Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ptah:
I also like the idea of the missile being deadlier at short range so there should be concern if a squadron of enemy fighters penetrate the fleet's fighter screen.
The classic torpedo run idea - I like it too.
</font>[/QUOTE]Exactly! 19th century navel combat is the feel I prefer, a battleship surrounded by destroyers to prevent missile attacks. The destroyer escorts are there to soak up that "+1 missile" on the "N+1 salvo" and the BB their to pound on the enemy DE and BB, among other things.
The combat system alteration being, missile defenses are very good at taking out incoming missiles (due to increased vulnerability to fire not necessarily increased susceptability), so missiles fired at short range have a much better chance to hit. This provides a role for the fighter/a more heavily armored missile delivery vehicle.
And also an increased role for anti-bomber interceptors and escorts.
What DMs do you actually use in High Guard for this?
What I use currently is a highly modified form of HG. But I still have the original heretical texts

. I removed the short range penalty and boosted defense at long range. Modifications are dependent on defense.
TO HIT: long: +0; short: +0
Beam: long: use Damper table
Beam: short: use standard table
Sand: long: -1; short: +0 (for non-KKM)
Repulsor: long: +0; short: -1
Damper: long:+0; short:+0
My current aproach makes use of point-defense systems and a whole slew of other alterations, but that's for another thread if interested.
I like escorts so much in my modified version of HG combat I've added an escort "box" to the force "box" with rules geared to supporting designs of escorts. Actually two designs, one anti-figther, one anti-missile.
Another good idea, could you give further explanation?
Certainly, but to keep it brief as this is integral to more modifications and this is very much wargame vs PC scale, but also willing to discuss further elsewhere. I use a range-band type HG approach, similar to what you've described. Within each range band there is a Force Box and Escort Box for each player. Ships in an Escort Box cannot fire on ships in another box. Ships in a Force Box can fire on any other ship.
Escorts can defensive fire on missiles targeted at ships in the Force Box (this is one of their roles) or themselves. However, an attacking player can opt (should a Escort decide to defend) to have the missiles attack the escort with auto-lock and +5 to hit. These escorts are putting themselves in harms way to defend the Force Box.
Ships in the Escort Box can also intercept ships that are attempting to penetrate the Escort Box and attack ships in the Force Box. To intercept, the escort must have manuever and agility greater than or equal to that of the enemy ship. This still does not guarantee the ship does not get through but you can attack it. Ships that get through get a free attack against ships in the Force Box in the turn they pentrate although defensive fire is allowed.
That's the most relevant part in brief.