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Rub-a-dub-dub, more realism for your combat tub.

CT uses a somewhat abstract combat system. Just because a successful to-hit roll is made doesn't mean the target was shot. The damage doesn't justify it. Instead, a hit point system is used--one that is not that much different from the hit point used used in d20 games. In fact, CT characters hit in combat will, more often than not, just be rendered unconscious (or damaged less severely) and completely healed in half an hour (requies a Medic) than suffer dire wounds as you would expect a gunshot to be.

People making the 'realism' agrument often cite the SMG in CT. Take a look at its modifiers against an unarmored target at Short or Medium Range. It's an automatic hit (actually, two hits, using the roll-twice autofire rule) and damage. And, this is before the attacker's weapon skill is added to the mix.

Considering that specific weapon alone shows how a hit in CT is not necessarily representative of a gunshot wound. Take a target with average stats of 777777. If not armored, and no unusual DMs apply, the SMG will automatically hit the target, twice because of autofire, if the target is at either Short or medium Range.

The SMG does 3D damage: 3, 1, 2.

The first blood rule is used, and randomly, this damage is removed from STR. Now, our target's stats are 177777.

But, with autofire, the SMG gets two attacks. And, that second attack will also hit automatically because of Range and Armor DMs. So, the SMG does a second set of 3D damage: 5, 5, 1.

Now that the first blood rule has been used, the defender can now take the damage dice at his option for his best defence. He does so, and not the target's stats are: 121777.

So, what happened here? Did this SMG really plow a burst full of bullets into the target because the attacker scored two automatic hits?

Nope. It can't be. Why? The damage doesn't justify it.

As with any hit point system, successful to-hit throws do not necessarily represent successful hits with the weapon. In D&D, when a character lands a successful hit with his two-handed battle axe, doing 6 points of damage, lowering his target's hit points from 20 to 14 points, are we talking about the character being swatted, hard, with a deadly weapon like a two-handed battle axe?


Hit points are an abstract method to keep the game "fun". First off, they allow Player Characters to be hit without always suffering the repercussions of a hit if it was modeled on real life. PCs sustain a lot of damage before succumbing (in Traveller, this means, as with the SMG example above, a PC could withstand a burst of SMG fire and not be damaged as if the character was shot).

Another way that hit points lend themselves to "fun" in an rpg is that they allow the attacker to be successful more often on attack throws. So, attackers can throw attack throws and hit (fun), and defenders can withstand some of that damage and keep on playing (fun).

It would be, really, no fun, if, eveytime an attacker rolled a successful to hit, that the target went down on the ground with a gunshot wound.

Given this, its easy to understand why Marc & Co. made the choices they did with Traveller combat. A character gets "hit" in CT, then most likely he will withstand the blow without any long term effects (as would happen with a gunshot wound).

But...what about CT player who want more realism? What would have to be done to the CT combat system so that it delivers more realistic results?

Really, there are three items that should be addressed, if added realism is the goal.

Item 1 - Harder To-Hit Throws: First off, something would have to be done to make it less likely (a lot less likely) that To-Hit throws are successful. Because, if we're going to be more realistic, then damage must be increased.

Plus, remember the stats on the OK Corral gunfight (which was performed at close quarters). Most of the shots missed (something over 90%), and Wyatt Earp came out of it without a scratch. Modern day police statistics reveal the same type thing occuring with modern handguns. Typically, 90%+ shots fired in a gunfight miss their target.

In CT, this would be extremely easy to adjust using the CT combat system. My suggestion would be to have a blanket Range DM for all weapons--a DM that penalizes a weapon harshly the larger the Range category. I'd start with something like this:

Close     -2  DM
Short     -4 DM
Medium   -6 DM
Long       -8 DM

You might even want to make the DMs more harsh, because the idea is to create a situation where To-Hit throws fail the wide majority of the time. You'll want To-Hit throws to fail 90%+ of the time, and this is when the weapon is in the hands of a trained professional.

The blanket range DM will, of course, be adjusted by specific weapons using the DMs on the Range chart. This will keep CT's flavor of differentation between weapons. A carbine will still be a better weapon at Short Range than it is at Medium Range. A rifle will be a better weapon choice when targets are at Long Range, etc.

Experiment, and do stat analysis, on your Range Penalty DMs. As I say above, the range DMs should be extremely harsh. And, because of this, you might want to institute a policy where a natural 12 on the attack throw results in damage regardless of the required To-Hit.

The idea is to create situation where there are a lot of To-Hit throws (as many times as the weapon's trigger is pulled), but hits remain rare so that NPCs won't easily incapacitate the PCs. And PCs won't become so powerful that the game is no fun in the face of the munchkins.

