Just to clarify:
The Expert software gives its rating minus one as skill level to a character or a +1 DM (not -1 DM). With Intellect software the computer is treated like a character regarding Expert software.
So a Repair Robot per pg 95 with Intellect/1 and Expert Engineer(any)/2 does skill checks as Engineer(any)-1. And Engineer is a cascade skill.
While this is how cascade skills are handled, I'm not so sure expert software also gives you other skills in the same cascade group at 0. I know this is not explicited in any way in the Core Book, and so regular rules should be used (as you did), but, using common sense, and IMHO, to allow you an expert program than gides to performing some tasks you don't need the theoretical/practical knowledge that you need to truly have the skill yourself, so I'd see some logic to limit skills given by Expert software to the specific skill, without any effect to other related (cascade) skills.
I know this discusion is a little old, but I have been thinking about it since then, and now, while reviewing the rules, I think things may be clearer than we thought (albeit I agree this is only one possible interpretation of them).
The key is that rules (page 92 of the Core Book, software table, under expert programs) state (as you quoted above)
The Expert software gives its rating minus one as skill level to a character or a +1 DM (not -1 DM). With Intellect software the computer is treated like a character regarding Expert software. (emphasis are mine).
If you put on a computer (or robot, in this case) an expert software for a cascade skill (Engineering in this case) it will serve also as a 0 rated expert system for all related skills in the same cascade. As the rules quoted above tell about
rating minus one as skill level (not rating as skill level with a -1 modifier), the skill is given (the robot has it in this case) at one level below 0, and that means it has not the skill.
As said, this is only one interpretation of the rules, and as such, open to debate, but IMHO it may as well resolve the case.