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Seeking Inspiration: Stalling tactics for PCs...


Your request for delaying tactics for use by a patron reminded me of one of the older "Star Wars" paperbacks. I can’t remember the title but it was about the Lando character operating the "Millennium Falcon" as a legitimate cargo freighter of all things!
Lando was tracking down (selling cargo was an end to a means) a personage of power and recourses on the run. This individual began to spread the word that the captain of the “Millennium Falcon” was not welcome in some other star system for suspicion of smuggling. At Lando's next starport, his ship was given a very through inspection. Despite not finding any evidence of contraband the port refused to allow him to unlade ANY cargo. The "Falcon" was allowed to re-fuel and re-stock (under a watchful eye) and was then escorted out of the system.

This could eat up four days or more at each port the PCs hit.
THe patron could hire a call girl to seduce one of the PC's. Make him fall in love with her... then she just diappears. Leaving little clues suggesting foul play. Of course the heroic PC will try to rescue her.
Originally posted by Maspy:
THe patron could hire a call girl to seduce one of the PC's. Make him fall in love with her... then she just diappears. Leaving little clues suggesting foul play. Of course the heroic PC will try to rescue her.
The Basic D.I.D. Now for a variation on the theme. One of the character's sisters is seduced by a Joyboy hired by the patron and sends word that she is leaving <Insert Home Planet here!> and going, with her fiance', with whom she is madly in love, to join Rev. Jim's Cult. (I hear they serve Kool Aid.
) I am sure there are much more festive variations.

Some thoughts:

Legal or illegal means of delay? Your Patron has the $$$ anything could be "arranged".

Now in your original post, the PC's know the route. Patron however, as has been pointed out, nows the region well, and if well connected, might know such things as expected arrival date of an Imperial Dignitary of High SOC stature.

My take for you is this--slamming PC's every time at starports has the deleterious affect they start avoiding them, as Mssr. tjoneslo has stated already [me bows].

If we are talking several jumps, i'd wager you could make a logical plan of delays along the route--question that I bring to the table is there a shorter second route?

WHAT if the players take a different route to the destination? With the plus or minus 12 hours of a normal jump, they could eventually catch up, as the same rules apply to the Patron as well. Not knowing the stellar astrography of the area this adventure yer cooking up is, there maybe more than one way to get there.

I prefer the carrot approach--possibly even subtly left by the Patron--a sugar coated deal for an insystem fast freight haul. Insystem travel times can also add delays. How to make it seem not a GM railroad trick?

The players characters aren't the only one who now folks--the patron may know some of their old pals, and steers the word they're in port to said contact who has a cargo destined for somewhere within system--here ya can add the shutle pilorts union on strike--say, planet XYZ in orbit 6-15 needs this stuff like medicines ASAP.

The planetary govt. and Union are at impasse.--enter heroes.

Problem is, they deliver the mission of mercy and get a quarantine slapped on them for doing it in next system!

Players are heroes for doing what had to be done, and get off with a delay while med techs of the SPA scour the ship at next stop.

Silver lining: PC's ship is now germ and bio-agent free, and the cost is waived because of what the players did. Bad news--they're further behind the patron.

Thats my .000000125Mcr. YMMV
Several more ideas from Ancient Bryan Gibson...

#1. Pay the PC's a 1Mcr reward for "job well done"--then report them in same system to Imperial Tax officials/ Starship Bank holding thier loan they've unreported income. If they jump out, MoJ comes in as an interstellar crime.

#2. Make anonymous call and make accusation one of the PC's is a known sex offender (lets say pedophile for being evil GM) from either that world or another one (Player's last stop). This brings in MoJ as such movement by said criminals is proscribed/ controlled, needs to register, and the instant negative must be disproved. GUARANTEED Players P'o'ed, will pursue after clearing matter up!
"#1. Pay the PC's a 1Mcr reward for "job well done"--then report them in same system to Imperial Tax officials/ Starship Bank holding thier loan they've unreported income."

Heh. I was going to suggest he just pay them to bugger off and leave him alone, but that's an evil twist!
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
I hope Flynn doesn't throw any of these tactics at my PC -- you sophonts are evil. :eek: :)

On behalf of Bryan, and myself, Paraquat--TY!
[wicked evil grin].
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
"#1. Pay the PC's a 1Mcr reward for "job well done"--then report them in same system to Imperial Tax officials/ Starship Bank holding thier loan they've unreported income."

