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CT Only: Ref's Throws

One thing that is rarely discussed in the CT section of this forum are Throws. New CT Refs often struggle with the concept of not using a formal task system and coming up with fair and balanced throws (or tasks) for their games.

Let's have a thread where we can discuss different ideas about creating throws for the game.
3D Target/+2 DM Skill

Here's a throw I just mentioned in another thread that I find useful. This is one of those "let the dice decide" throws. I often use it when a CT character doesn't have an appropriate skill to apply to a task and I (the Ref) am inclined to just see how it all dices out.

Set the target number randomly using 3D.

+2 DM per level of skill, but skill is not a requirement.

The ATV breaks down. How bad is it? Let's let the dice decide. Tools are a requirement, but the tools are carried on the ATV.

The Ref allows +2 DM per Mechanical skill.

Then, the Ref throws 3D for the target number that needs to be made to fix the ATV.

If the target roll is 12-, then a character with no skill has a chance to fix it. Just use the tools and roll 2D looking for X or better.

If the target roll is 13+, then someone with Mechanical skill will have to be found because, obviously, the damage is such that it does require at least Mechanical-1 to score a success against the target number.

Mechanic-1 or higher would be required to fix damage of 13-14.

Mechanic-2 or higher would be required to fix damage 14-16.

Mechanic-3 would be required to fix damage of 18. And, this is an interesting task here. You'd have to roll 18 on your damage roll, on 3D, which is a very low probability. This would indicate that something very serious was wrong with the ATV (but still fix-able with the tools in the back of the ATV...maybe). Then, you'd have to roll 12 on 2D in order to score the 18 needed to be successful on the throw!

That sounds reasonable to me--an extremely low chance of having a nearly impossible problem with the ATV. But, still, the miracle chance is there.

More than likely, a tow back to a facility (where the 18+ throw can get some more modifiers) and get fixed. Maybe the facility adds 1D to the throw so that the Mechanic rolls 3D for 18+, with +2 DM for each level of Mechanical skill. And, each failed attempt equals the number of days the ATV was worked on at the shop (waiting for parts included).
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2D for Attribute or Less

I often use this in situations where no skill is required. Maybe we're talking about using your shoulder to shove open a hatch that has become stuck (roll 2D for STR or less).

Or, maybe a character needs to walk on a narrow beam over a vat of flaming oil. Roll 2D for DEX or less to get across the beam to safety.

Then again, maybe the group is out of water and they are on their third day of tracking through a desert wasteland. Every day, roll 2D for END or less. A failure means the character collapses and takes 1D damage to END.

1D - 3D

You can make this toss very easy, using 1D, where only stats of 5- can fail. This is a good throw for wounded or handicapped characters when they're attempting something that most uninjured people can do automatically.

Likewise, you can make the roll much tougher by using 3D, and here, those with 12+ attributes don't automatically succeed.

Modifying Attribute

You can use skill to modify the attribute. For example, let's say that a character is on a world at a weapon bazaar. The character is trying to evaluate the quality of two very similar autorifles.

This sounds like an EDU throw, because the biggest part of this task hinges on what the character has learned about weapons. But, obviously, weapon skill is important to the task, too.

Roll 2D for EDU or less. DM Autorifle skill increases EDU.

Thus, a character with EDU 7 and Autorifle-2 would throw 9- on 2D to succeed in determining which rifle is of better quality.


Another way to use this roll is when the performance of the character might signal a check with another character.

Let's say that two characters are in a firefight. The two are in separate fox holes. One runs out of ammo. The other tosses his shipmate a fresh magazine.

Character A makes the toss: Roll 2D for DEX or less. This roll is the Toss Number.

If the Toss Number is successful (less than Character A's DEX), then Character B makes the catch: Roll 2D for Toss Number or greater.


Character A is DEX 7. Roll 2D = 5. His Toss Number is 5.

Character B tries to catch it: Roll 2D for 5+.

In this way, the quality of the throw makes the catch easier.

If Character A fails to roll DEX or lower, then his throw went wild. Use a penalty to increase the Toss Number based on Range. In this case, a +2 DM would work.

