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OTU Only: Searching for OTU information on Villis sector

After reviewing the AHL supplement, I see that there were 310 low berths for the frozen watch, but no e-low births. I would assume that in peacetime no frozen watch was carried, so maybe there is some possibility (however slim) that there may still be someone needing rescue on board.
The guidelines for the adventuring possibilities of a subsidised ship are in The Traveller Adventure, which also involves getting a fuel tank in the cargo hold.
If the High Lightning had a Type-S aboard, it would be able to "self rescue" via the Type-S making a J1 to Lanth. Wouldn't explain what the High Lightning is (still) doing in Vilis 0808 hex when the Subsidized Merchant finds them.

Assuming the "away crew" on the Type-S didn't betray them as part of a setup, of course ...

So, basically a deep space Calibration Point?
The High Lightning would be fuel hungry enough to make that work, but they would need to be sending out MINING CREWS with their tankers in order to collect enough frozen solid as rock ice to bring back to shovel into the power plant. Depending on distance, they might be on the edge of endurance. The High Lightning would have 1G of maneuvering power at "low power" on the power plant, but since they're in deep space they need to HEPLaR burn reaction mass in order to do that, which then increases their fuel burn rate (30 tons of fuel per day per G of maneuver power for a 60 kton starship). That basically more than doubles their 150 tons of fuel burn rate per week just for the power plant to remain operational at minimum power. Essentially, the High Lightning would need to be "quick" about adjusting course to stay within tanker ferry range of the rogue comet they're needing to mine in order to stay alive.

Of course, if the crew is all long since dead due to life support exhaustion, that whole question becomes kind of moot, since the automated distress beacon would be running on what amounts to battery power.


When leadership has this kind of decision making result in such a situation ...

... mutiny is almost inevitable.
They've six ten-ship fighter squadrons, and several 20-40Td small craft on board.
The guidelines for the adventuring possibilities of a subsidised ship are in The Traveller Adventure, which also involves getting a fuel tank in the cargo hold.
Thanks, that was the one I was trying to find. In that case, it was a demountable tank. However, it did mention that the crew had accumulated 5 years worth of free time that they use off the subsidy route.
It's also worth mentioning that they are Travellers from the moment you start the adventure, and by the end of it they have the potential to own at least 2 ships.
Thanks, that was the one I was trying to find. In that case, it was a demountable tank. However, it did mention that the crew had accumulated 5 years worth of free time that they use off the subsidy route.
I intended this to be 5 years times the 30% which equals 78weeks by my calculations (for some reason the adventure said 80 weeks). Either way about 1 1/2 years of off the subsidy route.
Next question: Assuming the crew decides to notify the authorities of the message and resupplies the ship asap and heads back in an attempt to initiate a rescue of any possible survivors, what action would the authorities take? If a rescue takes place, I would assume that the number of survivors would be minimal.
Next question: Assuming the crew decides to notify the authorities of the message and resupplies the ship asap and heads back in an attempt to initiate a rescue of any possible survivors, what action would the authorities take?
Lanth in 1105 has both a naval and a scout base.

"Hi. We found a Frontier Cruiser that went missing and can provide jump coordinates to her so you can effect a rescue op. Interested?"

I would honestly expect the naval base to dispatch a Fer-de-lance Destroyer Escort to the coordinates (1 parsec away from Lanth) to confirm the sighting and astrogation coordinates. You would basically need to send a 1000 ton J4 ship (minimum) because it would have enough spare fuel aboard to transfer a couple hundred tons of fuel to any Frontier Cruiser as an endurance assist that could last long enough to return to Lanth and organize a tanker squadron deployment to effect a rescue.

So to answer the question, I would expect a "trust but verify" response. They would need to have a navy ship confirm the sighting and the coordinates.
If a rescue takes place, I would assume that the number of survivors would be minimal.
It is exceedingly unlikely for the entire crew to have survived unscathed.
Whether any of the survivors (if any) are still fit for duty after being rescued (think of the trauma and survivor's guilt load) is a different question that should be left up to medical professionals.

