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[Shipyard] Vlezhdatl-class Cruiser [FASA]


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I reckon the tender for three of these things would have to be on the order of, what, 20,000 tons?

C-VS42 Vlezhdatl Frontier Cruiser MCr1061

The Zhodani Vlezhdatl-class Frontier Cruiser is a TL14 Cruiser. It is fitted with the Tliv type T2-ee jump drive, the Sadrdlezh Ah-4 maneuver drive, and the Grid 4x Zhishda/h6 power plant, and is capable of Jump-2 and 4G acceleration. The ship is streamlined.

The Vlezhdatl typically deploys in groups of three, occasionally carried to their destination by a large tender. Their CommCasters are used to synchronize firing solutions for maximum benefit.

Actual volume: 1983.5 tons
Crew comfort: +0

    Tons  TN  Component                             MCr  Notes
--------  --  --------------------------------- -------  --------------------
    2000  12  Streamlined hull                      122  
      20  12  Landing legs with pads                 20  
     320  14  AV=140. 5 Kinetic Charged               0  
     400  12  Jump Fuel (2  parsecs)                  0  J2, 200t/pc
      80  12  Plant Fuel (one month)                  0  one month
     105  14  Jump Drive-2 (V)                      105  J 2
     121  14  PowerPlant-4 (V2)                     121  P 4
      79  14  Maneuver Drive-4 (V2)                 158  4 G
       6  8   Fuel Purifiers 24t/hr                   6  24t/hr
       2  8   Fuel Intakes 80t/hr                   0.2  80t/hr
       1  8   Fuel Scoops 100t/hr                   0.1  100t/hr
       4  8   Fuel Bins 80t/hr                      0.4  80t/hr
       0  14  LR Surf Communicator                  2.5  
       0  14  LR Surf Jammer                        2.5  
       0  14  LR Surf Neutrino Detector             2.5  
       0  14  LR Surf EMS                           2.5  
       0  14  LR Surf Stealth Mask                  2.5  
       0  14  AR Surf Visor                         1.5  
     200  24  AR M Particle Accelerator            22.5  
     100  19  AR Bay KK Missile (2)                  16  #2 
       3  16  AR B1 CommCaster                        8  
      48  16  Vd B1 Beam Laser (16)                  56  #16 
      70  13  B Meson Screen (35)                    70  #35 
      10  19  Computer Model/5 fib                 40.5  
      80  14  Squad Barracks (20)                     4  #20 (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3
       4  14  Life Support Long Term (2)              4  #2 40 person-months
       8  14  Frozen Watch (4)                        4  #4 10 individuals
       4  14  Emergency Low Berth (4)                 2  #4 10 individuals
       8  14  Surgery (2)                             6  #2 
       4  14  Clinic (2)                              2  #2 
       2  14  Counsellor                            0.2  
      22  16  Spacious Controls                       0  
     4.5  12  Crew Shared Fresher (9)               4.5  #9 4 crew
      28  12  Crew Stateroom (14)                   1.4  #14 1 crew
      32  12  Crew Lounge (8)                         0  #8 
      90  12  Cargo Hold Basic                        0  
       8  14  Grapple Set Single (4)                  8  #4 up to 35t
     120  14  Vlezhdest (4)                         264  #4
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