Item 2 -- More Damaging Damage: When a hit is successful, it will represent an acutal hit. This means, if the To-Hit was a success for an autopistol attack, then the target is shot. Damage needs to reflect this.

Each hit should have a small chance of grazing the target, a large chance of incapcitating the target, and a small chance of flat out killing the target.

The obvious way to do this is to add more damage dice to weapons (maybe a blanket set of damage for all weapons plus its normal damage).

A weapon doing 2D damage has a good chance of rendering the target unconscious.

A weapon doing 4D damage has a good chance of inflicting a gunshot wound on the victim.

A weapon doing 6D damage has a good chance of flat out killing the target.

So, on top of the Range DM that makes To-Hit throws very hard to make, some amount of damage must be added to weapons so that successful to-hit throws result in gunshot wounds, typically (damage likely to render two stats at zero--which would be serious damage--a gunshot wound).

Item 3 - Don't forget "fun": We can make the CT combat system extremely realistic, but we need to be mindful that the "fun" isn't sucked out of the game.

By making combat more realistic, we're also making a situation where players will not wan to engage in combat. And, let's fact it, combat, is fun.

Plus, a PC who is shot will suffer the effects of a real life gunshot victim. This may mean the player playing the character may need to roll up a new character or just be prepared to have his character out of commission for a long while.

I'll put this up for discussion now, but that's my recommendation on making CT more "realistic".

1. Impose harsh Range penalties that makes it hard to hit.

2. Increase damage done by weapons so that successful hits result in significant damage

3. Never lose sight of the fact that this is a role playing game, and as a game, it should be fun to play. Too much realism can bog a game down.
Agree with your premise. I seem to remember that 90% thing in other contexts too.

I think there was some study years ago when the current generation of assault rifles were being designed, that showed that very few shots were aimed, and it was the volume of fire that would determine outcomes. Hence the emergence of smaller calibres.

What about hit locations and so forth? Too much detail?
Agree with your premise. I seem to remember that 90% thing in other contexts too.

The risk that is run (and why the hit point system lends itself well to role playing) is that the game is "no fun". The grand majority of the time, dice are thrown...and yet again, no friggin' hit. Some players may feel, "Why bother?"

A mechanic such as "Natural box cars on a throw equals automatic hit regardless of target number" might be helpful, too. The Range penalties should be so tough (to get that ratio of hits down to less than 10% when a to-hit throw is made) that some weapons may end up having target numbers raise from the standard 8+ to a number that is above 12+. In this situation, the attacker would still have a hope of hitting--he'd do it only on a natural roll of 12.

Since a "12" occurs only 2.7% of the time on a 2D throw, that's well within our target range of success.

Or, a natural roll of 12 could represent more extreme damage (maybe it indicates that the first blood rule is used).

What about hit locations and so forth? Too much detail?

I don't see why not. There are a couple of simple systems for indicating hit location.

The trick would be to integrate this into the attack roll, so that another hit location roll is not necessary. I've got some ideas on that too.
I recall reading in a book on the American Civil War that it had been calculated that on average, a man's weight in powder and shot had to be expended for each soldier hit on the battlefield. Now we all accept that accuracy was less with lower tech weapons, but it still correlates to your point about 8+ (41% hit rate) being unrealistically high.
The difficulty with specific hit locations on the body is that it requires an additional mechanic to represent the severity of injury to certain vital parts of the body. An example of this sort of thing badly done was the first edition of Mechwarrior for the BattleTech universe. The character had hit point values for each of several body parts but no overall health score. It was therefore possible to have one's right arm blown off (all hit points gone) with no penalties to the character's continued action, or mention of unconciousness or bleeding to death. A case of not enough realism and a badly handled mechanic.
Instead of more rules, what about a chart of descriptive wound effects that can become a factor in role-playing? Like a PC getting a leg wound that leaves them unable to walk or temporary blindness from a head shot, deafness from a concussion wave? That gives the referee additional on-the-spot challenges to add to the adventure.
If the chances of hitting are going to be much lower, the extra hit location and damage assessment (with the usual multipliers for sensitive locations) tasks are probably acceptable, since they are now much rarer events.
The difficulty with specific hit locations on the body is that it requires an additional mechanic to represent the severity of injury to certain vital parts of the body.

A separate mechanic is not necessarily needed. Hit location can be determined by the To-Hit roll without requiring an additional throw. For example, one of the 2D could be considered a "hit location die" for 6 random hit locations. Other methods could be used, too. Like using the "ones" digit of the To-Hit throw sum, with the higher numbers being vulnerabale hit location areas (so higher To-Hit throws correlate to more damaging damage).

Plus, severity of injury, as you mention above, could be determined by the damage throw--as it is already done in CT. (RE: A hit that doesn't result in damage equivalent to a gunshot wound is obviously not a "real" hit.)