Your ship crew might get a "finder's fee" for helping the navy ... salvage ... the Frontier Cruiser, but I wouldn't expect there to be ticker tape parades or glowing news coverage to result from it. If anything, I would expect the navy to "hush it all up" as best they can, so as to not bring inordinate (and unwanted?) media attention to the merchant crew or the survivors.

But then some plucky local reporter gets tipped off, somehow ... and it's off to the circuses.
What if when you report it the Navy says thank you we will take it from here.

Later in the starport bar you overhear some naval base workers having a conversation about a lost cruiser and the navy big wigs denying they have any of that class in this subsector and no rescue mission is authorised...
It is exceedingly unlikely for the entire crew to have survived unscathed.
Whether any of the survivors (if any) are still fit for duty after being rescued (think of the trauma and survivor's guilt load) is a different question that should be left up to medical professionals.
My thought exactly. Depending on the story timeline and the ingenuity of the engineering crew and what was the cause of the mis-jump there may be some survivors. My theory is they discovered a covert Zodani operation that they were unable to deal with and took damage while attempting to flee and report their discovery. The misjump rules do not specify how much fuel percentage-wise is consumed. Suppose they had just completed a wilderness when the covert fleet jumped in-system. They attempt a jump 3 to escape and are hit by enemy fire causing a 3d misjump of 8 hexes which takes 3 weeks and damages the jump drives in the process. They may have a good supply of fuel and depending on how much damage was taken and where it was taken a relatively small crew remaining to be kept alive.
So to answer the question, I would expect a "trust but verify" response. They would need to have a navy ship confirm the sighting and the coordinates.
I had also speculated that the SOS message might contain a code phrase to be passed to either the Navy or the Scout service. No one to whom they reported the message would recognize what the code means but would know enough to pass it up the line to some more senior personnel. At some point, someone with a long time in service would say, " I remember at such and such a time we had some emergency security alert codes and this seems to be one of those codes." At that time some computer operator would be directed to search for those codes, The code would be unique to that ship,
The misjump rules do not specify how much fuel percentage-wise is consumed. .
In Classic 2nd Ed. and LBB5, it's whatever you burned for the planned jump. J-5 drive doing a J-3 uses J-3 fuel regardless of misjump distance. What's not clear is how much power plant fuel is used for misjumps lasting longer than 1 week. IMO, this was something that got overlooked in the changes for LBB2 2nd Ed. (In LBB2 1st Ed., the jump drive used nothing from the power plant at all.)
The misjump rules do not specify how much fuel percentage-wise is consumed.
Jump fuel is consumed prior to (mis)jumping, so however far you were trying to go (J1, J2, J3, etc.) is how much fuel is consumed to attempt the jump. A misjump doesn't consume "extra" jump fuel (costs 2 parsecs on a J1 misjump, for example).

The real hazard though is how LONG a ship remains "trapped" in jump ...

LBB2.81, p6:
A misjump is an unpredictable random jump. Throw one die to determine the number of dice thrown (1 to 6); throw that number of dice to determine the number of hexes in length the misjump is. Then throw one die to determine the direction of the misjump (one of the six directions possible on the hex grid). Finally, throw one die to determine the number of weeks spent in jump space before the ship re-emerges at its new location.
Normally a ship only spends 1 week in jump space, but a misjump can keep a ship "stuck" in jump space for 1-6 weeks. :oops:
So if you've been in jump for longer than 1 week, that's a pretty sure sign that you've misjumped.

The killer here though is the possibility that your power plant fuel (usually 4 weeks worth) might be exhausted before you can breakout from your misjump. :eek:

Let me illustrate what I mean by this using a Type-S Scout/Courier ... J2, PP2 with 40 tons of fuel and LBB2.81 standard drives.

The Type-S tries a risky break off by jumping escape move between 10-100 diameters of a gravity well and rolls a misjump on a J1 attempt.
J1 in a 100 ton ship consumes 10 tons of fuel, so the Type-S has 30 tons of fuel remaining at the start of the misjump.
The PP2 consumes 20 tons of fuel per month or 5 tons per week (7 days).
If the Type-S remains "trapped" in jump space for 6 weeks, its 30 tons of remaining fuel will (very likely) be exhausted when the ship finally achieves breakout from misjump ... and if it isn't completely exhausted, it's so close (at 6 weeks of misjump) that the ship should be broadcasting an automatic distress beacon as soon as it can return to normal space, even if the only power to do so is from backup batteries.

