I think the idea of a log scale for armor is an interesting one - and there are different ways to achieve it. Construction-time scaling, or trying to build scaling into the combat resolution system. In some ways the combat system is already non-linear - I'm thinking the relationship between weapon numbers and battery factor.Originally posted by Anthony:
There's no particular reason it should be possible to damage capital ships with turret weapons. I would probably use a log scale for armor. At TL 15, here's one possible scaling:
1% (armor 0) is a base of 0
2% (armor 1) is a base of 2
3% (armor 2) is a base of 3
4% (armor 3) is a base of 4
6% (armor 5) is a base of 5
8% (armor 7) is a base of 6
11%(armor 10) is a base of 7
16%(armor 15) is a base of 8
Then adjust by size:
300-1000 dtons: +1
1k-3k dtons: +2
3k-10k dtons: +3
10k-30k dtons: +4
30k-100k dtons: +5
100k-300k dtons: +6
300k-1M dtons: +7
If you want dreadnaughts to be really impervious, you can put break points at 2/5/10 instead of 3/10, giving a +11 for 500k dtons and putting a Tigress at armor 19.
I think your system achieves some similar effects to what I propose
1) small ships are limited to lighter armor: your proposal imposes a construction maximum, mine imposes higher system volumes so the ship designer tends to limit themselves.
2) Larger ships will tend towards higher armor values - Your system using size adjustments, mine by reducing the volume of a given armor level.
There are likely benefits and drawbacks to both approaches - I'm curious about your ideas for non-linear armor.
Under what circumstances do you propose awarding the "size bonus/adjustment"? Does any 100k ton ship get the +6 adjustment, or only those that have purchased some particular level of armor?