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Regina canon locations/localities Q&A


Absent Friend
I've been making a list of all locations on Regina that are in canon. Many of these places are said to be on Regina, but few details are available as to exactly where on Regina they are. Their exact locations are indeterminate.

For instance, we have the Starhaven Tavern, from the introductory adventure. Its located in 'startown', just outside the starport. Which starport? Grand Survey had lots of ports on Regina.

Another example. From TNS Bulletin 186-1107, we have the 'Luck Gibson' starport. Is that a Highport or a Downport? If the latter, where on Regina is it? Near Credo? Regni? Princeps?

These are but a few examples. I'm just wondering if anyone else has thought about this out there.

Some of this confusion stems from the days when it was generally percieved that planets had 1 and only 1 starport. Later versions of Traveller allowed for more starports on planets. My own IMTU assumption, for now anyway, is to assume that places from CT lore like the Starhaven tavern, General Ship Yards, Scout Base, Regina Naval Base etc, are going to be at or near the starport next to Credo.

Other sites, location indeterminate:
Ducal Household, Public Shopping Mall located nearby; Source: Survival Margin pg 91
Regina Imperial Hospital, Source: Survival Margin pg 93

Bank of Regina Source: JTAS 16, pg 24
Regina Stock Exchange: TNS Bulletin 097-1105

Vlen Backetts Comfortable Condominium : Adv12 pg 6-7

University of Regina: MT Players Manual pg42

If any of you survey scouts out there have any thoughts on the matter, I'd be glad to hear them.
Originally posted by plop101:
Some of this confusion stems from the days when it was generally percieved that planets had 1 and only 1 starport. Later versions of Traveller allowed for more starports on planets.
I don't play Gurps, but I do have many of thier excellent sourcebooks, including Starports. I don't remember which Traveler introduced the space port, but ...you know...Type F, G, H, Y...
The point in the rules was that they were kinda equivalent, only Starports being setup for interstellar transport as opposed to local system transportation. I think the multiple Starports idea makes sense, I mean with Corporate Private downports, and the immense amounts of trade that some systems generate...It would be understandable that others would crop up to take some pressure off, or to get in on the action...
It's been 10 years since I was on Regina though..

MADDog writes:
I don't play Gurps, but I do have many of thier excellent sourcebooks, including Starports. I don't remember which Traveler introduced the space port, but ...you know...Type F, G, H, Y...
Actually, its a CT/MT development...

1. More than one starport on a world first shows up in Adventure 3, when Tureded is mentioned as having 3 starports.

2. Spaceports, F, G, H, Y... show up in Book 6 Scouts.

3. DGP's Grand Survey brought the above two points together. DGP comes up with multiple starports on Regina.

4. GT Starports doesn't mention anything about Regina or its port.

My primary focus is just to map out what canon locations are located where on Regina? I am asuming that the DGP material on Regina is canon. This assumption is based on one of the cities mentioned [Regni] in Grand Survey also being used in the Challenge Article "Grandfathers Worlds" Chal27, page 36, done by THE ANCIENT WHOSE NAME IS NOT SPOKEN. If the DGP stuff on Regina isn't canon, than that gets us into a whole other situation.
Could it be that a Starport could be distributed all over a planets surface. You know that most major airports have multiple terminals. Some airports are spread out and they have trains to take you from one terminal to the next. Now lets carry this idea over to starports. A starport could distribute its terminals and landing fields all over the planet and in space. Take Terra for example, it has a class A starport, that starport might consist of a terminal in Chicago, one in New York, another in Bejing, Moscow, Paris, Sydney, Hong Kong, etc plus 3 space Stations in Geosynchronious Orbit and 2 on the Moon. All those terminals, landing fields and space stations comprise the starport on Terra. Varius shuttle, trains and whatnot connect the varous portions of the starport.
^ I agree wholeheartedly.

The FAA recognizes over 14,000 airports in the U.S. alone. Of course they are broken down into International, Regional, Military, Business, and County/City landing strips. This doesn't include the hundreds of bush strips for sportsmen and private use.

Is it economical to expect if you were coming from Alpha Centauri to New York, you'd land your spacecraft in central Mongolia (plenty of flat land, no population issues) and take a hypersonic transport to NYC or would you want to land near the Big Apple and bullet train to your hotel?

You'd have to figure major cities and corporations (particularly starship builders) would want their own spaceports. Who would stop them from building them?

As commerce and passenger travel increases, decentralized transportation hubs seems to be the logical outcome.
Actually, canon suggests that the UP listing is the BEST STARPORT on world. Earth has three separate starports according to Invasion Earth. (AECO and Phoenix are the two A ports) mention is made of a separate class C on planet... somewhere.

AECO is a good choice (Equitorial Africa). Phoenix? Not Equitorial, in rough terrain.

That Regina has several separate C ports makes perfect sense. The UPP upgrades when ONE starts building ships...

And Earth should also have half a dozen spaceports....
I envision a starport as the network of all the spaceports on the planet, combined all the spaceports would have the services available to a class A, B, C, D, or E starport. Its not that the starport is in cape canaveral, and if you want your starship built or repaired you have to go there. There might be multiple outlets that the starport has all over the planet, rather than only at a single location, but all the spacecraft coming in and out are controlled by a single traffic control system for the entire planet and outwards up to 100 planetary diameters.