Heh. I was going to suggest he just pay them to bugger off and leave him alone, but that's an evil twist!
TY, excellency!

Besides, the players are MEANT to follow the patron--just not leave at the same time he/she does!
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
I hope Flynn doesn't throw any of these tactics at my PC -- you sophonts are evil. :eek:
Please note that a Player Character Party, with decent connections in the area they are working in, could use the XBoat network to get a message ahead of the "Fleeing Patron" and use their contacts to pull off some of these on the Patron.

(Especially a Forged APB from the MOJ on the X-Boat Network with the Patron, "wanted for questioning.") I knew that forgery skill with 12 ranks would come in handy.
I've always enjoyed picking situations to delay my PC's that they really shouldn't stick their noses into. If they choose to wait it out, they eventually are allowed to go their way. If they become entangled, it opens up the game for more options. Their curiousity seldom disappoints me.

Some scenarios I've tried before:

- A notorious ship jacker has escaped the local authorities and is on the run. Port security has grounded all craft until they can be inspected for possible stow aways (by the authorities). "Don't worry, we'll find 'em soon."

- Part II; the ship jacker manages to hot wire a Type S and during take off, slams the scout into your drive section, ripping a massive hole in the hull. "Of course we have insurance for this kind of thing ... just let me find the policy."

- A cruise liner has declared a general emergency requiring all ships in the area to respond as able. They must evacuate all passengers immediately to whatever craft are available.

- A mercenary squadron appears over a frontier world, laying siege until their demands for tribute are met. "Maybe they'd take your ship instead and we could pay you back?"

- A magnitude 8 solar flare has damaged the system's communication and navigation satellite grid; all ships are grounded until sufficient repairs can be made to allow safe passage.

- Terrorists have attacked a local militia base and liberated several ground-to-air weapon systems. No civilian ships are allowed to take off or land without military escort as defense, but these assets are already tasked with searching for the lost weapons.
Ran Targas! No, you're not the SOWB& TE of CoTI.

Actually, although thi thread was for Flynn, there's a few ges here ANY GM can use. I like your addition of natural phenomena into the mix--
i.e the Mag 8 Solar Flare idea.
IIRC looking at me copy of D20 Future, M-class stars, of which the OTU seems to have a lot of, have a high proportion of solar activity..[WEG]!

The accident from an escaping criminal's starship was also handy! Gotta remember that one!

Random events can also add delays, like yours! me makes notes and grins...

Guys, you have done a superb job of making suggestions! I'll definitely be using more than a few of these. (Sorry, Paraquat. ;) )

Please feel free to keep them coming, though, should you feel so inspired.

With Thanks,
Originally posted by Flynn:
Guys, you have done a superb job of making suggestions! I'll definitely be using more than a few of these. (Sorry, Paraquat. ;) )

Please feel free to keep them coming, though, should you feel so inspired.

With Thanks,
As long as Paraquat doesn't start using them to slow the Patron you should be in good shape.

War of the delaying tactics.
How about a fake "Lost Dutchman" story? Hire someone to pay the crew to check out a claim recently made on an ancient, lost, in-system jackpot asteroid mine. Sure, it's just an old, played out rock, but they get a little spending cash and are effectively delayed for a week... or two... or three...

A twist on that would be towing a badly damaged ship into the belt, and hiring the crew to resuscitate it and bring it back, not knowing that the patron put the old tub there to begin with. Gives them a sense of accomplishment. Give them hazard pay due to a (perhaps false) rumor of "Dave the Smuggler" operating in the area, and their danger sense is tickled too. The trick is in not scaring them off...
Have a EMP weapon "Accidentally" detonate just before the PC's take off.

An earthquake/tremor loosens something or knocks something onto the PC's ship that delays the PC's because of repairs.
Probelm with emp weapons is burst radii, baron W.--and collateral damage to the starport. Don't think the patron 9unless a terrorist0 is gonna go THAT far.
Also, smaller devices, like EMP grenades are proscribed MIlspec devices. Law 1-0 worlds legal only...and thats purchase NOT use of them!

Still...it has merit..and I didn't think of it! /me bows