time, it houses a Vargr mission
of approximately 30 individuals . This mission is from the Dominion of Stars, a
small Vargr state allied with the Zhodani .
1. Ambassador - Suzroeks
Ambassador 895A6B Age 46 7 terms Cr 20,000
2. First Secretary - Thanaezgung
First Secretary 6A89B9 Age 38 5 terms Cr , 0,000
3 . Chief of Security - Kfikaedh
Army Captain 9B7786 Age 38 5 terms Cr 5,000
4. Third Secretary - Aegzirr
Third Secretary 7A8899 Age 26 2 terms Cr 5,000
The Vargr in the Enclave do not participate in Survey activity; they are present
as observers and supporters of their Zhodani allies. They have a limited amount of
sharproofed equipment for those occasions when they do venture outside the
Enclave. Within the domes, they have the use of the same general range of eq,uipment
as is available to the Imperial and Zhodani groups.
Though they are allied with the Zhodani, the Vargr in the Enclave do use
psionic shielding equipment, both large screens to protect their living area and individual
helmets for use in the common area . Even allies are not fond of having
their minds open to outside inspection.
All references in book to Diplo's, chain of leadership, important vs. non-important as well as free agents (PC's) being hire by a haut.