minds fit bodies and bodies fit minds, yes?
and on what basis would a physically and mentally inferior human tell a superior human that it was sane or insane?
That's a not-so-uncommon trope. Khan in the Star Trek setting is a straightforward one, that was revisited nicely in the "Into Darkness" movie. Gataca was another good poke at the issue of the value of individuals based on their inherent capabilities as described by their DNA.
I thought The Fifth Element had a bit of a laugh at it though, the Perfect Being (with her oh-so-dense DNA) still being a creature of vulnerabilities and frailties, now matter how much she could do and know intrinsically. It was those other elements that made the character approachable and knowable, as opposed to the supermen of Gataca.
Has anyone cast genetically enhanced wonders in their campaigns? Had the Imperial nobility bred and altered to head in a direction the Bene Gesserit would approve of?