What do you give your Sector Dukes as a warship to keep the lesser Nobles on the straight-and-narrow?
I consider this to be the biggest ship most PC's could encounter...(but almost certainly not to defeat, unless infiltration is used). Along with several escorts & auxilleries (depending on the situation, maybe a few troop ships etc) this should be able to suppress dissent in any one system of the Duke's Sector.
I envision;
a 30kton Colonial Battlecruiser (TL15 assuming they have a TL15 shipyard)
M6 J3 Computer-9 (military grade sensors)
Nuclear Damper-9
Meson Screen-5
Spinal Meson (J)
Missile Bays (9) x10
Repulsor Bay (9) x1
Beam Laser (9) x 10
Fusion Cannon (5) x8
Sandcaster (9) x15
Carried Craft;
Cutter x2 (SAR, ECM)
Ship's Boat x2
Astrofighter 10ton x20 (w/ launch tube)
spare modules x4 (Orbital Insertion, Medical, Survey, Noble Transport)
Company of Colonial Marines (w/ 15 Grav APC's)
Company of Military Police (w/ Grav Belts)
Platoon of 6 Heavy Grav Tanks
Battery of 2 PD Grav vehicles
Battery of 2 Grav SP Artillery
Too much? Not enough?
I consider this to be the biggest ship most PC's could encounter...(but almost certainly not to defeat, unless infiltration is used). Along with several escorts & auxilleries (depending on the situation, maybe a few troop ships etc) this should be able to suppress dissent in any one system of the Duke's Sector.
I envision;
a 30kton Colonial Battlecruiser (TL15 assuming they have a TL15 shipyard)
M6 J3 Computer-9 (military grade sensors)
Nuclear Damper-9
Meson Screen-5
Spinal Meson (J)
Missile Bays (9) x10
Repulsor Bay (9) x1
Beam Laser (9) x 10
Fusion Cannon (5) x8
Sandcaster (9) x15
Carried Craft;
Cutter x2 (SAR, ECM)
Ship's Boat x2
Astrofighter 10ton x20 (w/ launch tube)
spare modules x4 (Orbital Insertion, Medical, Survey, Noble Transport)
Company of Colonial Marines (w/ 15 Grav APC's)
Company of Military Police (w/ Grav Belts)
Platoon of 6 Heavy Grav Tanks
Battery of 2 PD Grav vehicles
Battery of 2 Grav SP Artillery
Too much? Not enough?