Thus, if Character A rolled 9 on his toss, then Character B would have to roll 2D for 11+ in order to catch the poorly thrown magazine.

Here's another way to use that type of roll.

Let's say Jake, SOC 5, has sneaked his way into a Royal Event, and he's desperately trying to pass himself off as a noble.

When Jake speaks with the other nobles, roll 2D for SOC or less on each encounter to see how well Jake is doing. He needs to roll 2D for 5-.

If Jake makes the roll, then he succeeds in passing himself off as a noble.

If Jake rolls higher than his SOC (rolls 6+), then he has committed a faux pas that may or may not be caught by the noble.

In order to alert the noble that Jake isn't who he says he is, roll 2D for Jake's failed roll or lower.


Jake speaks to noble. Roll 2D for 5- and gets a 7.

Something Jake said or did raises the noble's eyebrow. The noble rolls 2D for 7-. If the is made, then the noble is on to Jake.

The best official advice I have seen on CT throws is written by Marc Miller in his excellent mega-campaign, The Traveller Adventure. Look at pages 28-29 under the section THE USES OF DIE ROLLS.

It is excellent reading and should be required reading for any CT Referee.

I call this the "Vacc Suit Throw," but, more correctly, it's the roll provided in the skill description for a character to avoid a dangerous situation while in a zero-G environment.

This is a nice throw because it suits important and possibly rarely used skills. It's also a throw that says that Skill-0 is dangerous, Skill-1 is pretty good, and Skill-2 is all you need.

Throw 10+ to succeed.

+4 DM per skill level.

So, with no skill at all, the roll is hard. 2D for 10+.

If you've got Skill-1, then you have a decent chance, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. 2D +4 for 10+, otherwise expressed as 2D for 6+.

If you've got Skill-2, then you are home free. 2D +8 for 10+ is a 100% of success proposition.

This is a good throw to use when there is a dangerous skill that could get you killed, but if you know what you're doing, then you're safe.

For example, Diving (as in diving down into the water). If you don't know what you are doing, then there's all sorts of trouble that you can get into. Roll 2D for 10+ to succeed.

Maybe you've done some diving but never got certified. You're not that experienced, but you can get started. Diving-1. 2D for 6+.

Then again, maybe you are a certified diver. Diver-2. 2D for 2+.

The best official advice I have seen on CT throws is written by Marc Miller in his excellent mega-campaign, The Traveller Adventure. Look at pages 28-29 under the section THE USES OF DIE ROLLS.

It is excellent reading and should be required reading for any CT Referee.
I have it edited as a word document, with permission I could post it to the referees guidance section/forum.
One of the bits I really like from The Traveller Adventure guide to throws is the determining the target number randomly.

For a typical situation roll 2D to determine target number, skill is worth +1, tools may be worth an additional +1, a high or low characteristic may be worth +/-1, environmental factors may be worth a +/-1DM

As a referee I may decide to roll 3D for a target number, and I would decide if the skill should be worth a+1 or a +2 DM, do specialist tools grant a +1, do high or low characteristics qualify for a +/-1 or +/-2DM, do environmental factors produce a +/-1DM.

I would continue this progression but only for skill level - each time I add another die for generating the target number then the value of the skill DM increases, but the characteristic DM etc is already maxed out.
As a referee I may decide to roll 3D for a target number, and I would decide if the skill should be worth a+1 or a +2 DM, do specialist tools grant a +1, do high or low characteristics qualify for a +/-1 or +/-2DM, do environmental factors produce a +/-1DM.

I would continue this progression but only for skill level - each time I add another die for generating the target number then the value of the skill DM increases, but the characteristic DM etc is already maxed out.
That's a neat solution to adding additional D's of difficulty, and privileging Skill over natural ability.
I have it edited as a word document, with permission I could post it to the referees guidance section/forum.

The last time I checked, the FFE guidelines say one can post quote from Traveller products "about a page in length." The passage you are referring to is about a page in length from the book, so you should be fine on that front. (What anyone on this site declares is another matter.)
That's a neat solution to adding additional D's of difficulty, and privileging Skill over natural ability.

