Scott Martin
Hi Whartung
You've strayed into the Acronym zone
C-PAW is a Charged Particle Accellerator Weapon
N-PAW is a Neutral Particle Accellerator Weapon
A-Paw is an Antimatter P.A.W.
Charged particle Accellerators are only usable in Atmosphere, since the charge dispersal will cause them to rapidly lose focus in a vaccum, N-PAWS neutralize the charge by adding oppisitely charged particles to the particle stream on firing. A-PAWS are a high tech (TL-15+) "Super Zap Gun one hit kills any ship" weapon.
My contention with using a particle accellerator as a delivery system is that if you are going to take the risk to store the stuff anyway, there are a *lot* of easier ways to deliver it, and IMO if you're going to mess with it, put it in "expendible" ships, since any hit on the containment system (or fluctuation in power levels) will write off yuour ship, whatever the size.
with a normal PAW you don't care a whole lot about the charged particles that you "throw out" when you strip your neutral gas 9or whatever0 to accellerate it. For an A-PAW you have to be a lot more careful...
Scott Martin
You've strayed into the Acronym zone

C-PAW is a Charged Particle Accellerator Weapon
N-PAW is a Neutral Particle Accellerator Weapon
A-Paw is an Antimatter P.A.W.
Charged particle Accellerators are only usable in Atmosphere, since the charge dispersal will cause them to rapidly lose focus in a vaccum, N-PAWS neutralize the charge by adding oppisitely charged particles to the particle stream on firing. A-PAWS are a high tech (TL-15+) "Super Zap Gun one hit kills any ship" weapon.
My contention with using a particle accellerator as a delivery system is that if you are going to take the risk to store the stuff anyway, there are a *lot* of easier ways to deliver it, and IMO if you're going to mess with it, put it in "expendible" ships, since any hit on the containment system (or fluctuation in power levels) will write off yuour ship, whatever the size.
with a normal PAW you don't care a whole lot about the charged particles that you "throw out" when you strip your neutral gas 9or whatever0 to accellerate it. For an A-PAW you have to be a lot more careful...
Scott Martin