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Regency or Reformation Coalition?

Excellent point about psionics MJD: sure, it poses quite a tactical advantage for the Regency, but societies like the RC that are relatively backward in that department, or ruled wholesale by psionic theocracies, are likely to be suspicious at best. As for what surprises lie between the RC and Regency, astrographically speaking, one wonders about this whole Black Curtain phenomenon. Maybe someone should ask the Hubworlds, they're hardly a subsector from the frontier. Incidentily, I'd be pretty disappointed if the RC and Regency borders had actual met by 1206: I expect miraculous turns of fortune and bloody tales of derring-do before either society gets physically close to one another.
Say, speaking of the Regency's abhorrence of the RC's choice to embrace Virus, how do you think those secret Regency experiments along the same lines went? Did the scientists go underground? Did the Regent shut the project down publically, only to continue it under the auspicies of the RN or RQS? Might it not be an idea to grow loyal, integrated A.I.'s into starships to combat virus? After all, the virus represents only one attempt at creating artificial intelligence, and that was intended to self-desturct. I imagine the lessons learned from virus might help designers build a better A.I. along the lines of the attempt with the Kinunir colonial cruisers.
By any chance, the meeting between the Regency and the RC does not take place when they discover the Ancient Trans-Portal Stargates?
Originally posted by MJD:
In short, there is more to the situation than the RC and the Regency.

Thoughts on a postcard please....
Well, a little tongue in cheek. By 1206 the Alston Leagu has absorbed most of the Banners sector and portions of Ustral Quadrant, Canopus and Hanstone sectors as well and are making moves on Malorn and Aldebaran, this will give those guys of the Regency or RC something to think about.
It kinda depends on HOW the RC and Regency meet.

If it is conventionally through Corridor, there shouldn't be too much contact as they have too many other entities to get through to get to each other.

There are the Vargr, the Vilani, and possibly Julian fragments. And, unless I am misremembering things, the Black Curtain is in the way, too.

However, if the Regency cuts through the Reft (and their Islands), then things get a little more interesting. Coming through that way would allow for much more direct interaction between the RC and Regency.
I always sort of imagined the Regency would open up the Wildside/Corridor frontier to civilian settlement peppered with RN/RQS forts to keep the peace, deal with hostiles and serve as local bureaucratic centers (for the registration of claims, inspection/confiscation of significant technological finds, etc.). However, it would be silly for the Regency not to exploit its mid-Reft presence at the CP's (e.g. Calibration Point Avery: the comet Arrival Vengeance stops at en route to Deneb) and Island Worlds. They'd likely do reconaissance-in-force through Reft into Ilelish, etc. in an attempt to get the lay of the land before the colonists show up. Out of the official pocket empires I guess that'd put them in contact with Oasis first, but such an approach would likely explain how they come in contact with the RC by (at least) 1206.
Say, didn't someone do a Regency "Wagons Ho!" campaign online? I remember these great maps of the Corridor colonies, stellar polities, forts, and a great picture of the first (formal) meeting between the Regency and RC: the Regency guy looks like he'd rather be on a vampire ship.
Post Edit: the "Wagons Ho!" campaign I mentioned above is none other than Chris Griffen's "Manifest Destiny" campaign, available as a pdf if you do a Google search using the words "regency manifest destiny". Great reading and well thought out.
Originally posted by Arsulon:
They'd likely do reconaissance-in-force through Reft into Ilelish, etc. in an attempt to get the lay of the land before the colonists show up.
Post Edit: the "Wagons Ho!" campaign I mentioned above is none other than Chris Griffen's "Manifest Destiny" campaign, available as a pdf if you do a Google search using the words "regency manifest destiny". Great reading and well thought out.
I agree that a recce across the rift is likely. In fact, there might be two! One might go down towards Ilelish, the other up towards Strephon's old patch, to see if anything had survived.

The other likely development, though, is covert scouting missions along the Corridor route, ahead of the civilian hordes.

