But why is it wrong to change inconsistent or self-contradictory information? So far I've been unable to get anyone to give me anything more specific than "That's just wrong!" Well, I have a perfect answer to that:
"Is not!"
Let's just say, being hypothetical....
That I think, in the deepest part of my heart, that the OTU UWP data should be changed so that there are more worlds with standard atmospheres. Let's say I back that up with a whole lot of references, here and there, where I point out, "Hey! If you read between the lines just right, THIS IS what canon is saying! So, let's change the worlds so that most worlds where Travellers adventure--most of the subsector capitals, anyway, have a standard atmosphere...
"You see, it makes so much
sense to me that the Scout Service would be attracted to worlds with standard atmos over other types of worlds. It makes sense that those are the worlds that would be colonized first. Plus, it's easier for the GM and players in that, like Star Trek, each world you go to has a breathable atmo--and the GM doesn't have to worry with Vacc Suits and such. It'll make for a better game!
"And, it makes so much
sense! Did I already say that! Canon supports it. Look at the history of the Marches. The Solomani colonized a large chunk of it. So, they'd prefer standard class atmos.
"So, let's do that. Let's make many of the system main worlds and most of the subsector capitals have a std. atmo. We have a little room there to throw in some variation...so that we don't wipe out all the diversity. We can have thin std atmos and dense std atmos. Heck, we'll even throw in the occasional tainted std atmo.
"Won't the OTU be so much better that way? Won't it be so much more
"And, while we're at it, since this is such a grand opportunity, we should also look at world size too. You see, the Solomani would be most attracted to worlds with 1G gravity fields. So, what we need to do is
skew the world size more towards Size 8 so that there are more worlds out there were a Solomani would rightfully colonize. I mean, it's just not
logical that a Solomani, used to a std. 1G field would volunteer to live the rest of his life colonizing a Size 4 world where the G field is half a G. Same goes for the bigger worlds too. It doesn't make any
sense that normal humans would colonize a Size 4 world when there is a perfectly fine Size 8 world right next door.
"And, hey, while we're at it, let's re-arrange the X-Boat lanes too! Let's make them make
sense! The X-Boat communication lanes are also the main trade jump routes, so we need to make some changes, here and there, so that they all make
"This is a grand opportunity. We can finally get the Spinward Marches, officially, the way I...er, I mean...we, yeah, we...the way we want it.
"Are you with me!"
Would you agree with that, above, Hans, if that were what I was selling?
Of course not.
Because changing the Spinward Marches to fit the criteria I mention above would be
wrong, wouldn't it? You'd be against such change, no?
Well, take that as an exaggerated example of how some of us (a third of us, judging by the poll) view the changes you want to make.
We view it as
Now that I've taken the time to write all this out--something I thought was pretty clear before--you're not going to ask me, "But, why is it wrong?" again, are you?