So, I've got CT bk2, CT HG, MT, TNE, TNE: Brilliant Lances and T4 QSDS/SSDS.
Can anyone elaborate on the pros and cons with these different systems?
Bk 2:
Pro: fast, simple, elegant, supports minis play well
Cons: Only covers ships to 5000 Td, and only using letter drives. Takes lots of table/floor space. Bogs down with lots of ships.
Design Axises: Displacement tonnage, Price
Damage model: progressive loss of capability due to system attrition
Compatibility: limited. Mayday is same base system on hex grids. Requirs extensive convrsions of ships from newer systems to be used. Forward compatibility with HG.
Bk 5:
Pros: Fast, handles large fleets. Semi-abstract. Simple ship design system with formulaic drives.
Cons: No movement rules for tactical movement. semi-cumulative damage
Design Axises: Displacement tonnage, Price, Power
Damage model: semi-cumulative function loss. (sub-threshold damage does not accumulate, but lost function does)
Compatibility: Bk2 ships can be used with no changes by figuring out ratings. Bi-directional compatibility with MT ships (all the data is there for MT ships in Bk5 use; only a couple need be figured to use HG ships in MT).
Pros: compatible with HG, handles large fleets.
Cons: movement is non-newtonian. Semi-cumulative damage. Ship design very fiddley
Design Axises: Displacement tonnage, Price, Power, Mass
Damage model: semi-cumulative function loss. (sub-threshold damage does not accumulate, but lost function does)
Compatibility: Bk2 ships can be used with no changes by figuring out ratings. Bi-directional compatibility with MT ships (all the data is there for MT ships in Bk5 use; only a couple need be figured to use HG ships in MT).
Note: Official ship combat system is essentially a variant of Bk5. However, the vehicular combat rules allow using the same ship in a very different, and cumulative damage model, combat system.
Pros: rather realistic feel. Can build weapons and ships.
Cons: realism is a veneer over some very unrealistic assumptions. Even more detailed ship design system than MT. Limited weapons list. Grav focussed lasers, Det-laser missiles. More fiddly than MT
Design Axises: Displacement tonnage, Price, Power, Mass, surface area
Damage model: cumulative damage to systems with function thresholds.
Compatibility: Forward with T4 since both use same design system. Ratings and designs incompatible with prior systems.
Note: BL is simply a subset of the FF&S rules and a superset of the TNE Core Combat system on a grid.
Design system is subset of a superset of TNE.
Design Axises: Displacement tonnage, Price, Power, Mass, surface area
Loads of different subset design systems: QSDS, SSDS, FF&S2, FF&S1...