The Type-S tries a risky break off by jumping escape move between 10-100 diameters of a gravity well and rolls a misjump on a J2 attempt.
J2 in a 100 ton ship consumes 20 tons of fuel, so the Type-S has 20 tons of fuel remaining at the start of the misjump.
The PP2 consumes 20 tons of fuel per month or 5 tons per week (7 days).
If the Type-S remains "trapped" in jump space for 4 weeks, its 20 tons of remaining fuel will (very likely) be exhausted when the ship finally achieves breakout from misjump ... and if it isn't completely exhausted, it's so close (at 6 weeks of misjump) that the ship should be broadcasting an automatic distress beacon as soon as it can return to normal space, even if the only power to do so is from backup batteries.

The point I'm wanting to make here is that if you're going to have to risk a misjump within 10-100 diameters, it's safer to do so attempting a J1 rather than a J2+ ... simply because if you do wind up misjumping, you're going to need to have as much fuel reserve as possible just for safety margin so you don't run out of fuel before reaching breakout (whenever that might be). Long duration misjumps (4+ weeks) can easily overtax your remaining fuel reserves such that even if the starship design can make longer jumps, if you need to keep the power plant "on" for too long you can consume so much fuel that by the time you reach breakout you don't have enough fuel to initiate another jump ... or have misjumped somewhere that there are no fuel sources "within range" of whatever fuel reserves you have left.

A Frontier Cruiser is going to need 6000 tons of fuel per parsec for the jump drive, and 750 tons of power plant fuel per week.
Depending on the fuel state before/after the misjump, the Frontier Cruiser could easily have not had enough fuel remaining after breakout to make another jump. Note that 7500 tons of fuel remaining would be sufficient for 1J1 and 2 weeks of operational endurance (1 week in jump, 1 week after breakout to find fuel).

If the Frontier Cruiser was limited to 6000 tons of fuel (or less) after breakout from a misjump, it could not "survive" a J1 (fuel would be exhausted before breakout even if jump could be initiated) and would be able to survive up to 8 weeks with the power plant operating at full power ... or up to 40 weeks if powered down to conserve remaining fuel supplies. Point being, that if the ship is "marooned" in deep space due to low fuel after a misjump, the crew is going to have less than a year (52 weeks) to find a Calibration Point to refuel from if they want to keep life support operational for the long haul (possibly, for the rest of the crew's lives...).

At which point, it becomes something of a plot point to know how long this ship has been missing, and where did it go missing from? If it went missing from the (hand waves at map) Querion subsector, you're looking at (LINK):
Atson/Querion (15 parsecs)
Sansibar/Querion (12 parsecs)
Lebeau/Querion (10 parsecs)
Quarre/Querion (7 parsecs)
Beyond those options you're getting into Foreven Sector (uncharted).
In Classic 2nd Ed. and LBB5, it's whatever you burned for the planned jump. J-5 drive doing a J-3 uses J-3 fuel regardless of misjump distance. What's not clear is how much power plant fuel is used for misjumps lasting longer than 1 week. IMO, this was something that got overlooked in the changes for LBB2 2nd Ed. (In LBB2 1st Ed., the jump drive used nothing from the power plant at all.)
To clarify: adding the Pn=Jn requirement and the 4-week powerplant fuel allocation/endurance limit changed misjump survivability. When the powerplant was unrelated to the Jump Drive in 1st Edition, misjumps were only mandatory-total-party-kill events from "Ship Destroyed" table results or landing in an empty hex (and referee fiat could allow moving the exit point to a hex with a world, because the misjump direction determination was a pretty blunt instrument as written*). The powerplant fuel requirement meant that one in three previously-survivable misjumps were changed into mandatory-total-party-kill events, though the misjump table hadn't changed.