Of course, there is no particular reason to scout without having some muscle to back you up: each of these missions might be followed up by missions to wipe out any Vampire fleets encountered.

It wouldn't take too much of this before small areas of space become relatively vampire-free. This, combined with even sporadic contact with the Regency, might allow the emergence of small pocket empires along the edge of the Rift.

This is all stuff I thought about after Regency Sourcebook came out, but never did anything with.

I might have a look at the Manifest Destiny material.

Alan Bradley
I really enjoyed your BARD material. You seem to have a great feel for CINET articles: I particularly liked the interview with Rourke (a voice of reason, albeit with an Irish bur), your merc company (I thought incorporating was a great idea) and your bit on Auction (it would have been a handy monthly feature for GDW to let the fans know what kind of stuff was for sale). Say, I don't suppose your Templars are related to the Templars from DGP's "Aslan and Solomani" book? Their Templars inhabit a region of the Solomani Sphere far to core-trailing which would put them close to the RC campaign area. I likewise enjoyed your Solee material: you manage to provide a lot of fun stuff to work with without knocking the established RC campaign totally off kilter.
from Arsulon:
I really enjoyed your BARD material. You seem to have a great feel for CINET articles: I particularly liked the interview with Rourke (a voice of reason, albeit with an Irish bur), your merc company (I thought incorporating was a great idea) and your bit on Auction (it would have been a handy monthly feature for GDW to let the fans know what kind of stuff was for sale).
Tis kind of you to say so!(bows)

Mr Rourke doesn't let The "Kuligaan Hooligans" get him down (a phrase coined by the Warinir police in 1126 when the Arrival Vengeance appeared).

I have other stuff sent in, but for some reason the authors of the site feel Might be heretical or something. Dunno. Not all I submit gets there. I'm just one of a cast of hundred contributors.
I loved the TAS TNS stuff back in the day, ate it up. In the real world, I started off looking to be a journalist. When the editors asked me to lie I was outta there. That was 1980-81, my freshman year.
Auction: Its one of the areas I noticed that got short shrift, and few would touch it (like a dead skunk!). In the Traveller Chronicle#12 & #13, we get a glimpse of Helios' auction in "The Long Way Home" by Terrence McInnes. And it IS part of the RC economy (you wouldnae believe that I had to argue with the editor to press THAT point home on JJFIS&M, when its canon in PoT fer Garsh-sakes!)

Say, I don't suppose your Templars are related to the Templars from DGP's "Aslan and Solomani" book? Their Templars inhabit a region of the Solomani Sphere far to core-trailing which would put them close to the RC campaign area.
Those are the invention of another author, I take no claim in it. They firmly believe the only good virus is a dead one. And nukes aren't too extremem to rid the world of one(or all of them).

I likewise enjoyed your Solee material: you manage to provide a lot of fun stuff to work with without knocking the established RC campaign totally off kilter.

Again, very kind of you to say so. SOME people think my TU has too many ships (IMHO, they would too, if they included all those MT/HT TL-7 thru 9 ships & STLs! Not too mention TL-9 SDB's).
My version of Solee isn't a quiet target with ships waiting for the Monty-haul of a lifetime, but an active mini-Ramshackle style empire working off a war economy, crushing the uild between the RC and them. Had to argue most of my stuff with the editor too on these things.(sigh, I KNow how MJD feels betimes). I had trouble sending you stuff to the Hotmail addy, stuff MJD requested, but Mr Roberts hasn't/ won't put up there (?).

