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Second Survey-Is Physical Data Canon in Other Eras

So I'm basically a renegade programmer who went over to the dark side.

My wife, a programmer at the time, was told she should apply for this job in California, by the people who wrote the job description. At the time she was working for Penn State.

The job description said, in part:

The programmer should be able to write bug-free code.

The programmer should be able to fix code without introducing new bugs.

The programmer should be able to modify code without introducing bugs.

All of this without requiring testing.​

And to topic off, the salary range was less than she was earning at her current job.

Which means that the HR idiot who wrote the job description has no idea about the value of such a programmer. Anybody who could fit that description and write productive code should basically be given whatever payment he wants up to and including the owner's beautiful college aged daughter and half the company. :rofl:

And Lee was almost that good, until her illness forced her out of the game.
Is there an appropriate area to log or post suggested corrections? I have finished parsing out the Second Survey sectors from travellermap.com into my database program, run some queries and have found possible errors. Not story related corrections but syntax related like

Mazotz 2231 E866773-4 Ag Ga Ri Fo 0 R 813 So G3 V K6 V

In Magyar has a 0 in the remarks. It also looks like Droyne and Chirper populations are using two formats to represent populations. Some worlds use the CT designation Cn and Dn and some are using I assume new designations of ChirN and DroyN. Shouldn't this be consistent? Or do the old CT values represent something else now?
Can you cite the reference please.
"Hephaistos is one of the few terraforming projects completed by the Imperium. Begun during the Interstellar Wars, the project was alternately abandoned and resumed several times. The project was finally completed by the Hephaistos Company, chartered by the Imperium in 632, and the planet was opened in 835 and sections were sold off to several colonial groups. Although the project is officially complete, the company is still engaged in work to reduce the ocean and atmosphere."
-- The Solomani Rim, p. 38​

"Many worlds in charted space [sic] have been terraformed, but the Third Imperium itself has engaged in few major terraforming projects. Hephaistos is one of the few exceptions. Begun in the Interstellar Wars period, the project was abandoned and resumed several times over a 3,000-year period. It was completed by the Hephaistos Company, chartered by the Imperium in 632. The planet was opened for settlement in 835, and sectors were sold to several colonizing groups. Although the project is officially complete, the company is still engaged in work to reduce the planet's oceans and atmosphere."
-- Rim of Fire, p. 125​

(Note the subtle difference between the two references. One says that the Imperium has not completed many projects while the other says it has not engaged in many. I think the second imposes more restraint on future setting developers for no real gain. I would have liked the option to add ongoing terraforming projects to the setting liberally. Ah, well... :()

The idea is trying to find an appropriate synthesis between rules and story. I try to never say "Oh, that's an error". Instead I take it in stride and figure out storywise why the data looks a certain way.

Oh, I try never to say "Oh, that's an error", but I hold that sometimes that's just not an option. For example, I see no way to explain any Imperial world having a TL of 14 in Year 100.

Storywise, it seems that the Vilani were not big terraformers. Sometimes rules help. Concerning terraforming specifically, I have DGP's WorldBuilders' Handbook to determine programmatically if a planet went thru terraforming. Basically pop in the mods based on the current UWP and it provides a likelihood for terraforming in the past.

The Vilani would not have any incentive to do so. They could just colonize another Human-norm or, at worst, Human-prime world. After they adopted a policy of no further expansion, they presumably also adopted a zero population growth policy, so no pressure there. Also, the government, in the form of the Bureaux, would be very cost-effectiveness concious. Colonizing a sub-optimal but tolerable world would probably compare favorably to a planetary terraforming project, economically speaking.

Ok, first one on the way. I saw some TL G and H worlds which I am not aware if they are appropriate. I took out the ones that I know exist from published sources like Darrian, Sabmiqys and the two listed in Deneb Sector.
The esteemed cartographer is ahead of me here, which is actually a good thing, since I'm focused on T5 errata at the moment. But I do have his first notes, and am looking through them as I type.