The Surprise rules given in LBB1 pp.30-31 appear to be designed for use in random encounters in the open (at worst, in large cavern systems or in the streets of a city) and doesn't seem to fit well to close-quarters combat and to fighting inside starships; also, things such as stealth nad ambushes are not covered. Furthermore, it was published before the Recon skill was added, and therefore doesn't fit well with that skill. LBB4 (under the Recon skill on p.15) lists some notes about spotting, but doesn't give clear surprise rules.
I'm thinking about replacing the surprise rules with spotting rules. If you spot your enemy and he doesn't spot you, you have surprise. If both sides spot each other, there is no surprise. In a random encounter this would be a simple opposed UGM roll using Recon (or Tactics) and Intelligence and modified by some of the LBB1 surprise DMs; I'm not sure about how to do it when involving more complex situations (e.g. PCs setting up an ambush or PCs trying to sneak unnoticed into an enemy facility).
I'm thinking about replacing the surprise rules with spotting rules. If you spot your enemy and he doesn't spot you, you have surprise. If both sides spot each other, there is no surprise. In a random encounter this would be a simple opposed UGM roll using Recon (or Tactics) and Intelligence and modified by some of the LBB1 surprise DMs; I'm not sure about how to do it when involving more complex situations (e.g. PCs setting up an ambush or PCs trying to sneak unnoticed into an enemy facility).