Most often, the throws shown in the rule books favor Skill over attribute.

You'll see a +1 DM per skill level and a +1 DM if stat is X or higher.

And, many times, stat is not referenced at all, as in +1 DM if Skill-2 or higher (and nothing about stat).

I always thought this an interesting throw. It is not duplicated in any other Traveller material, that I can think of. Maybe one of you guys will correct me on that.

It's the toss to make an attack by throwing an object, like a blade weapon.

The roll is...

Roll 18+.

DMs: +dexterity; +blade skill; -evasion.

What an interesting toss. It uses the full DEX of a character, so every point of that attribute is a benefit, and it uses every point of skill.

This is one of the few cases in the game, of the throws written in the rules, where attribute has a bigger impact on the throw than the character's skill.

This is a tough roll for an average character. Let's say you've got DEX 7 and Blade-1. That's 2D +8 for 18+, or 2D for 10+. Not an easy roll at all.

Since it is a combat roll, though, it seems fair to me. What is strange, though, is that armor is not referenced. If I throw a dagger at a target wearing combat armor, shouldn't it be harder to damage that character than throwing at a character wearing no armor?

Maybe the standard weapon DMs should also be used on this throw: Required/Advantageous DEX, modifiers for Short Range, and Armor DMs.

Using those, let's throw a dagger at a guard wearing combat armor.

DEX 7, Dagger-1

Roll 2D +8 +0 +2 -7 for 18+
Roll 2D +3 for 18+
Roll 2D for 15+

Impossible. That's sounds about right to me. Maybe someone with greater skill and higher DEX can throw the dagger at a weak spot and ram the dagger home.

Throwing at an un-armored guard...

Roll 2D +8 +0 +2 +0 for 18+
Roll 2D +10 for 18+
Roll 2D for 8+

And, that sounds reasonable, too.
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Most often, the throws shown in the rule books favor Skill over attribute.

You'll see a +1 DM per skill level and a +1 DM if stat is X or higher.

And, many times, stat is not referenced at all, as in +1 DM if Skill-2 or higher (and nothing about stat).
Agree: I was just referring to Mike's proposal to add difficulty (the extra D of the Situation Throw) and then double, treble, etc. the DM for skill ranks. It's an elegant, systemic way to approach more difficult Situation Throws where skill is much more important than natural ability.

Examples of the use of the skill from TTB.

Typical uses of Admin, like ensuring prompt issuance of licenses or avoidance of close inspection of papers and the like.

Roll 7+, with DMs: -3 no skill, +2 per skill level

This is a nice roll to remember. It features a penalty for no skill (which can be removed, of course), and 100% success at Skill-3 (and near 100% success at Skill-2). No attribute referenced.

A Note About Skill-1

Often we look at Skill-1 as beginning/low/novice experience. But because different tasks in Traveller rate skills with variable weight, Skill-1 can be quite proficient. Skill-2 can mean 100% success, as shown above.

This is something to consider when looking at a CT character with just a few Skill-1 skills. Depending on what those skills are, the character could be very experienced in that area.

This models real life better than a standardized, one-size fits all approach. What kind of experience does it take to be able to put together desk top computers from standardized parts? Some know-how, absolutely, but mastery in that task is easily obtained. Skill-1 would probably do it. Skill-2 means 100% success.

But, if we're talking about picking stocks on the stock market, weighting market variables, guessing about the impact of politics and news, mastery will not come that easy. So, maybe the roll is 9+ with +1 DM per skill level. This would make higher skill extremely valuable.
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This roll could be transferred to chases with grav belts or speeders.

To avoid a crash or mishap during a high speed chase...

Roll 5+. DMs: +1 per skill level, -1 if in bad weather or gunfire is involved.

A simple roll, with a lower target number. No penalty for no skill. Skill expertise greatly contributes to success given the low target number.

I'd judge the damage of the mishap based on the roll. If a 4 was rolled, then maybe the air/raft strains a grav generator with a maneuver.