I should note, because I didn't mention it in the OP, that we should also have a goal of minimal changes to the official Classic Traveller mechanics. Any change made should be the choice that affects CT rules the least.

So, one could bring in other game systems, of course, but that's not what we're going for. We're trying to make CT more realistic, and, thus, we need stick with the CT methodology. Minimal changes to achieve the desired result.

This is why I suggested a penalty DM added to Range to lower the success chance of to-hit throws. The Range table will still be used (each weapon having different Range characteristics), so my idea was to implement a blanket Range DM that is added to those DMs on the Range Table. Minimal change.

We need to do the same thing when looking at increasing damage. We've got to increase damage so that it's likely that a successful hit will knock out two of a target's physical stats (an average of 4D).

At first, I thought I'd suggest a blanket addition to damage, as I did with Range--something like a +1D to the listed damage for the weapon.

That would work.

But, a better thought might be to tie some damage into the character's skill--the thinking being that a more skilled shot will hit more vulnerable areas more often than a non-skilled character. So, damage is more.

Skill level could be added to damage on a successful hit: For example, the AutoPistol in the hands of a character with Pistol-2 expertise would do 3D+2 damage.

Another idea would be to add skill level to each damage die. So the Pistol-2 character would do 3D +6 damage with his AutoPistol when he hits.

Remember, we're trying to make damage very deadly. There needs to be a small chance of a graze, a very likely chance of a gunshot wound, and a small chance of an outright kill (all three stats at zero).

Yet, a more deadly idea would be to add damage dice for each level of skill. This might be too deadly, especially with the Skill-3+ characters killing almost every time they hit.

Let's take that last idea one step further. When damage is rolled, a number of dice is throw equal to the base damage of the weapon plus one die per skill level.

So, a Pistol-2 character would do 5D damage when hitting with his AutoPistol.

The catch here, though, is that the weapon cannot do more damage than its listed base damage. If we throw 5D damage for the AutoPistol, we'd pick the best (highest) 3D from the five dice we threw.

I'll give you an example:

Character has Pistol-2. AutoPistol does 3D damage.

A hit is achieved, so the damage is throw. Damage is the base 3D for the weapon plus 2D for the character's skill. That's 5D.

Attacker throws 5D, taking the highest 3D from the throw: 5, 6, 1, 1, 3.

So, the damage from the weapon is 14 points. We took the 5, 6, and 3 dies as damage.

I think this is a pretty good little damage idea.
S4: a less "drastic" solution than the simple "Nat-12 always hits" is "If all dice show 6's and you still haven't hit, roll and add another die" open-ending.

Which lowers the chances, keeps the penalties valid, but also provides a slim chance. (note that it also creates a flat-spot at 12 and 13 of success.)
S4: a less "drastic" solution than the simple "Nat-12 always hits" is "If all dice show 6's and you still haven't hit, roll and add another die" open-ending.

Which lowers the chances, keeps the penalties valid, but also provides a slim chance. (note that it also creates a flat-spot at 12 and 13 of success.)

Yes, a very valid, very good idea as well.
Plus, remember the stats on the OK Corral gunfight (which was performed at close quarters). Most of the shots missed (something over 90%), and Wyatt Earp came out of it without a scratch. Modern day police statistics reveal the same type thing occuring with modern handguns. Typically, 90%+ shots fired in a gunfight miss their target.

Personally, I can't figure this.

Being a resident of the UK rather than Texas I can't try it out, :smirk: but I reckon that even with my Gun Combat-0, I could hit a guy at least once and probably two or three times with a six-shot revolver, if he were stealing my car from the end of my drive. I could probably wing at least one hit even if he were ducking and diving all over my lawn.

Of course, if he were firing back it might affect my accuracy - I don't suppose I could shoot very well over my shoulder doing 8mph hurdles over my garden fence!

Are these genuine stats or an urban myth that nobody bothers to check out?
Being a resident of the UK rather than Texas I can't try it out, :smirk: but I reckon that even with my Gun Combat-0, I could hit a guy at least once and probably two or three times with a six-shot revolver, if he were stealing my car from the end of my drive. I could probably wing at least one hit even if he were ducking and diving all over my lawn.

I'm not sure I could hit something running around like that. I expect I'd be holding the gun wrong, not handling the recoil properly, and probably too scared of damn thing to do any good.
That's very interesting reading, especially the part that says, "...the chance of being hit in combat was essentially random — that is, accurate "aiming" made little difference because the targets no longer sat still. The number one predictor of casualties was the total number of bullets fired."

After reading that sentence, it makes a person re-evalutate the stats on the SMG in CT, doesn't it?