*or, since this was before Travellermap or even the Spinward Marches supplement, putting a world in the destination hex because the ref needed to generate the entire subsector containing the destination hex from scratch anyhow...
Supplement 5 states: "unlimited maneuver ... at least 300 days" Again that would be subject to where the damage was located and the amount of fuel loss due to that damage. Of course, I am writing the story so I would have to determine all that before I could plan the story. Thanks again for the input. It helps me do a better job of the planning.
Supplement 5 states: "unlimited maneuver ... at least 300 days"
Assuming a full fuel load (33,000 tons) and none lost to battle damage or mishap ... sure.
Note that 43 weeks of 7 days is 301 days ... so let's round that up to 44 weeks and 308 days, because 44 weeks is 11 months of endurance.

Under normal circumstances, you would want to set aside 2 weeks per 52 for annual overhaul maintenance of the ship, leaving 50 weeks per year for the ship to be operational. Point being the ship could maneuver operationally for 11 out of 12.5 months of the year before needing to refuel.

And one of those fun little Gregorian calendar vs Imperial calendar quirks is that when the LBBs were being written the assumption was 12 months of 30 days per year (because, guess) ... which later got retconned into the Imperial calendar being 13 months of 28 days per year, which has all kinds of knock on effects.

Bank loans being 12 monthly payments per year for 40 years (480 payments) where after interest you're paying the bank 2.4x the base cost to purchase the ship over those 40 years gets slightly upset if you think of it in terms of 13 monthly payments per year for 40 years (520 payments) ... although you can still keep the 2.4x base cost to purchase as the target to hit after factoring in interest payments over that span of time.
Assuming a full fuel load (33,000 tons) and none lost to battle damage or mishap ... sure.
Note that 43 weeks of 7 days is 301 days ... so let's round that up to 44 weeks and 308 days, because 44 weeks is 11 months of endurance.

Under normal circumstances, you would want to set aside 2 weeks per 52 for annual overhaul maintenance of the ship, leaving 50 weeks per year for the ship to be operational. Point being the ship could maneuver operationally for 11 out of 12.5 months of the year before needing to refuel.

And one of those fun little Gregorian calendar vs Imperial calendar quirks is that when the LBBs were being written the assumption was 12 months of 30 days per year (because, guess) ... which later got retconned into the Imperial calendar being 13 months of 28 days per year, which has all kinds of knock on effects.

Bank loans being 12 monthly payments per year for 40 years (480 payments) where after interest you're paying the bank 2.4x the base cost to purchase the ship over those 40 years gets slightly upset if you think of it in terms of 13 monthly payments per year for 40 years (520 payments) ... although you can still keep the 2.4x base cost to purchase as the target to hit after factoring in interest payments over that span of time.
I thought the standard was 12 months, the 13th month is a debt holiday and typically the yearly maintenance month.

Certainly the banks want that done as the ship is the repo collateral.
Reading this thread, it asked for information on the Vilis Subsector. But commentary has centered on the abilities of the ship with almost no comment on the Subector worlds. I will not be commenting on the ship because it is the Game Master's game and the ship is what they decide it is.

That said,
Many worlds in the Vilis subsector were explored and settled by the Sword World with limited exploration/colonization until Imperial explorers reached the region. A good number of worlds claimed by the Sword Worlds were then absorbed by the Imperium. Mostly by the request of those world populations. Despite that, this remains a point of contention between Imperial and Sword Worlds governments.

When it comes to Imperial Authority in the region, the Imperial worlds in the Sector are under the Imperial Government or Emerperor Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi. But his Court, on Capital, is so remote that the local governments need to operate on their own "in compliance with" the laws of the Third Imperium.

The Sector itself, depending on your time frame(and which version of the game you are playing) ha a capital in the Mora system, from which The Spinward Marches Sector government rules, under the Sector Senate. In much of the released Traveller data, the sector is also the fief of Grand Imperial Duchess Delphine Adorania Muudashir. Later in published material you either see Delphine step down in favor of her heir, Dame Elane Shankarr Muudashir, C.E.G or you see the Civil War and Virus and the surviving Imperial worlds in the sector become part of the Regency under Arch Duke Norris Aella Aledon.