I know you wanted it all(The Shenk/ Soleean stuff), but even a 79kb size item wouldnae fit in yer mailbox! Should I print em out and snail them to you?
Arsulon wrote:
"I'll have to have a look at those Traveller Chronicle issues: I've heard good things about the magazine in general and I'd be particularly interested in having the Children of Eath material in hard copy form (issues 10-11 I think?)."
send snail mail addy to devlin12@ipa.net, and I'll copy em at work for you. That's how I got #11, by mail via colloborator in BITs, UK. (Richard Perks, kudos!)
"Why would anyone think your Table of Ships was unreasonable? Solee is stated to have access to a large number (possibly a cache) of pre-Collapse military vessels. Judging by the area of space they inhabit, they have access to at least two Naval bases and possibly a Depot; likewise, we're talking about a unified, militaristic, expansionist stellar power here. "
Well, shan't name any names. That would be ungentlemanly of me. The reasons given, I can allude to: "it takes away from the romanticism of smaller, fewer ships". Reason #2, It looked as if I created "an unstoppable juggernaut" (the same was said of Nazi Germany & Japan in ww 2, but look how those turned out!).
That being said, the GDW product Battle Rider (a space board-war-game) came out too in this era (yeppurs, have it of course). So my arguments against "fewer ships" was that GDW was creating scenarios for the RC-Solee war.
As for the Naval bases etc, here's the addy in BARD for my write ups in Jayna (scroll down when you get there)
Galines, Czerniak, Thanatos, Kata,Ultraneta/Depot, Sarcathon (SYRS subsector), which I include in my version of the "Solee Star Empire." (Along with Kestral, Montero to coreward. But my versions didnae get to print.).
"The RC is undergunned (in comparison)simply because they are factionalized: many independent worlds have met what they consider to be their naval needs with a few SDB's; some don't want a fleet; some CAN'T support a fleet; and, the dominant view in the RC is that its fleet must be versatile and exploration-based. "
They are under-tonned & under-gunned, to be sure to be sure. I went through all of the CINET articles, and other TNE stuff submitted (and approved) and made a master file for all of 1201, 1202, and early 1203 (up to March 1203, to be exact). Then I weighed by what was in print, which devil the rc would tackle first, Solee, or the Vampire Hwy? The Vampire Hwy, of course.
The SDB issue was handled by a farmed out program called ATEF, allowing some worlds coverage with these TL-8-12 built sdbs (especially after the Nike Nimbus Vampire raid in March1202).Gotta pick this thread up tomorrow.

I'll have to have a look at those Traveller Chronicle issues: I've heard good things about the magazine in general and I'd be particularly interested in having the Children of Eath material in hard copy form (issues 10-11 I think?).

Why would anyone think your Table of Ships was unreasonable? Solee is stated to have access to a large number (possibly a cache) of pre-Collapse military vessels. Judging by the area of space they inhabit, they have access to at least two Naval bases and possibly a Depot; likewise, we're talking about a unified, militaristic, expansionist stellar power here. They're bound to be amassing as many military hulls as they can, including recovered Vampire ships. The RC is undergunned (in comparison)simply because they are factionalized: many independent worlds have met what they consider to be their naval needs with a few SDB's; some don't want a fleet; some CAN'T support a fleet; and, the dominant view in the RC is that its fleet must be versatile and exploration-based. So, I thought your assessment of Soleean naval strength was pretty reasonable. Hell, if you take Paul Brunette's "To Dream of Chaos" into account Solee not only has several ships-of-the-line but possibly access to some black globe generators.
OKay...before the caffeine collapse hits me (been a loooong night at work!): The RC had three devils to chase:
A) the Guild (ongoing problem, tough to nail down, no planet nearby to "nail them" with a clean strike, selling AP ammo and weapons to Teddy's and Totalitarians alike to blow big mucking holes in their Lt battledressed troops. we won't even go into the RC losing the PR war on the "Star-Viking" propaganda campaign (That phrase was worth a promotion to the Guild Higher seats!)