A roll of snake-eyes that fails with modifiers means a crash. This way, you've got your air/raft slamming into things or the pilot pushing the equipment above spec, redlining it, blowing it out, with only a slight chance of actually downing the craft.

This is a good roll to use when you want the possibility of something to occur, but that possibility has a very low chance of happening. And, typically, the failure means something catastrophic.

Roll for the ATV to avoid being bogged down in the terrain, like mud, sand, or jungle growth.

Roll 11+. DM: -1 per skill level.

Again, Skill-2 means 100% success.
Be very careful or you will fall into the trap of thinking those examples are how you have to do it in that situation. You don't.

You as the referee are free to ignore the given example and do it your own way.

Don't forget rolling straight dice for a chance of something happening. Book 0 has some useful tables that can help. There are percentage tables for 1D-4D straight throws. And, there's a D66 table. Don't forget to invert the table for throwing a number or lower.

So, as it says under the Bribery skill, throw 3- for a bribe, that is not accepted, to be reported to the authorities.

This means that the character, who fails a bribe, has an 8% chance of being turned in.

For example, if you think there's about a 40% chance that something will happen in the game, then consult the Book 0 charts.

Roll 8+ = 42% chance of success.


If you look at the 2D chart in Book 0, it will show you the relative relationships between the numbers. It's a pyramid distribution, with the result of 7 at its point.

You can use that to gauge where a DM might be appropriate.

Here's something that you can do. Invert the chart, then move the numbers by 3 places (as if you were rolling 2D +3 for attributes).

15. 03%
14. 08%

13. 17%

12. 28%
11. 42%
10. 58%
09. 72%

08. 83%

07. 92%
06. 97%
05. 100%

So, we're looking at where we need to place DMs for a throw, and we've decided that we're going to have two break points for a +1 DM and a +2 DM.

First, we can see that the very top scores are very rare and about half as probable as the score before. In other words, Stat 15 is most rare attribute by a vast margin. There are generally twice as many Stat 14 people as there are Stat 15. And, there are about four times as many Stat 13 people as there are Stat 15.

This is all dice interpolation, of course.

If 7 is human standard average, a good place to put our first bonus break is at Stat 11. And, another good place to put our higher bonus break is at Stat 13.

We'd end up with our roll, whatever it is, with a +1 DM if Stat 11+, and a +2 DM if Stat 13+.
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Be very careful or you will fall into the trap of thinking those examples are how you have to do it in that situation. You don't.

I'm glad you said that, as you are very correct. And, it's definitely a point that should be made.

If you look, these are specific examples of a use of the skill, in most cases. And, sometimes, there's more than one example of a roll in the description of a skill.

I post these here to give new CT Refs ideas on what they can accomplish with these throws.

Studying them really helps a Ref get a good feel for the game--and possibly change some preconceived notions (like the power that Skill-1 and Skill-2 can have in the right situation).

This is an idea I got from the Forgery skill example. Let's say that you buy a forged passport, trying to get offworld. You secure transportation, and as you board, you present your papers to the ship's Steward.

You roll 2D for 6+.

Failing the roll means that anybody can spot your forged passport--something is obviously out of place. "Hey, this isn't a picture of you!"

Then, when the Steward looks at your passport, we apply his skill to your roll, as a penalty.

DM is -2 per Forgery skill.

If the original roll was 6+, but the now modified roll is now 5-, the Steward spots the fake.

I think that's an interesting way to roll a task. It can be useful in some situations.

If I am reading the rule correctly, the person with the forged papers rolls a straight 2D, looking for 6+.

The character examining the
A thought about this:

Often we look at Skill-1 as beginning/low/novice experience. But because different tasks in Traveller rate skills with variable weight, Skill-1 can be quite proficient. Skill-2 can mean 100% success, as shown above.

You are completely correct about this. The text of Books 1 uses the terms "skill" and "expertise" interchangeably. A character with an exptertise of 1 is, in fact, an expert... which is why he or she can be hired on as a Pilot, Navigator, and so on.

As usual, the application and underdstanding of original Traveller skills work in an almost completely different way than the uses of skills in later RPGs.