Forgive me for not having thoroughly read every post in this thread. I've been away for a while. I'm sure everything I'm going to say has probably been said & said better. But this topic is too exciting & frightening for me to not add my 2 centicredits.
I think that CT is one of the best RPGs ever published. I think it fully holds its own when I compare it to the latest & greatest. I'm pretty certain there is a market for a "lighter" game, because I know many people in real life & online who prefer such.
While T5 certainly does look to bring some good, fresh ideas to the table, I don't really see a need to replace CT. Besides, it seems certain that T5, for various reasons, isn't going to see print soon.
I'm not crazy about the proposed revisions, though. (Which I'll detail below.) The thing that scares me about a revised CT is that QLI's Book 1-3 reprint might then go out of print & that I may not like RCT at all.
I think the Book 1-3 reprint serves the role just fine. I'd rather see QLI push it more than replace it with a RCT. (Because I'm getting older & increasingly frightened of change.
Originally posted by hunter:
If it happens what you'd see is an updated version of the CT rules with a slightly modified MT task system that is compatible with the T20 task system on 'terms of difficulty' (ie: Easy, Hard, Average, etc.).
I've found I've come full circle. I prefer the freeform "task system" we used in the old days (pick a number of dice, pick a target number, pick some DMs) to more structured MT system.
That being said, I suppose I wouldn't mind the task system. I'd just prefer it not be presented as the one-true & best way of doing things. I'd rather the rest of the rules not be too heavy on tasks.
The personal combat system would be changed over to be compatible with the task system. Armor and Damage would likely be very similar to T20's system.
This is maybe the part that worries me the most. It all looks--OK--in pixels.
But I'd rather have the tried & true system with a few tweaks (e.g. cover modifiers) than a new system that has to prove itself.
Granted, I'm sure the new system would be based on proven ideas, but it will still be a new expression of those ideas that would need to have the bugs worked out.
The important thing is that it remains simple in order to promote players thinking above the level of the rules & referee's running it based on knowledge & common sense rather than rules.
Characters would not change much as far as background goes, but the randomness would be optional meaning you could randomly generate your character pretty much like original CT or you can pick and choose everything instead. Adding optional rules like Advantages and Disadvantages is something I would also consider.
This all sounds good. Keep the classic system, but have some explaination of more freeform & less random chargen options.
I'm not big on ad/disads, but that's not a problem.
Vehicles, Starships, etc. would use the T20 systems which are already CT compatible, though these systems might get updated slightly.
I haven't seen the T20 systems, so that scares me a bit.
But only a bit. It looks reasonable in pixels.
New techs would also probably be added, but noted that some campaign settings may only use some of the technological concepts detailed in the rulebook. This would allow us to specify for example in the OTU, nanobots, cybernetic enhancements, FTL communications and such are not used. If a referee wanted to use them, they of course could but the referee would know that the published material for the OTU will not be written with these technologies in mind.
I'd like the
option for some updated tech, but when I've seen games updated in this fashion, it almost always ends up being more trouble than its worth to try to keep stuff out of a specific campaign.
If you manage to pull it off so that I can run classic or new style with equal ease, I'll be impressed.
In conclusion, I think there is a market for CT, but I don't think CT needs revision to make it marketable.
If I were going to go beyond a reprint: I would provide an MT style task system, but wouldn't change the rest of the system to use it. I'd provide some ideas for alternate ways to handle chargen/experience. I'd add some tweaks to personal combat, such as cover modifiers. I
might rename some of the components in ship building, but the change would be cosmetic.
I would add rather than change.