B) The Vampire Hwy. Now the Marathon Victrix was seized in late 1201, but word gets back to RC in early 1202(canon/CINET-Challenge). Then, two months later (late March 1202), a Midu Agashaam DD bombards Nike Nimbus, clobbers the RCS Eos Takes a few hits, and safely jumps away. Nilsen's GDW comes out with Vampire Fleets. Guess where we're headed next??? Promise/Promise-Diaspora, the Vampire Captal of the Khulam-Promise Main/ the AI-Great Barrier reef to that Pie in the Sky By and By plan to sweep the Diaspora Sector. Solee? Lost crewmen? Put em on the back burner. 30,000 civvies just got toasted in the "SAFE space of the RC". Real Politik dictates that they'd go after the Vamps. Toss in the "offstage contact with Sufren" (How else did the Mary Elise crew get back? Sufren returned them. The RC then sent the RCS Belladonna (IMTU) to sufren to secure the ship back, offer Sufren trade (and machinery to go from C-class to A-class ( a wee bit of HIver boondoggling there)! Ran it as an adventure. Crew got back with SNAKE Anti Virus weapon by September 2nd 1202.(Left 01 April 1202, appropriate dontchya think?) Launched attack on Promise in October 1202. Swept the Main and adjacent systems. The RC was then committed to 6 months of getting Promise in shape to repel whatever came down the "Hwy" afterwards, and some of the Vamps captured on Promise could be made into a nascent Navy. And then word of alliance with Sandman hits the RC...!

C) Solee, who has a population almost the size of Oriflamme(700 million vs 800 million), an Imperial Naval Base (with whatever the Solomani upgraded the TL-10 facility to since 1117 occupation (13 years is 3 terms plus!), and a comparable Tech level (TL-9). With some Trillion Credit Sqdn numbers for prewar, fudged a wee for Solomani Occupation fleet, I figured a max of some 58-60 Large warships, and triple that in small ships(194 smaller hulls).
Thats one hell of an orbital spare parts yard to work from, if you ask me

Now PoT sez they have 6 Large (9000men/ 1 per 1500) and 20 (10,000/ 1 per 500) small Jump-operational as of 001-1201. Thats 19,000 personnel been in jump space for (since their recovery in 1196)5-6 years. The RC has been Jump spaced since 1192, a 4 year experience gap
in their favor.
Where PoT "agrees" with me: do the math figuring a 1% Military for Solee as per Wilds Militaries (gets you 7 million personnel without ruining the budget). Space Forces: C-class port .06% x .5 (for TL-9-10)x .25 (UPP pop8). I got 52,500 personnel--or 17 Major ships, 53 small ones.

Then I looked again: Close to one third are Jump capable.Hm sez I, what are the remaining 11/33? Where are they?
Former Jump capbable ships now used as Monitors, and SDBs, with STL lighters,and a few Jump shuttles (solee does lie on a J-1 main, btw).

PoT also states militaries can be upwards to 25% of base population. Hmmm sez I, Solee wants an "empire". The empress was coronated 14 Jan 1192;the C-class port & Navy base restored (Meaning it was D-class prior, and the Jump fleet was 3 Majors/ 9-10 smaller ships), and this "new breakthrough" clearing Virus go down in 1196. Now if I was in a conquering bent, wouldn't I increase the size of my military to accomodate these wishes of grandeur? ANd the infrastructure to maintain them (Why else go to C-class starshipyard?! why else cozen up to Kmak with her C-class orbital port?!). In 1198, attacked on behalf of two TEDs on Hindahl, 1199, on Marcena. same strategy. Bogs down, not enough men. Local quagmires.
Below was my "solution" to those two worlds...
IN 5-6 years time, SOlee mobilizes and amasses up to 25% of her manpower ( I settled for 10% myself) of 70 Million total armed forces personnel
IN Jayna subsector, they had been backed up by two High pop worlds GALINES ( a totalitarian regime of Megacorp remnants {its a crime to be unemployed there!} and CZERNIAK (MTU version of a successful Psionic coup at the collapse running the world, keeping the status quo, steering the masses through the media, and allowing the nonconformists to emigrate to economically tied "colonies" (sort of like RENJ does). They'd retaken Depot in 1199. A Lotta TL-9-11 ships remained in the "mothball fleet". Manpower was needed to get em running, and manned! (Also justifying the military build up).
Single TED run worlds were "co-opted" by gunboat diplomacy and trade (GALINES had no warfleet--she had merchant ships out the wazoo, by contrast; CZERNIAK's "warships" were all SDBs and planetoid hull monitors. Being the TL-11 giant, she felt she needed her forces for defense only. ANd since the megacorps of GALINES mirror those on CZERNIAK, they hold more stock shares with 18billion citizens versus the 2 billion of GALINES, and dominate the markets that way too.)
"Knock-Knock" rule under the Pax Solee, or be replaced by one who will."--thats a simplistic way of saying it, but there were one ruler-TEDs on Kata,Yerhen, and a few other places made to "behave" from 1198-1201.

