Originally posted by far-trader:
I'm still not quite getting that random die idea. I'm probably too tired and it'll make sense tomorrow but if you can think of a way to explain it better it couldn't hurt.
It's simple, really.
First, forget the First Blood rule in CT (where all damage from the first hit is applied randomly to a single stat). This rule replaces that rule.
(I always had a problem with just the first attack being random and no chance of any other attack later in the fight being random anyway.)
Here we go with the better explanation....
An attack roll of 8+ is needed to hit, per regular CT rules.
For every two points rolled over that target number, one of the damage dice from the damage throw is made random.
So, if a total of 10 or 11 is thrown, then 1D from the total damage dice is random.
If 12 or 13 is rolled on the attack, then 2D from the total damage is applied randomly.
But, the rule does not INCREASE the number of damage dice thrown. It only designates which of the dice thrown are applied randomly to damage.
I'll give you a couple examples.
Example 1:
Frett obtains a hit in brawling combat. He rolls 11 with his 2D throw, and his bonuses for skill and such bring him up to a total attack throw of 15.
He's attacking with his hands, so he does 1D damage.
That 1D of damage is applied randomly to the target's stats.
So, if Frett rolls 3 points of damage, the total of that 3 points will either be applied to the target's STR, DEX, or END score randomly.
Roll 1D: 1-2 = STR; 3-4 = DEX; 5-6 = END.
Roll is 5.
3 points of damage, from Frett's hit, is taken off the target's END.
Example 2.
Frett now picks up his revolver and fires it. He hits, his total attack throw being 12.
A revolver does 3D damage. Frett's hit indicates 2 of those damage dice will be applied randomly.
Frett's damage is (the first two are the random dice): 5 , 6, 1.
5 points is delivered randomly to the target.
6 points is delivered randomly to the target.
1 point can be taken on any of the three stats as the target's player sees fit (he chooses where the damage goes).
Example 3.
Frett now picks up his shotgun. He hits with a total of 9. His shotgun does 4D damage, but none of these dice are random.
All four dice can be taken on the target's stats as the defender sees fit--no random dice.
Example 4.
Frett fights now with his dagger. He makes a jumbo hit, with a total of 18.
The dagger does 2D damage, so both dice will be applied randomly to the target.