Again, the administration of the region is months from Mora one way and far enough from Regina that administration still needs to be more local. The Vilis sector is also important enough to the defense of the Imperial border that it warrants a local Duchy. The Vilis Duchy is the Fief of Duke Bondal a'Plena. While he is known as "The Duke of Vilis", his Court is actually located on the Subsector capital in the Frenzie system.

The subsector maintains an important communications link along the border to Regina from Garda-Vilis(but not yet including Vilis). These worlds are "shield worlds" in the Pre-Fifth Frontier War defensive strategy against invasion from the Sword Worlds(Via Margesi system or directly from SW worlds) or across the abyss from Zhodani or non-aligned worlds.

Margesi was settled from the Gram system by the Sworld Worlders in -186 (third Imperium) and named originally named Isenfang, the name for Gríðarvöl ("Gríðr's staff") in the ancient literature of Terra,

Moving Coreward along the Vilis trace, you come to Vilis, which had been settled by the sworld worlders as "Svavasorm", and was settled from Gungnir (which had been "Morglay") in 249 (Third Imperium). Vilis had been the original capital of the subsector but was moved as a result of Imperial military losses over the Frontier Wars.

Continuing Coreward, the next major world is Garda-Vilis, settled by the Sacnoth Dominateand initially named "Tanoose". There is a low-grade terror organization called the "Tanoose Freedom League" who fight to gain home rule and re-name their world "Tanoose" again. Despite their actions, they are very loyal to the Third Imperium and have acted against Ine Givar terrorists when they tried to gain an alliance before the Fifth Frontier War. Garda-Vilis is currently administered from Vilis. Garda-Vilis has an Imperial Scout base in-system.

Continuing Coreward, you reach the Frenzie system, and home of the Capital and Court of Bondal a'Plena, Duke of the Vilis subsector. There is also a fairly large and powerful naval base orbiting the vacuum world of Frenzie. Ruling locally under Duke a'Plena is Canter Mavraii, the Marquis Frenzie. While the Duke holds a duchie and the subsector as fiefs, Canter Mavraii hols the world of Frenzie as fief, and owes fealty to Duke a'Plena, then to Duchess Delphine. Frenzie has a naval

Next, you go coreward by trailing to the Mirriam system(one of two so named systems in the Marches with the other "Mirriam" in the Five Sisters subsctor) Mirriam is an unremarkable world settled by a isolationist colonists who've developed a partial immunity to the airborne bacteria in the world’s atmosphere. The most important parts of the system are the naval base and ports supporting interstellar traffic and communications as well as defense.

Continuing coreward by trailing, you reach the "frozen water world" of Denotam, which is largely separated into the Imperial populations centered on the high and downports while "tribal populations" control the surface. The Denotam system is the fief of a Marquis or Marquisa who has not been named in Canon.

Moving further along the trace brings you to lesser worlds outside the Imperium (due to the jump limitations of your chosen ship) and then to the Regina cluster if you follow them.

Lesser worlds of the subsector break down to those inside Imperial borders or non-Imperial worlds in "the abyss" The coreward part of the subsector is the demilitarized neutral zone agreed on with the Zhodani Consulate. and the subsector's rimward edge borders on the Sword Worlds Confedration. Of course, after the Fifth Frontier War, the Sword Worlds have been partitioned into the Sword Worlds and Border worlds Confederations. And in that later time, each Confederation world is under Imperial Navy garrison. So there is a lot of coming and going with supplies and communications which opens that space to interesting adventures between supporting Imperial ships and angry occupied Sworld Worlders.

Lesser Imperial worlds include: Plume, Calit, Ficant, Tavonni, Saurus, Stellatio, Arkadia, Choleosti and 728-907 on which there is some canon written, but which I will not expand to prevent this book becoming even more of a "book". :D There is also the Red-zoned world of Asgard.