Between 1203 and 1204 the borders between them narrow. A war economy calls for war. Victories make any sacrifices by the people worth while. rimwards into Shenk they go. Target: Yontez, Shenk, Janie, Clallum. Isolate the pro-RC Na state of Mueller economically, and astrographically. Ironically it is the Guild's sale of TL-8 weaponry to the TL-6 Psion-hating TEDs of Yontez that sparks the war off. Solee swoops in, levels the playing field, Kicks some orbiting RCES butt, frames them for some of the death and destruction, hangs the Guild TEds, restores order, begins nuke dampening "hot sites", and sets up a prefab SDB base.They snag up 4 Guild ships and two RCES ones in the bag. 6 weeks later word gets back to RC, and they declare war FORMALLY on Solee 14 Jan 1204, in response to Mueller's declaration in December 1203 (Abas' attempted counter-coup fails, thanks to PC's actions).

The Guild, in Shenk and Thoezennt, is through. Its bug out time back to Diaspora, or call yourself a Free Trader< and shack up with the RC.

Whew. Time to crash. caffeine's ebbing now.
OKay...before the caffeine collapse hits me (been a loooong night at work!): The RC had three devils to chase:
A) the Guild (ongoing problem, tough to nail down, no planet nearby to "nail them" with a clean strike, selling AP ammo and weapons to Teddy's and Totalitarians alike to blow big mucking holes in their Lt battledressed troops. we won't even go into the RC losing the PR war on the "Star-Viking" propaganda campaign (That phrase was worth a promotion to the Guild Higher seats!)

B) The Vampire Hwy. Now the Marathon Victrix was seized in late 1201, but word gets back to RC in early 1202(canon/CINET-Challenge). Then, two months later (late March 1202), a Midu Agashaam DD bombards Nike Nimbus, clobbers the RCS Eos Takes a few hits, and safely jumps away. Nilsen's GDW comes out with Vampire Fleets. Guess where we're headed next??? Promise/Promise-Diaspora, the Vampire Captal of the Khulam-Promise Main/ the AI-Great Barrier reef to that Pie in the Sky By and By plan to sweep the Diaspora Sector. Solee? Lost crewmen? Put em on the back burner. 30,000 civvies just got toasted in the "SAFE space of the RC". Real Politik dictates that they'd go after the Vamps. Toss in the "offstage contact with Sufren" (How else did the Mary Elise crew get back? Sufren returned them. The RC then sent the RCS Belladonna (IMTU) to sufren to secure the ship back, offer Sufren trade (and machinery to go from C-class to A-class ( a wee bit of HIver boondoggling there)! Ran it as an adventure. Crew got back with SNAKE Anti Virus weapon by September 2nd 1202.(Left 01 April 1202, appropriate dontchya think?) Launched attack on Promise in October 1202. Swept the Main and adjacent systems. The RC was then committed to 6 months of getting Promise in shape to repel whatever came down the "Hwy" afterwards, and some of the Vamps captured on Promise could be made into a nascent Navy. And then word of alliance with Sandman hits the RC...!

