Another possible way may to use a quirk of Traveller reactors.
Given that Trav reactors use raw hydrogen as fuel (aka P-P fusion), dump a lower fusing temp material into them for some fun effects.
Flood the reactor chamber with a Deuterium/Tritium mix which fuses at an order of magnitude lower temp than Hydrogen, and it would be like pouring petrol on a fire. This gives you the 'high temp plasma burn' which trashes the ship when the reactor bursts. Probably not enough to vapourise it completely, but is would be messy none the less.
As an added bonus, while P-P fusion is aneutronic, D/T fusion is neutronic - that is it spits out neutrons. So in addition to the plasma burn, the entire ship is irradiated by a neutron blast - killing living things, trashing electronics, and making the ship glow.