You will possibly be concerned with the Plume system since it might be transited based on your discussion.
This under considerated world is primarily an agricultural society(cattle and grain) This world may be a jumping off point for your players moving into the Lanth subsector and then Rimward to your goal.
The Abyss in the subsector separates the more dense worlds of the subsector from the Lanth subsector as well as the Zhodani
Important worlds in the Abyss include Arden and Tremous Dex

Arden is an over-populated world which had been settled by unhappy settlers fleeing the Ziru Sirka(First Imperium) and so long predated other Imperial settlement in the region (as with the Sword Worlds). Arden was eventually incorporated into the Third Imperium and rose to become a regional County(IE: Ruled by a Count or Countess) and capital of "the Arden subsector". As a result of the Third Frontier War, the Imperial border was pushed back and the County of Arden made independent. The Subsector was moved back and the subsector was renamed the Vilis Subsector. Arden was the main site of negotiations between Imperial and Zhodani govenrments until those were relocated to the Quar system, but remains (like Hong Cong was before China took it over) a hotbed of intrigue and spies, smugglers, etc...

During the period before the war, Arden had settled both Utoland and Zircon, and Utoland largely became able to operate independant of the mother world. Zircon never did. After becoming independent, Arden announced, "The Federation of Arden", but that polity did not last long. Maintaining their independence and neutrality through the Fourth and Fifth Frontier Wars, Arden is now again expanding and started expanding again after the Fifth Frontier War. over time, it will include the systems: Zenopit, Zircon, Utoland, Pequan, Tremous Dex, Digitias, Edinina, and Quare(not to be confused with the Quar system)

Tremous Dex is important before the above absorption by Arden because it is largely a pirate world or "Tortuga port", where raiders can establish bases while raiding near by Imperial worlds including some of those systems your players might travel through. Because there is little written about Tremous Dex, with some more written about Arden, you may want to read my work on those systems for my Traveller game (detailed via the History page on my website: www.usedstarships.com) My players have just spent some time traveling to Arden via Tremous Dex on a mission they were assigned.

Lesser worlds of the Vilis abyss which I will not much cover here include the red-zoned Zeta2, Quare, Edinina, 899-076, Digitis, Rangent, Tionale and Caloran. The 728-907 system is noted because a recent survey of this large inhabitable world showed no evidence of higher animal life but extensive forestation and insect presence. So, the Ministry of Colonization has earmarked the world for seeding within the next century, in preparation for colonization based on the availability of personnel and funds.
Just going through some of my records...

Vilis (Spin F) Subsector Details
The Spinward Marches- Supplement 03; Game Designer’s Workshop; 1981, Pg 14

Vilis (Spin F) System Details
728-907 (Spin 1214)
The Spinward Marches- Supplement 03; Game Designer’s Workshop; 1981, Pg 14
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 64
The Spinward States, T1248 Sourcebook 03; Avenger Enterprises; 2008; Pg 101
The Spinward Marches; Mongoose Publishing; 2008, pg 78

899-076 (Spin 0912)
Part of the Arden Cluster on the Spinward Main
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 61

Arden (Spin 1011)
Part of the Arden Cluster on the Spinward Main
Stranded on Arden - Adventure 99; Game Designer’s Workshop; 1981, Pg 4
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 62

Arkadia (Spin 1217)
Part of the Vilis Cluster
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 64
Sword Worlds; Steve Jackson Games; 2004, Pg 74
Cirque; Gregory P Lee; Greylock Publishing; 2014 Pg 160

Asgard (Spin 1519)
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 67

Calit (Spin 1515)
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 66
Cirque; Gregory P Lee; Greylock Publishing; 2014, Pg 167

Caloran (Spin 0911)
Part of the Arden Cluster on the Spinward Main
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 61

Choleosti (Spin 1018)
Part of the Vilis Cluster
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 62
Cirque; Gregory P Lee; Greylock Publishing; 2014, Pg 172

Edinina (Spin 1213)
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 62

Ficant (Spin 1417)
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 66

Frenzie (Spin 1116)
Part of the Vilis Cluster
Behind the Claw; Steve Jackson Games; 1998, Pg 62
The Spinward States, T1248 Sourcebook 03; Avenger Enterprises; 2008; Pg 100

Garda-Vilis (Spin 1118)
Part of the Vilis Cluster
Broadsword - Adventure 07; Game Designer’s Workshop; 1982, Pg 4
Broadsword - Adventure 07; Game Designer’s Workshop; 1982, Pg 6
Sword Worlds; Steve Jackson Games; 2004, Pg 86
Sword Worlds; Steve Jackson Games; 2004, Pg 103