C) Solee, who has a population almost the size of Oriflamme(700 million vs 800 million), an Imperial Naval Base (with whatever the Solomani upgraded the TL-10 facility to since 1117 occupation (13 years is 3 terms plus!), and a comparable Tech level (TL-9). With some Trillion Credit Sqdn numbers for prewar, fudged a wee for Solomani Occupation fleet, I figured a max of some 58-60 Large warships, and triple that in small ships(194 smaller hulls).
Thats one hell of an orbital spare parts yard to work from, if you ask me

Now PoT sez they have 6 Large (9000men/ 1 per 1500) and 20 (10,000/ 1 per 500) small Jump-operational as of 001-1201. Thats 19,000 personnel been in jump space for (since their recovery in 1196)5-6 years. The RC has been Jump spaced since 1192, a 4 year experience gap
in their favor.
Where PoT "agrees" with me: do the math figuring a 1% Military for Solee as per Wilds Militaries (gets you 7 million personnel without ruining the budget). Space Forces: C-class port .06% x .5 (for TL-9-10)x .25 (UPP pop8). I got 52,500 personnel--or 17 Major ships, 53 small ones.

Then I looked again: Close to one third are Jump capable.Hm sez I, what are the remaining 11/33? Where are they?
Former Jump capbable ships now used as Monitors, and SDBs, with STL lighters,and a few Jump shuttles (solee does lie on a J-1 main, btw).

PoT also states militaries can be upwards to 25% of base population. Hmmm sez I, Solee wants an "empire". The empress was coronated 14 Jan 1192;the C-class port & Navy base restored (Meaning it was D-class prior, and the Jump fleet was 3 Majors/ 9-10 smaller ships), and this "new breakthrough" clearing Virus go down in 1196. Now if I was in a conquering bent, wouldn't I increase the size of my military to accomodate these wishes of grandeur? ANd the infrastructure to maintain them (Why else go to C-class starshipyard?! why else cozen up to Kmak with her C-class orbital port?!). In 1198, attacked on behalf of two TEDs on Hindahl, 1199, on Marcena. same strategy. Bogs down, not enough men. Local quagmires.
Below was my "solution" to those two worlds...
IN 5-6 years time, SOlee mobilizes and amasses up to 25% of her manpower ( I settled for 10% myself) of 70 Million total armed forces personnel
IN Jayna subsector, they had been backed up by two High pop worlds GALINES ( a totalitarian regime of Megacorp remnants {its a crime to be unemployed there!} and CZERNIAK (MTU version of a successful Psionic coup at the collapse running the world, keeping the status quo, steering the masses through the media, and allowing the nonconformists to emigrate to economically tied "colonies" (sort of like RENJ does). They'd retaken Depot in 1199. A Lotta TL-9-11 ships remained in the "mothball fleet". Manpower was needed to get em running, and manned! (Also justifying the military build up).
Single TED run worlds were "co-opted" by gunboat diplomacy and trade (GALINES had no warfleet--she had merchant ships out the wazoo, by contrast; CZERNIAK's "warships" were all SDBs and planetoid hull monitors. Being the TL-11 giant, she felt she needed her forces for defense only. ANd since the megacorps of GALINES mirror those on CZERNIAK, they hold more stock shares with 18billion citizens versus the 2 billion of GALINES, and dominate the markets that way too.)
"Knock-Knock" rule under the Pax Solee, or be replaced by one who will."--thats a simplistic way of saying it, but there were one ruler-TEDs on Kata,Yerhen, and a few other places made to "behave" from 1198-1201.

Between 1203 and 1204 the borders between them narrow. A war economy calls for war. Victories make any sacrifices by the people worth while. rimwards into Shenk they go. Target: Yontez, Shenk, Janie, Clallum. Isolate the pro-RC Na state of Mueller economically, and astrographically. Ironically it is the Guild's sale of TL-8 weaponry to the TL-6 Psion-hating TEDs of Yontez that sparks the war off. Solee swoops in, levels the playing field, Kicks some orbiting RCES butt, frames them for some of the death and destruction, hangs the Guild TEds, restores order, begins nuke dampening "hot sites", and sets up a prefab SDB base.They snag up 4 Guild ships and two RCES ones in the bag. 6 weeks later word gets back to RC, and they declare war FORMALLY on Solee 14 Jan 1204, in response to Mueller's declaration in December 1203 (Abas' attempted counter-coup fails, thanks to PC's actions).

