This is what scares me. By your own admission, Pixie's UWP can be justified to others. But you're not convinced. your standard, that world might be changed.
If I'm ever in a position to convince Marc or one of his minions, it most certainly will be changed. Would you suggest that I didn't follow my own standards?
I think it is what it is. And, I haven't met a UWP yet that I couldn't justify to my own satisfaction.
So, in that regard, yes, I think its flawless. I think any UWP in the Spinward Marches can be justified in some way or another.
And I think you're wrong. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
Likely? Maybe not. But, some justification can be found.
And, the worlds that aren't "likely" are the most interesting. They shouldn't be changed. No aspect of them.
Ah, I see. I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that that was an indisputable fact; I thought it was just your opinion. Your unsupported opinion backed by no arguments other than your gut feelings. Silly me.
I needed your answer to provide my own. I suspected that the reason Hofud's pop is changed would be something I wouldn't agree with. And, as you answer above shows, I was correct in thinking that way.
So in other words, the change does not inconvenience you in any way whatsoever. It just offends your notion of what is fitting and proper. I'm afraid that's just not enough to sway my opinion.
You're changing the pop of a world in the OTU because, to you, it makes a little more sense.
No, I suggested the change because it made a lot more sense. Presumably it was approved because TPTB agreed.
That's not reason enough to change OTU data. It's not an overwhelming, can't-live-without-it, answer.
Please! The day I find myself sufficiently upset by anything connected with Traveller to even approach something that could, by some stretch of the imagination, be considered as serious as that, I'll drop Traveller and get myself another hobby.
Throughout the hundreds and hundreds of years that Hofud has been populated, there could be several palatable reasons for the world's population being what it is.
Yes, and we used some of them on other worlds. Colada, for instance.
I'm strongly against any types of changes like these to the OTU.
That I've gathered. I still don't understand why, though.
Basically, what is happening, is that the OTU is being changed on the basis of a few GM's preference.
No, when it is changed, it's on the basis of an author convincing TPTB that it's a good idea.
And, that's not reason enough.
From what I can gather, you're opposed to it because you're opposed to it. Not, IMO, a very convincing reason.