Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I'm interested, but I think you are drifting away from your original design goal:
I do want to keep it simple.
The basic sensor roll is still this:
2D +mods for 8+.
The two modifiers on the basic roll are: +PP, -Range.
Range DM is determined by Range Bands divided by Computer model number (RB/CM#), so ships with bigger computers have more sensitive sensors.
TL 13 Patrol Cruiser
PowerPlant: H
Computer Model: 3
Standard Passive Sensors
Insane Active Sensors
Target at 660,000 km. Sensor sweep done by passive sensors would be:
2D +3 +17 -8 for 8+
or the roll is....
2D for 10+
That's still falling within my design parameters, isn't it? Still simple, and easy to implement--just uses existin CT data without having to create new ship statistics (other than sensor task roll difficulty...which is their quality) like signature.
So, you're thinking there are too many DMs then?
I was thinking that too, which is why I paired 'em down a bit when I listed them above.
I was thinking that I'd make all the DMs listed as "optional".
If a player wanted, he could just do what I did above and get on with it.
For a GM who wants a hair more detail (...the target is using EM Masking....or bigger ships are easier to detect than smaller ships....or a target whose drive is toward you is easier to detect than if his bow is toward you...etc) can use the DMs I've stipulated.
As you can see, the DMs are in three basic categories: Operator, Sensor, and Target.
So, to keep this very simple, and flexible, I'm thinking, when this is completed, that the core mechanic will be presented (as in the example above), and then the DMs for special circumstances can be laid down as optional rules.
GMs who want fast and quick can use the core mechanic and get away fine. GMs who want more detail, but don't want to get into the game-bogging area of something like Brilliant Lances can use the DMs I've provided.
Sig, I value your input, so which part of these rules do you think is getting too complicated?