Quite possible.
Could you provide references or quotes?
That relativity errors occur - MT IE page 93.
Superficial 1d4+5 days in jump.
Minor mishap as superficial, plus off course by 1d6x8 hours (presumed to be G-hours). Explicated further in DGP's SSOM. MT RM pages 58-59 says a jump always takes 6-8 days.
TNE 227 Failure is 1d6+4 days and at 100 diameters, Catastrophic failure is 2d6 x100 diameters breakout and 1d6+4 days, Aggravated Catastrophic is classic misjump.
T20 p 353
d100 Misjump Effect
Minor Misjump
01-20 Crew and passengers suffer Jump Sickness (-2 to all checks) for 1d6 hours after emergence from Jump space.
21-40 Ship arrives 1d6+1 x 100 diameters from the destination.
41-55 Ship arrives late or early (1d6: 1-3 late; 4-6 early) by 1d4 days.
61-70 Jump drive is damaged (reduce rating by 1).
Serious Misjump
71-75 Crew and passengers suffer Jump sickness (-4 to all checks) for 4d6 hours after emergence from Jump space.
76-80 Ship arrives late or early (1d6: 1-3 late; 4-6 early) by 1d6 days.
81-85 Jump drive suffers major damage (reduce rating to 0).
86-90 Ship Misjumps 4d6 parsecs in a random (1d6) direction.
Catastrophic Misjump
91-92 Ship is destroyed on entry into Jump space.
93-94 Ship is destroyed on emergence from Jump space.
95-96 Ship never emerges from Jump space.
97-00 Other catastrophic effect (Referee’s discretion)
T4 p 116:
Misjump: Each time the ship engages in a jump, roll 2- for
a misjump. Apply the following DMs: +1 if using unrefined fuel
when not equipped to do so, +5 if within 100 planetary diameters
of a world or star. The ship is destroyed if jumped within 10
planetary diameters of a world or star. A misjump is an unpredictable
random jump. Roll one die, then roll that number of dice
to determine the distance of the misjump in hexes, followed by
another one-die roll to determine the direction of the misjump
(one of the six directions possible on the hex grid). Finally, roll
one die to determine the number of weeks spent in jump space
before the ship reemerges at its new location. Upon emerging
from misjump, the challenge of reorientation and travelling to an
inhabited world becomes top priority.
Only SSOM and a DGP Q&A make it clear that relativity errors disconnect perceived time and universe reference time, but the term relativity error implies such anyway. It is, however, in the anecdotal form in SSOM.
T4 is particularly unclear... but note that T5 has an explicit example of a disconnect on p 340 (v5.09):
Jump Drive Failure. If the Jump Drive fails at any time after Jump has begun, time in Jump is altered and the Jump Drive receives Mishap damage (in addition to, and separate from, any damage that caused the failure).
Jump Drive failure can occur at any time during the Jump. Despite any time already spent in Jump, calculate the new total time in Jump. If it is greater than the time already elapsed, Jump ends immediately; otherwise, Jump continues until the total dictated time has elapsed.
For example, the Jump Drive is destroyed by a luddite bomb after one day in Jump. The time roll is 7+ Flux = 5. The ship emerges into RealSpace after 5 total days in Jump. Or, the Jump Drive fails 6 days into the jump. The time roll is 7 +Flux= 2 days. Although 6 days have passed aboard ship, it emerges into Real Space where only 2 days have
(color added for emphasis)