The SMG is sometimes an auto-hit weapon--but, remember, a "hit" doesn't mean the character was shot. Damage determines what happens to the character. Facing an SMG typically means "you will lose some hit points" and not "you will be shot".
Are these genuine stats or an urban myth that nobody bothers to check out?

I've seen several references over the years. I just did a quick google when you posted this and found two interesting tid-bits.

First, these are the official gunfight statistics from the NYPD:

Year     Hit Probability
----     -------------
1990         19%
1991         15%
1992         17%
1993         15%
1994         12%
1995         18%
1996         14%
1997         10%
1998         25%
1999         13%
2000         09%
MEAN        15%

Second, I found this set of interesting bullet points.

• 55% of gunfights take place 0-5 feet.
• 20% of gunfights take place in 5-10 feet.
• 20% of gunfights take place in 10-21 feet.
• 95% of gunfights take place in 0-21 feet. (Source- FBI)
• The average man can cover 21 feet of ground in 1.5 seconds.
• The average man cannot draw a gun from concealment in under 2 seconds.
• Seek and use cover. Be aware of false cover. (ie bushes - that's concealment, not cover)
• The average gunfight is over in 3-5 seconds.
• 3 to 4 shots are usually fired.
• Most gunfights take place in low light conditions.
• On average, one shot in four strikes someone.
The NYPD stats are useful. It will give us a baseline.

A Skill-2, DEX-7 character should hit an unarmored target at Short Range about 15% of the time in a combat situation.

+2 For Skill
+1 For Armor
+2 For Range

Base Line: This means our Short Range penalty we're implementing needs to be a -7 DM.

That makes the above character's effective to-hit number a 10+ (which is a 17% chance...right where we need it to be).

OK, we've got our Short Range penalty. Now, we need to decide the increments up and down. What's the penalty for Close? For Medium? For Long?

Will it be -6/-7/-8/-9 ?

Or maybe: -5 / -7 / -9 / -11 ?
Personally, I can't figure this.

Being a resident of the UK rather than Texas I can't try it out, :smirk: but I reckon that even with my Gun Combat-0, I could hit a guy at least once and probably two or three times with a six-shot revolver, if he were stealing my car from the end of my drive. I could probably wing at least one hit even if he were ducking and diving all over my lawn.

Of course, if he were firing back it might affect my accuracy - I don't suppose I could shoot very well over my shoulder doing 8mph hurdles over my garden fence!

Are these genuine stats or an urban myth that nobody bothers to check out?

When talking warfare with my students, I do a little experiment that teaches it sans firearms. I have them make several paper balls. We line up, and they "shoot it out." repeat with them in cover. repeat with them allowed to evade and approach. casualties drop rapidly each step.

One weapon you probably could make and use is the rubber band gun. You take a spring-type clothespin, glue it to a dowel which you have put a shallow (2mm) slot in the end, and then affix a handle. you use a rubber band as ammo. play around with those, and you soon see why pirates had to rely upon cutlasses...

Now, if you come to Anchorage, or just about any major US city, you can find both laser tag and paintball. (Come to Anchorage, and I'll even show you the hand to hand anti-pistol tactics my sifu taught me... I've a "rubber duck" for that very purpose...)

Having played paintball, except in ambushes, you really don't have time to aim. Skill and training in unaimed fire DOES matter. Aimed practice helps a little.
I'm not sure I could hit something running around like that. I expect I'd be holding the gun wrong, not handling the recoil properly, and probably too scared of damn thing to do any good.

That's probably the difference between Gun-0 and Gun-nil.

I was just trying to figure from the heady days of my youth - the pre-Hungerford days when, if a couple of kids were caught on the back-lot pinging tin cans with an air-rifle/pistol, they'd get a jolly good finger-wagging and the gun confiscated, rather than getting sent down for half a decade and carrying a Record for the rest of their natural. :(

Since the figures appear to be genuine, the only rationalisation I can come up with is that your shots go wild when the target is capable of shooting back - which I can understand - and it seems that no amount of training, even for professionals, can prevent that.

Makes you wonder how so many people get killed or injured with such apparently useless lumps of iron, though.
A tremendously higher volume of lumps of lead and copper.

Seriously, tho', I know some guys with 90% accuracy in paintball and laser tag. They also are immune to adrenaline shakes.
A tremendously higher volume of lumps of lead and copper.

Seriously, tho', I know some guys with 90% accuracy in paintball and laser tag. They also are immune to adrenaline shakes.

Of course, paint balls and laser dots don't leave gaping holes in the target either...

Back in the day, I was pretty calm in our highly foolish BB gun wars. And those BBs stung worse than paintballs (and no goggles then). But I wouldn't assume from this that I'd be immune from adrenaline shakes if someone was firing *real* bullets at me...
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