The Guild, in Shenk and Thoezennt, is through. Its bug out time back to Diaspora, or call yourself a Free Trader< and shack up with the RC.

Whew. Time to crash. caffeine's ebbing now.
Hey Liam, nice work. I think the argument you put forward here is very valid. It's made me rethink a few of the plans I had for my campaign, so thanks mate, much appreciated.

But my versions didnae get to print.).
Are they online anywhere? I'd love to read them.

Oops (wrong button!)
Thank you sir. I'm a bit more agile after coffee (love that Night shift 11-7). What has been put out on the BARD site is at www.downport.com,
under OPAL section, Old Expanses worlds/ Jayna subsector worlds; Sarcathon in SYRS subsector,

"Hey Liam, nice work. I think the argument you put forward here is very valid. It's made me rethink a few of the plans I had for my campaign, so thanks mate, much appreciated".
FYI, I did send all of this to MJD. May we see some of it soon!
UNder PERI section of BARD site, Under Solee, My 'Shenk Suppression campaigns" got to print.

Under GAIL, CINET pakg. #10 & 11 are by me.

I see the RC as an expanding 360 degree sphere, not just a core to spinward march. Must run to work now. Pick this up later. Nice meeting you. If you See Richard Perks in the UK there, tell him hi for me! (He's written several nice adventures under MARI section btw for TNE)
In addendum: If you want copies of me stuff for perusal & campaign use (or just something to square against your own thinkings, send me your e-mail to:
I will try to send it to you (some pieces are a bit large. If you can accept attachments, thats the easiest way to do it. Hot mail accounts have a max size limit on attachments, and so I wasn't able to send em to Arsulon recently. May have to snail mail em after print out.
The complete Liam Devlin bibliography at a glance then folks!

The following have been done by myself in the area of GAIL, as CINET Packages (RCES replacement for TAS news).

The following under the DANI page:
--a write up on the Thrice reformed Galanglic Catholic Church in the Imperium/ Old Expanses for TNE.
--a write up on a break away organization of Free Traders away from the Diasporan Starfarer's mercantile Guild.

Under the HANA page, sub file "The reformation Coalition established"
My arguments why Promise & Vampire Highway was more of a concern for the RC than Solee in 1203, thus war (outright war that is, formally declared, yada yada) did not occur until afterward the events of the Vampire Fleets Book adventures.(See write up CINET pkg 11 for "war reporting from the front!)

Under the ICIS page, my write up of my campaigner's company they started as Salvagers..

Under OPAL page, Sections under Oriflamme subsector, a collaborative work with Lewis Roberts and Travelr-Tne: The Oriflamman Space Navy (I helped name ships ("Shadow Fax"-A relic Mosquito class NJ monitor/ Under Thresher class SDB's: "Second to One"/ "Three Aces"/ "Lucifer's Hammer"/ "Three Deuces"/"Follow Me!"; Under "Storm" class SDB's, All but the Grim Reaper, and Six Kills and counting were named by me; Under the "Hammer" class Monitors, "Nieblung's Anvil" & "Thor's Own" (Hammer) were named by me.

The following worlds Of Old expanses that fit into my scheme of things for the Soleean Empire:
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3051.html on Kata/Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3052.html on Depot-Ultraneta /Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3053.html on Thanatos/Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3054.html on CZERNIAK/ Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3055.html on GALINES/Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3056.html on Linnert/Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3057.html on Sveinel/Jayna
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/opal/opal3059.html on Ssarcathon/SYRS

Under the page PERI, "The empire of Solee"
http://www.downport.com/bard/bard/peri/peri1003.html, my write-up on the 1202 resolution to Hindahl & Marcena quagmires by the Soleean Navy.

Zarushagar Sector (Still being edited/ under construction with DED and me)

The rest is still in the Argon Blue Files here at the house.